
Restless Hui qing!...

So?... Hui qing still was waiting to hear what she have to say. You know... Since Xiu ya told her it was because of some kind of a reason. "Whatever that reason is... She just hope that it's worth her time because she still was still upset with what Xiu ya did to her the other day".

It was because of that she didn't bothered herself with calling Xiu ya yet. No matter how much she wanted to.

Em... Do you want me to send Liam's number to you?. Hui qing didn't expect this kind of Xiu ya from Xiu ya... So she was dumbstruck. Like seriously!? Liam's number!?. Why didn't I think of that before. Hui qing thought.

"But why did Xiu ya suddenly decided this?. It this to make up for that other day?. If that be the case then she forgive her already!.

Sure girlfriend!. Now you're talking! Hui qing said out excitedly... It would be extremely nice for her to get his number now.

"She could use that his number to call him or even message him. What a great way to start a day today!".

Sure then. I'll forward the number to you right away. Xiu ya assured her. She was about hanging up the phone call when she heard Hui qing voice speaking again. "Em... What made you to say this?". Hui qing asked to be sure. Because the Xiu ya that she did know was always been like this when something had happened to her.

"There's no way that Xiu ya would just wake up from sleep and start asking her a question like this!". Something definitely is going wrong here. 

I.. I.. you know... Xiu ya was finding it difficult to say anything to Hui qing. "What should I even tell her?. That I introduced a lady to Liam!?. She will f*cking kill me if I happened to tell her that!". Xiu ya was battling with her thoughts. She didn't know of what to say to Hui qing.

And she can't possibly lie to her... They both are always true to each others. "What should I do then?".

Xiu ya... You might as well tell me now. Hui qing voice now was serious as she said this. She definitely knows that Xiu ya was hiding something away from her... She just have to figure it out but it seems like Xiu ya wasn't helping at all. She was only twisting her curious thoughts even more.

Em... I think I'll tell you about that later now!. Xiu ya said out before hanging up the call that second. "She must firstly send the number before she tell Hui qing about the whole deal".

Huh?. What's really up with her?. Why is she behaving weird?. Hui qing said. But what ever that was making Xiu ya behaving this weird... She would definitely find out about that this moment!.

She must find about it today... Whether Xiu ya likes it or not!  Hui qing knows that Xiu ya can't lie to her!. They haven't ever kept a secret from each others before.


In no time... Hui qing checked her phone message and saw that Xiu ya had already sent the number like 5 minutes ago. So what's holding her from calling?. Speaking of which... Hui qing phone started ringing.

What a coincidence.

She immediately answered the call since it was from the person that she was just talking about. Hui qing still was curious to know about of what Xiu ya is still hiding from her.

So I'm ready to tell you what really happened... But it's not that offensive. Xiu ya said. Before she started... She took a deep breath in and out. 

[Finally! It's about time]. She thought. Her both ears were widely opened up as she listened to Xiu ya attentively.

After 3 minutes...

Xiu ya was finally done with telling her story of today "This morning" to Hui qing.

So that was how it happened. Her voice was very low when she said this. It's as if she lost her loud voice all of a sudden. "Eh? Why isn't she saying anything yet?". She thought.

Bead sweat started forming on top of Xiu ya forehead... She still haven't heard any word from Hui qing after she told her the whole story.

I'm gonna kill you Xiu ya!!!. Hui qing yelled out at her cellphone.

Hearing this terrifying voice... In just one click, Xiu ya hang up the phone call. She used her one hand to feel the ear where the phone was earlier placed... Because of the sudden loud yelling of Hui qing, she couldn't feel that particular ear. It was kinda ringing now. "Just what the hell was that?". I almost had a heart attack!. Xiu ya said out loud before falling her back on top of her bed. What an extremely long day that she had today!. And the funny part of it all was it this was still just morning!. Damnit!.


Somewhere in China...

Hui qing was restless because of what Xiu ya just informed her about. This thought really did hit her hard in the head!. Like seriously why didn't she think of that should ever happen!.


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© Copyright Tina Nwuba.
