
Naughty Violet...

Ok my dear. Come on you. She said dragging him along with her to the closet.. that's right! They both shared the same closet room! Damn! That means she'll have to dress together with this her mischievous hubby now.. so unfortunate.

I know what my little wifey is thinking about now. Shin Yu that now pull V closer to his chest said.. [how he loves behaving mischievously for this his sweet little wifey].

Hey hey.. no weird thinking ok? Violet that already knows that he is about saying now to her said to him.. You get your self together. I hope you won't mind getting beaten by your wife then? Violet jokingly warned this hubby of hers that just wouldn't listen to a thing she is saying now. He just enjoyed wasting their both time now..

[Well, whatever. Violet too her self is surprised that her Mom Li Yun didn't come looking for her yet. She had expected her to bug her like some hours ago. But seems like she just disappear because she never did come].

Of course. I'll do just that for my little wifey. But you know "He bend his back now so that his own face is closer to V as he said this" under one condition mm. "Smirked".

What my dear mischievous hubby. You don't seem to get tired of this at all, do you? Violet that she standing in front of her tall hubby said to him.

I get to dress you my self.

Huh? No way. Violet was being persistent now. But when she did check the time on her cell phone, she saw it was already pass 5pm, so she decided to let him do it. [But of course, she won't let him do waste their time].


You win my dear prince.. can you then leave me the way hubby. "And you're right, I really do need help in putting on my clothes" she said jokingly as Shin Yu now lead her the way to their closet. Such a persistent hubby.


Thanks my dear hubby.. you did outdone your self this time. "Laughs a little at Shin Yu". [Infact, when he was helping her out in putting on her dress, he didn't even bother to wear his or even take a glimpse look at it].

Shin Yu stared at the beauty standing in his present.. she sure is his sleeping beauty in true life. With her slim face and fair skin. Her lips, red cherry blossoms, long lashes together with her high nose bridge. [Her appearance definitely matches the pink dress she is wearing now.. it looks like the dress was was made her]. His little wifey is sure a damn beauty!.

What? Why are you staring at me like that? Don't you like the dress? Is it that bad? But I love it though. Violet asked several questions at the same time seeing Shin Yu just staring at her, it's as if he is lost in words how.. but why.

You're beautiful my darling. Shin Yu couldn't help from complimenting his little wifey now.. he sure is going to hide her through out today in their engagement party.. he can't let other guys also stare at his beautiful little wifey like him...

Awe. Thanks. She replied before she tip toe and have him a light peck on the cheek...

You know.. I do need to teach you on how to kiss your hubby probably. Shin Yu that is satisfied and at the same time not that satisfied of only the peck that Violet gave him on his cheek. [He wanted it directly on his lips not his cheek].

Huh? Violet didn't understand what he mean now. [Her both eyes widened when Shin Yu suddenly captured her lips with his. She didn't know what happened now, but her whole body was already getting really chilled just by all his soft touches on her skin]. Her both legs felt really weak when Shin Yu slide his tongue into her mouth giving her more sensation than ever. As if Shin Yu knew her both legs are already getting weak and could even barely hold her whole body, he placed his large hand on her waist supporting her thus preventing her from falling now to her knees..

Mm. Violet couldn't help but moan out in between their kiss. She was feeling she is indeed over the moon now.. all his touches on her seems really professional...

Huh? Why did he stop? Violet that was over the moon now, suddenly got back to reality when she noticed and feel that the lips on hers making her feel all this is no longer connected with hers...

Ouch. Shin Yu pinched her nose a little.. "My little naughty wife". He said kissing her on her forehead.

Violet face was red in embarrassment now.. she can't believe that she fall hard even this her mischievous hubby kiss, more like she sank into it. And that wasn't all, she needed more, more. [Only this her hubby can turn her on like this].

"Smiled seeing his little wifey a little disappointed face.. seems like she really expected of him to take this far". Don't worry.. I still will get to eat every inch of you and you'll be pleading for more pleasures over and over again from me. Naughty Shin Yu said.. he really was trying hard in staying sane now. [Infact, what he felt earlier before now was to rip off this dress and have his way with his little wifey over and over again, giving her more pleasures that she could ever wish for]. But he remembered his promise to her, that was why he decided on getting hold of him self.. trying harder in keeping him self to stay sane now if not, he knew what would have happened already if he didn't stop there with the kiss.

Violet blushed really hard after listening to the naughty words that was coming out from Shin Yu mouth. I'm going to wait for you outside the closet then.. with her cherry red face now, Violet ran out from the closet leaving Shin Yu that is inside behind now. She sure can't stare into that alluring dark sexy eyes of him now..

"Smile seeing his wife hurriedly running off leaving him only inside the closet". He too should get dressed for her sake. He thought.


"Phew". I definitely really thought I was going to suffocate in there. Violet that came out from the closet room said.. her one hand was placed on her chest now. Seeing that her legs where still shaking all because of the jellies she was feeling inside her whole system earlier before.. she supported her self now by seating on the chair that is facing the mirror now.

Gosh. What was I thinking? I can't believe that I wanted more, and I still want more now. She admitted now sighing in defeat. Her hubby touches did do something to her whole body because it's reacting now.. her body wants to feel his touches on her skin again..

[She doesn't know whether to be embarrassed or even self happy about it.]. Looks like I'm getting really naughty on a daily basis. She muttered to her self now trying hard to calm her self down from all those desires that she wants to so badly satisfy her self of now.

Breath in, breath out. Breath in, breath out. She repeated trying to calm her face down. [She can't possibly walk to her engagement party with a red face.. can she? They all would definitely know that something is up with her].

What the? Violet was surprised now staring at her lips inside the mirror. It's a little swallowed. People sure would notice this. She thought.. and of course, she knew about it.

But thank goodness it's not that much. She sigh in relief after examining closely her lips through the large wall mirror.

Here we go. She said out. She already is prepared for her engagement party now. No make-up work on her face, it was just all natural. Violet look at her self in the mirror.. is this me? She asked in disbelief seeing her reflection slaying the pink dress in the mirror view.

"Ring". Huh? Without thinking much, she went ahead to door and opened it for who so ever is ringing the door bell now. 

Good day Young Mistress. The three greeted her as soon as she opened the door of the room.

Good day. D.. do I know you guys? Violet asked seeing them acting all familiar with her. [She haven't perhaps seen them before] she thought now staring at the three that is smiling at her. This just made every thing feels so weird to her. 

Young beautiful Mistress, we're all given the order to help with your makeup.. I could see that you didn't apply any now. One of them said to Violet. [Actually they are all stunned seeing such a beauty standing before them and without makeup. She sure is a natural beauty!!] They all admired her now, they were really all filled up with envy now.

Sure sure. I'll be right there now. Where are we going anyways? Violet asked now after realizing that she didn't know the exact room of her engagement party.

Oh, Madam Li already had that covered up, she just ordered us to come bring you over there. The leader of the girls makeup artist replied to Violet.

Okay.. just give me a minute then. She said hurriedly walking back inside the room. [She sure have to first inform her hubby about this. She just can't go unnoticed.. he sure would get really worried if she didn't tell him now]. 


Whoa!! [She yelled this inside her head after witnessing this her hubby appearance in her present]. Is this her hubby now? She couldn't help asking her self this question just to be sure that she isn't hallucinating now. She is staring at Shin Yu that is facing the mirror now. He sure is really perfect!!

Hubby. Violet gently call out Shin Yu that immediately faced her as soon as he heard that lovely voice he could never possibly forget.. like ever.

"Smile". Lost already seeing your hubby? He smile widely making him so cute and adorable here. [Violet wouldn't lie, what she most want to do now is to grab his both cheeks and shower then with her wet kisses].

Yeah. You're right. I'm definitely lost already just by staring at you now. You're so handsome. She couldn't help using her little small hand to caress his cheek now. [Violet isn't that tall, so she had to tiptoe to be able to do what she did just now].

And you're so beautiful my little Wifey. Whoa. Shin Yu used his large hand to support her waist. Violet feet was even almost not touching the ground again. 

The both hubby and wifey now stare face to face at them selves. Violet face was getting really hot and red.. may be more red than an actual cherry now. What is going to do now? Kiss me? Violet thought still staring at her hubby with her red hot face.. most part of her is really anticipating for him to kiss her now..

Thinking about this, she closed her eyes bringing her lips forward towards Shin Yu.

"Smiles seeing his little wifey naughty move on him". [She sure is trying to seduce him like this now but she didn't know about this].

Shin Yu bend his face to give her a light kiss on her forehead instead. He can't afford taking risk now because he was sure that he won't be able to stop him self when he starts.

You naughty lady. He said after kissing on her forehead. [Violet that was expecting a kiss on her lips suddenly opened her both shut eyes when the other party kiss on her forehead instead]. [Gosh! I'm really becoming naughty these past days].

Because of the real embarrassment that she is feeling now, Violet released her self from Shin Yu hold.. I.. I came to tell you I'll be away, I want to go apply my makeup. She ran out from the closet room even before she could finish her sentence.

I have such a cute little wifey. Shin Yu that is glad that he met his little wifey said. [Shin Yu now dressed rapidly.. he just wouldn't let other men adore his little wifey except that man is only him and him alone].


Outside the large sky scrapper building.

[Great numbers of crowds were gathered closely together, many cars were parked outside the hotel.. there was a large numbers of reporters that also came along with their cameras. They sure couldn't miss a big shots like this one. This sure is a Golden tickets for them all].

So what we just heard now is that all this people are here just to witness your son and daughter in-law engagement party!! Ji ah still was in a very big disbelief and shock.

Earlier before outside the hotel...

After seeing that the both men had already gone inside the Hotel, Ji ah then followed after Li Yun that is leading her the way now.. she don't know what will happen now but what she is sure of is that, they will surely get the long awaiting answer that all have being waiting for.

Madam Li! Li Yun turned her back to see who is calling her.. she stopped walking when she saw the familiar face that called out on her.

Slow down and talk. Li Yun was straight with her talking. She doesn't want any one beating about the bush now.. her V engagement party should have already started now but because of the strange crowds.. everything just seemed to be slowing down a lot.

No more available rooms. She said immediately without beating about the bush... It's just as how Li Yun expected of her right now..

Well, I did expected that to happen already. Li Yun that is less surprised of the news says now.. [The three large skyscraper tall buildings with over thousands rooms in them each have already being booked finished?].


[Author Tina nwuba: Hope you guys like my story. Don't forget to tell me what you think about it. See you all in my next update]

© Copyright Tina Nwuba.

Facebook page: Author Tina-nwuba

Love you all my amazing readers 💞🌌💞. See you all in my next update 😚🌌💞. 

New update guys! I published a new fresh book out here in light reader. Read "Reborn of the Demon Empress". I assure you all would love it.
