
Dead/ Marry me?

The thug were alert now, they all brought out their guns and started losing out fire...

The front door of the house was breaked open by Shin Yu's men...

They shooted non stop until the last body of the thugs dropped dead...


Chan Yun and Ja di had earlier escape from the house when the men where busy shooting themselves....

Oh no!! They're coming. Ja di yelled out. They fastened up their pace trying to keep a distance from the men that was chasing them..

Snake!! Frightened Chan Yun shouted out while she pointed to the direction of the large snake..

She turned her back and saw the men was catching up to them..

Ahh!! Ja di was pushed to the floor by Chan Yun.. she ran leaving Ja di to the snake...

Ahh!! Ja di moaned in pain immediatel the snake bite her.. she can't believe her eyes... Chan Yun betrayed her.. but she was her friend... Why?? She was confused of what just happened.. she was in much pain of the snake bite.

She felt her life force leaving her, her eyes was now teary.. mom seems like am going to join you now.. she said with a heavy heart.. in her next life she sure would not trust any one...

Her breathing heavy.. at last she finally breath her last.. her body stiffened. She lay dead on the cold bush..


"Panting". Chan Yun was panting really fast.. she sighed in relief seeing the road was not that far from where she is, without thinking much, she ran to the lonely road but was crushed by a truck.

Her body was sent flying until she landed hard on the road floor..

The terrified truck driver that crushed her immediately drove away after seeing Chan Yun stiff unconscious body on the cold road covered with her blood...

Shin Yu three bodyguards that was chasing Chan Yun and Ja di came back to report to their boss "Shin Yu"..

Shin Yu was satisfied with his men report.. at least he don't have to stain himself with their blood. 

No need Min.. Shin Yu said before he collected the keys from Min Feng.. he sure looks satisfied and relieved now..

Shin Yu men bowed to him seeing him entering his car and drove off.. 

Sheesh.. Min Feng shake his head slightly seeing his boss instant changed mood..

I'll take this.. he collected the car key of one of the cars from the bodyguards... They soon left the abandoned house leaving the cold bodies behind..


Chang Li:-_-??

Nan nan:-_-??

This is almost the 7th round of her victory over the game..

How do you keep doin this sis V?? Chang Li surprisedly asked.

Told you am a master in video games. She said boosting..

You sure are. Nan nan complimented, he was still surprised seeing her pass all the levels of the game with less difficulty....


Wish we were good like this also in book.. Chang Li said putting her one hand on her side face..

Violet:-_-?? I think video games is much better than it. It's so stressful reading even a book.... But unless if it's comic books. She smiled saying..

Sure. Anything you say.. I once held a book recently, that's was when I discovered my head really had turned block. Nan nan jokingly said after he hit his head a little....

You guys are really funny. Chang Li couldn't help but laugh at this...

So when did you start in loving to play video games? Chang Li asked curiously taking a sip of the water she was holding in her hands...

Em. Back then when I was 7 years. I always loved to play video games, that way it helped me forget most of my pain.. "sighed" she said but then paused after expressing a sad relief sigh...

What pain?.. Nan nan asked. The room was now quiet, Chang Li and Nan nan could feel the pain and agony in her eyes now. her face was a little dull than before...

The atmosphere of the room changed...

That I was abandoned by my birth parents.. ever since I was still little, I felt I was useless to them, and that was why they threw me away without a second thoughts or even a glare at me.. she said sadly facing her head a little downwards to the floor...

You aren't useless sis V,  you never are. And that was why fate lead you to your Mom "Deborah her adoptive mom".. Chang Li said trying to make her feel better...

They both were quite not, they listened to what Violet has to say..

And fate also unfairly took her away from me. Violet said, this time not only sadly but with tear.. her heart ache as she then clenched her clothe..

She was unfairly treated by nature.. her both parent abandoned her and the new sweet and loving Mom that found and named her was also taken away.. she continues to cry non stop.. how can fate do this to her??

Thinking of her Mom Deborah death, kept on aching her heart. Although she tried to move on and leave the past behind, but how could she leave her beloved Mom memory with her behind?

Chang Li and Nan nan was sad seeing her change and emotional expression. Her face was covered in tear now..

They both hugged her tightly trying to smooth her up.. 

It's going to be ok sis V, ok . See you're not alone.. we're also here for you. Chang Li said to her..

And you have me also.. a new friend, I'll try my best not to stop teasing you ok? Nan nan said..

Ah!! Nan nan let go of her to feel his head she had just spanked for him..

You better not.. Violet said crying and laughing at the same time..

There you go.. this is my little sis V I know of.. strong and cheerful.. Chang Li said smiling...

Thanks a lot. She sincerely greeted..

It's our pleasure to be out here for you.. muah.. Chang Li said as she kissed Violet cheek..

I want to kiss her too.. muah.. Nan nan joked, bringing his lip forward to also kiss her..

Shuu. Violet used her hand to covered his lip that was not mile away from her cheek now.

Hahaha!!  They all ended up laughing out loudly..



It got late and Nan nan went back to his own apartment after they had successfully cheer up Violet..

What are you going for sis V?? Chang Li asked Violet what she wanted to eat for the night..

How about... Things I could cook myself. Violet said bringing out the ingredients for the fried rice...

How about I coach you on to cook some foods?? Chang Li suggested.

That'll will be great sis Chang Li.. thanks. Violet smiled. she appreciate Chang Li, one among the people that brought back light to her life.....

Violet smiled at Chang Li, Chang Li too couldn't help but smile.. it's good to have a little sis.. and she'll make sure to treat Violet like one, since she doesn't have one..

After some minutes of cooking, Violet was done with the fried rice together with the fried chicken...

She put in some fried rice and the fried Chicken in a food flasks.. I better to get this to Nan Nan.. Violet said to Chang Li before dashing out of their apartment..

Sure. Be back soon so we'll try it out as well..

Mm. Violet got out from the apartment.. 

Inside Nan nan apartment..

Ji Nan was inside the kitchen, checking of what to prepare.. yeah he was a good cook but not that good..

He heard knocks on the door so he went to check out who it was...

No way!! Didn't know you'll miss me so soon.. Nan nan jokingly said..

Hahaha.. how funny.. hmph. In short you actually look funny with your apron on.. Violet teased him this time..

Nan nan had totally forgotten that he was still putting on his apron when he opened the door.. He quickly undo the apron from him...

Here. Violet stretched out her hand to give him the flask she was holding...

You made this for me. Nan nan asked in disbelief..

Of course not.. I actually made it for myself, just decided to bring some for you.. Violet smiled saying. Well it was the truth-_-?

Nan nan collected the flask from her.. "phew". You totally rescued me now. Was actually thinking of what to prepare. He said sincerely..

Mm.. "nods". Anyways, see you tomorrow. Nighty night. She said before walking back to her own apartment was that on the same floor with his..

Nice!!.. he said as he then got back into his apartment. She really was a saver this time around. He was earlier lost of what to prepare. He immediately put his apron away, Nan nan busied himself with the food on the dinning table...


Haa!! Satisfied Nan nan sighed.. the food was actually delicious and couldn't be resist.. of course, he actually left some for Ji Min as he was not having any feeling of going back to the kitchen..

He just heated it on the microwave before retiring to his room..

Inside Violet apartment..

Sis V.. this is so good!! Chang Li complimented, she can't get over it..  

Thanks sis Chang Li.. Violet said, she was also focused on her food that was about finishing..

Yeah.. you make a nice cook. Chang Li compliment her also assuming ..   

Just some minutes they finished up.. I better go take my bath, I'm feeling really sleepy. Chang Li said.. 

Sure sis.. sleep tight Violet said to Chang Li that was heading to her own bedroom...


She took her bath and got changed... She wasn't feeling sleepy at all, she was just worried for Shin Yu. Why isn't he yet back. She "sighed" as she said. She was resting her back on the large bed soft wall....

After minutes of waiting she got tired. She was about sleeping when she heard the door of her room opened..

She knew who it was, so she immediately lay back on the bed, pretending in being asleep..

Shin Yu got inside the room to where his little Wifey was sleeping.. He sat beside her and kissed her on her forehead..

Shin Yu smiled noticing her shaking eye lashes.. she was pretending to being asleep..

He leaned closer to her as he then kissed her on her lip before whispering to her ears.. Hmm.. how about I eat my little Wifey while she's still asleep. "Smirked"..

Violet face turned red hearing this. She turned to the other side of the bed as if she didn't perhaps heard what he said..

Shin Yu smiled seeing her reaction with her hidden red face. He decided to tease her more by using his hands to try pull her night wear shirts..

He undo one of her shirt buttons.... Seeing that she still wasn't giving up, he opened another button of the shirt and slip his large inside it to touch her round breast that was covered with her bra..

Violet opened her eyes in shock.. Shin Yu couldn't help it but Smirked, he refused to remove his hand from there...

Violet looked at him with pleading eyes.. ok I give up.. She acknowledged her defeat..

What took you so long? I was worried about you, I thought something might have happened to you. Violet rose up from the bed as she said to him bending her face towards the bed..

She was worried sick because of his strange behavior the morning..

But Shin Yu raise her face to face him instead.. Sorry I made you worried. It won't happen again ok.. he said before he hug her.. from now on he will make sure he never hurt her or let anyone hurt her..

He only loves to see smile on his Little Wifey face not sadness.. it's really hurt him to death..

He finally let go of her as he stared closely to her face.. the both were facing each other with their face not far from the other..

I love you Violet and I promise no harm will ever come to you.. he sincerely said.. he was so thankful that she came to his life..

I love you too.. 

He bend his neck and placed a passionate kiss on her lip.. the both showed their love for each other through action.. Violet wrapped her hands on his neck as Shin Yu deepened the kiss.. she tried to keep up to his kissing..

After minutes of showing their love for each other.. Shin Yu looked straight into her eyes as he said " Violet, You're my everything and my whole world, thank you for coming into my lonely life" He then brought out a diamond ring..

Violet: "Gasped" she used her both hands to cover her mouth in disbelief..

I own you a proper marriage my love.. will you marry me. He smiled as he said to her..


[Author Tina nwuba: more updates daily my amazing readers💁. Rate the Demon CEO little wife💁 by Me, Tina nwuba].

See you guys in tommorow update💁.

© Copyright Tina nwuba😉