
Min Feng and Zhang. Mental health problem.

Gosh pal Dude! How many times do I have to tell you this. I have to be perfect tonight, what if I get lucky with the ladies? You know I wouldn't get that chance if you keep on pestering me now. Zhang complained now to Min Feng that is nagging him. Min Feng: [he hit his forehead a little bit] I have a long way to go-_-**.

Yeah yeah.. you're right. You sure have a long way to go with these outfit of yours. Tsk tsk tsk. Zhang that is now almost done with wearing his suit now said to Min Feng that raised an eyebrow after hearing what Zhang said to him now.. "These outfit of mine?*.

Hey what's wrong with my outfit? Min Feng decided to ask not holding it back in.. [what the hell is wrong with his outfit? It doesn't look bad. To him it's even really stylish. What's this Dude talking about? He thought now staring at Zhang. He demanded an answer as to why Zhang outdated these outfit of his now..

Nothin. I was only kidding with you. Hahaha. You actually did believe what I just said? It sure really do makes sense now. You don't have confident in the clothes you're wearing on. Hehehe.

Min Feng: [Gosh! I'm really tired of this idiot!. Min Feng thought now. He averted his gaze from Zhang now... Seems like he enjoy with teasing him and also getting on his nerves]

What? You can't accept the true?.. Zhang said now walking to where Min Feng is standing now [Min Feng just stand still staring at Zhang that is approaching where he is now.. like what the hell did he wants now?].. after arriving at the spot, Zhang placed his one hand on Min Feng left shoulder. Min Feng is a little dumbfounded of what Zhang did now.. [ like what's wrong with him? He thought now also staring at the one hand of Zhang that is placed on his shoulder now.. he raised his head only to see Zhang staring at him seriously.. to make sure he isn't perhaps hallucinating, he turned his head a little backwards but he saw no one . That means this Dude is staring at him.. Min Feng didn't move now.. he just waited patiently of what Zhang intend on pulling off now].

It's okay pal.. I know the truth is always bitter to accept. He said now in form of consoling Min Feng that is just staring at him unblinking even an eye lid. [So did he just came over here to say this his nonsense? Min Feng that couldn't believe this his pal now. Now without any doubts, he is sure that Zhang has a mental health problem-_-**]. [Author Tina nwuba: he sure is, my bro🙈 hahaha].


[Author Tina nwuba: Hope you guys like my story. Don't forget to tell me what you think about it. See you all in my next update]

© Copyright Tina Nwuba.

Facebook page: Author Tina-nwuba

Love you all my amazing readers 💞🌌💞. See you in my next update 😚🌌💞. Read my other books

Ongoing- "The cold prince stubborn wife".

Ongoing- "Reborn of the Demon Empress". By Tina Nwuba. Love you all💞.
