
Red wedding dress..

I love it Mom..  she answered sincerely from what she was deeply feeling inside of her~~ [ For her it just feel like the universe sent this dress to her~~ actually made from the beautiful home town she travelled out from~~ the place where all her memories as a child lies. She definitely will wear the dress with pleasure and in respect of her home town.. she still wished that her Mom Deborah was actually here with her to witness this day~~~ But sadly to her, she was no longer alive with her in this world^_^].she immediately cleaned the tear that was forming in her eyes so the others won't notice it.

Come dear. Why don't you put it on in the dressing room.. Li Yun said to Violet. She was just curious to know how well the dress would fit in her body.

Sure Mom. Violet collected the wedding gown from Li Yun hand. The female staff then showed her to the dressing room that she will make use of.


3 minutes later...

Violet then came out from the dressing room wearing on the red dress.

Chang Li: whoa!!. Chang Li exclaimed out after seeing the gorgeous view in front of her.

The female staff: Wow!!. 

Li Yun: superb!! I know it will really suit you my dear.

The female staff really admired the wedding dress that Violet was putting on her.

The wedding gown was a perfectly fitted on her, it was a long laced dress~~~ the front of the dress was reaching her knee. While the back was longer. Almost touching the floor.

Li Yun couldn't help by just admiring her~~~ she brought out her cell phone to capture the moment.

She was planning on keeping the picture in her phone as long as even forever.

You look gorgeous. The female staff complimented sincerely~~~ deep down she also wanted to take a picture of Violet so she could show to her other staffs and her friends at home. She really admired the beauty of Violet plus the wedding gown.  [ For her, Violet looked more like sleeping beauty to her].

You really are beautiful Violet~~~ have I ever told you that before?? Chang Li couldn't help but also capture the moment with her own cell phone. She was going to make sure to look this picture every night. Yaybe she might even be lucky watching the picture... Who knows? She really might be lucky.. [This happens in ancient times. If you mean well for the bride, you will definitely get yours within a short period].


There was a mirror placed in front of Violet. She stared at it and behold that was one of her dream come true~~~ to be married for love. Oh there it is again. She thought as she immediately wipe the tear that was forming again.

Mom... Your V is finally a big girl now. Your big girl is actually getting married~~~ [She remembered when her Mom Deborah would always seat her down in the night after the first day she got her menstruation. Her Mom Deborah would always tell her that the stage she was now means she had finally become a young grown up... Her Mom also will say to her to prevent from having sex from the man that wasn't her husband and that it will come a day when one would love her if she was patient enough~~~ the world is really crude Violet. She'll always say to her].

[I understand all your words Mom, and I'll never let you down. That's my good girl. Her Mom Deborah would always hug her after giving her an advise a parent should freely offer to their children.]

Mom.. Violet called out her Mom Deborah.

Yes my dear... What is it?.

Would you come to my wedding? Violet would curiously ask.. she really can't have a wedding without her Mom Deborah beside her.

Wouldn't miss it for the world[promise? She brought out her little finger. Promise my dear. Her Mom Deborah said joining her own little finger for s pinky unbreakable promise] The both giggled in joy.

Mom... You broke your promise to me. Although I understand but it still hurt~~~ it still deeply hurt me inside my heart.Violet muttered to her self placing her hand on her chest. She finally couldn't hold the tear back as her eye lids were really heavy. The tear she was holding out since finally flow down her cheek.


Omo!! Are you okay my dear Li Yun panicked seeing Violet tearing up. But it got worse, Violet fell to the floor crying like a child.

Li Yun rushed over to her.

The female staff:-_-? What happened? She thought after seeing Violet.

Chang Li:-_-? What's wrong with her. She worriedly asked her self. The Violet she knew wouldn't just cry out for nothing? She too rushed over to help her up.

Are you okay my dear? What's wrong? Don't you like the dress? I can have it changed for you if that's what you want? Li Yun asked several questions at a time. She was really worried of Violet down time behavior.

Little sis.  Look at me... Are you okay? Chang Li that rushed to her side asked Violet. Actually they were all worried about her~~~ even the female staff was confused of what was happening with her. Actually the truth is, no one actually knows what she was feeling deep inside of her.

She feels really broken and shattered now~~~ her Mom that promised to be on her side didn't keep up to their promise because nature had taken her away from her. She felt really betrayed just like how she was told that she was abandoned by her parents. Why does this happen to her and for what reasons?, She always asked her self this question.

Was she hideous to look at? Was that why they didn't even spare her a look before abandoning her? She was using the anger of her parents that abandoned her now~~~ Why am I even thinking about them~~ because of the good thing they did to me, I found my Mom Deborah but that wasn't all.. she was taken away from me.

She was just inside her head thinking of all this~~~ her mind wasn't conscious now, she felt like all was over when she then felt a warm hug on her [This actually calmed her down a bit, as her mind was finally conscious of what was happening].

What ever it is you're fighting in there, just say you know, we'll always for there for you. Li Yun pet her hand saying this.

Violet hugged her back tightly. This have being the second family who treated her this nicely after her Mom Deborah. She was indeed also happy of it~~~ nature must have been playing with her and also at the same time giving her hope again.

Chang Li too joined the hug. What ever it is that is a burden to you, don't forget you have us to share it to okay~~~ little pumpkin.

The female staff was really jealous of this wonderful family~~~ what ever she will give to become a part of this awesome family.


They helped her get to the soft cushion that was there~~ Violet felt really good having such awesome people beside her. Violet felt sad because she made the people that cared for her to be really worried about her... To ease them of it. She told them about the reasons she became like this.

Of course they understood~~~ if they perhaps were in her shoes, they would have also done the same thing.

Li Yun held her by her small hand. She used her other hand to wipe of the tear that was on her both cheeks. Before looking her up in her eyes.

Look my dear~~~ I know all had been really hard on you. You know a secret?.

Violet shaked her head ... confirming that she didn't know of the secret.

Some say that this world is really crude~~~Everyone as a human have their own problem bothering them. Life isn't always fair Violet my dear. But it also wants you to look on the brighter side and overcome this weakness that always bring you down. You just have let go of the past and live for the future that is yet to come. [Li Yun gave her words of advise to Violet]. Actually, Violet felt a lot more better now. It just feels like a huge burden in her have suddenly just become light.

She hugged her Mom Li Yun as she was really appreciative to her words.

Wipe her tear~~~ the female staff attendance that heard all this words from Li Yun actually made her have a big hope and faith.

Chang Li:-_-?? Seriously, who is she? Chang Li was so surprised of this unique version her Mom turned to~~. As long as she knew, her Mom isn't the type to preach about this kind of stuffs. She was only into shopping and fun. But this really did surprised the hell out of her.

Thanks a lot Mom. Violet said really appreciating Li Yun words.

Now come on dear. it's your wedding week... Cheer up~~ Li Yun fill the room atmosphere back to the fun type.

Now that's the Mom I know of. Chang Li smiled shaking her head after witnessing her Mom switched back to her fun type character.

Violet expression was a lot better now and even more brighter bringing out her gorgeous beautiful slim face out.

Now that's more like it~~ Li Yun cheered helping Violet back to her feet.


Violet was actually feeling a lot better now~~ [Mom... just know where ever you may be, your girl Violet would always love you] she thought as she changed several positions for Chang Li and Li Yun that was busy taking pictures of her~~ they really never seemed to get tired at all~~ Violet smiled thinking of this.

The female staff that was behind them also secretly took pictures of Violet. She was really looking forward to showing it to her fellow staffs and her friends and family at home. She couldn't help but really admired Violet a lot. She admired the Li family that comforted her "Violet".

Ah ah ah!! Chang Li give those to me... I'll take care of it myself~~ Li Yun said before collecting the wedding dress that was given to Chang Li by the female staff.

The red dress was put in back to the visible red leather that earlier covered it from anything.

Hmph~~ Chang Li collected the dress herself from the female staff because she thought that it might bring her good luck by just carrying it her self.

Good... Don't worry Violet... I'll hold unto it till your day okay? [She was referring to her wedding day]. Li Yun is such a funny lady. She even had earlier persuaded Shin Yu to first let her organise the engagement party next week before the actual wedding.

His Mom was bugging him too much so he let her do what she like~~ Of course Violet isn't yet aware of that. The cloth that Li Yun bought now was actually for her wedding. She secretly was planning on getting the engagement dress her self.

The female staff saw them off before retiring back to the large wedding dresses boutique.

You much be really tired you guys. Li Yun said seeing their exhausted face.

Yeah Mom~~  My legs even hurt. Chang Li complained to her like a baby would.

Sheesh Chang Li. You are older than Violet dear but now you're actually the one behaving immature? Li Yun teased Chang Li.


That isn't true mom. Chang Li said out defending her self. [She laughed out thinking of the moment that Violet and Nan nan always behaved so childishly].

I bet sis V is really an adult than me. Chang Li admitted still laughing deep inside her mind.

Violet too giggled because she knew the thoughts behind those words that Chang Li said.

[Li Yun laughed out] Okay, okay. I mind really faint now of laughter you guys... Li Yun said holding her chest.

[They all laughed out loud] even Shan Yu smiled on hearing their conversation. [As I mentioned earlier in the book. Shan Yu is the Li Family Chauffeur..]


Exactly 5pm...

Shin Yu was inside his own room. He was patiently waiting for his little wifey to come back home.

I miss her already. He muttered to him self. He sure can't wait to go back to her already. It's like his whole body system feels so empty without her even though that it haven't been long that she went out.


Ahh!! I feel so exhausted~~ Violet complained immediately after entering the room. She was really exhausted that she didn't even see that her hubby was seating on the sofa inside the room.

She immediately removed the coat that she was putting on~~ I just feel like laying down on the bed.

Then I can help you with that~~ Shin Yu said from behind her, this made Violet to jerk up in shock.

Yah!! Stop scaring me like that, would you? Violet complained still placing her one hand on her chest.

Shin Yu just bend down and kissed her forehead. You should have noticed me little Wifey~~ he said mischievously wrapping his both hands around her tiny waist.

Violet just shyly rested her head on his hard chest as Shin Yu helped pet on her head.

He could see the tiredness in her as she rested her whole body weight on him. Within a minute of staying like that he noticed her breathing had turned heavy. He was sure now that she was fast asleep.

Sleepy head~~ he said lowly as he was afraid on waking her up.

Shin Yu was still thinking of bathing her but he decided to wait some minutes more let her rest a bit.

[She made little noise sound immediately Shin Yu carried her off from the floor] he walked over to the bed carrying his Little Wifey on his strong arm before gently placing her to lay on the bed. He sat beside her on the bed as he begin gently touching her face. Shin Yu removed the hair strands that was covering her face].


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See you in my next update.Read my other books. Ongoing- "The cold prince stubborn wife". 

Ongoing- "Reborn of the Demon Empress". By Tina Nwuba. Love you all💞. Now ongoing "Spellbound To You Demon". In Webnovel app. Pls add to your shelf in Webnovel.

© Copyright Tina Nwuba.


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