
What a jealous wife...

Em... Hi I guess. She said. She immediately averted her eyes gaze when she noticed Xiu ya staring at her while still standing in her front. 

What does this lady want with her?. She wondered. She didn't even look at Xiu ya in the face. Maybe if she just ignores her, she would leave. Yeah... I should do that.

Isn't she supposed to leave now?. What does she want with me?. She thought to herself... Asking the same question. She only too stared at Xiu ya without saying a word to her. She can't be the one possibly starting up the conversation when Xiu ya was the one to approach her firstly.

To her it was right for her to keep quiet over this. How can I start up the conversation when I'm not the one to approach?. I don't even know her. "Aaarggg!. It's not bad to know about her you. But I'm not going to be the one to start the conversation". Different thoughts was going through inside of her that even Xiu ya doesn't have a clue at all of what that is.

It took like for some seconds before Xiu ya started the conversation... But she did started it with a question.

So... Em, how do you do?. Xiu ya asked. She don't know why but this words just slipped out of her mouth that even she didn't noticed until now. "Damn it!". But on the brightest side, it's not a bad way to start up a conversation. She thought to herself. Well, this was just to make her feel better of her first words to the lady.

"Why isn't she responding yet?. Xiu ya saw that the Young lady haven't yet replied to her. She was only staring at her like she was some kind of ghost.

I'm fine. The lady replied. [Xiu ya: Finally!. She did answered to my silly question]. She was about going on her way now before Xiu ya suddenly prevented her from going away. The lady got surprised by this. What does this young lady wants with her?. "Was it because she stared at her husband?.". Why did I even do such a thing when he already had a kid with her?. She thought to herself before deciding on apologizing to the lady in front of her.

[That would stop this young lady from bothering her right?. I better swallow my pride and apologize to her this instant. What a jealous wife].

Em... See, I'm sorry for staring at your husband like that. I'm really dumb in doin so. My bad. She said with a gentle voice to Xiu ya that stared at her dumbfounded. 

Huh?. Cat got her tongue? Why is she staring at me like I am a bad person?. She was feeling uncomfortable with the way that Xiu ya was looking at her.

Look I said that I'm sorry!. She said out a little loudly this time around that the others passing by even have to stare at them both. "Some even whispered among themselves about these two ladies".

Oh. I get it... I already heard what you said. Hahahaha!!. Xiu ya couldn't help but start laughing out at the lady. How can Liam be my husband!?. And little Williams... My son!?. It's really hilarious that I can't stop laughing out. Xiu ya couldn't help it all all, she fell down to her knees. 

She was finding it difficult to stop with her laughter no matter how much she tried. With her trying, only made the whole situation worst because she ended up laughing out even more than she could control.

The lady was staring at her dumbstruck!. What's wrong with this married young lady!?. Why is her husband not doing anything about this!?. She thought. She was about leaving Xiu ya for good when someone suddenly held her shirt.

What was it this time around?. Is today perhaps her bad day?.

She looked down only to see that the lady was holding her shirt. [Like seriously!?].

He's not my husband... And that over there is not my son. They're both my cousin. Xiu ya said out still laughing out. This lady did really thought that she was married already!?. Does that means that she do looks old?. "Oh that's really bad! If that be the case". Xiu ya thought.

She can't let people think of her like this. But she does knows her face appearance herself. She was Young and even beautiful. So there's no possible way that she's what her thoughts said.

So... He's not your husband?. She asked to confirm what Xiu ya just announced to her. "Does that mean I still have my chance with him?. He's such a handsome!". She thought dreamily.

Dull. Of course he isn't at all!. I saw the way you were staring at him... And I could tell already that you do like him. Xiu ya said with a smile on her face. 

The lady didn't know whether to hide her face or not. Her face was already reacting with just this words that Xiu ya said out to her.

Now her thoughts was asking her if she was staring too much at her handsome that even his cousin got to notice her.

She could see the way that the lady's face changed from pinky white to pure red!. What a pure reaction from someone who was in love. 

This lady's face really is the perfect description!.


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© Copyright Tina Nwuba.
