
Date! I love you Darling... Besties!.

My pleasure Dear. The two got drawn to each other that they didn't even notice when they started kiss passionately with the love they both were feeling for each other. [Author Tina Nwuba: Awe!!].

I love you Darling. Ji min said this in between the kiss to Chang Li from what he's truly feeling deep down inside his heart. I love you too. How she wished to say this special word badly to him. And here she is... Finally saying it all to him. 

Their lips finally parted away from each other after a little longer of passionate kissing. Chang Li face was shinning pure red. Or even more than red itself I say. Because of her shyness, she buried her face on Ji min chest. Before this, when she stared up to look at him... His hazel eyes just made her heart beat rapidly. Looking him up so closely like that made her heart to beat non stop.

"Smiled". My shy bunny. Ji min announced before kissing Chang Li on her head. They both remained in that same position. Let's just say, it's just relaxing for them staying still in this position of theirs.


What a great day today!. [Ji ah: Ah ah ah. Take it easy there Yun'er. We can't have any other accidents. Ji ah that wouldn't leave Li Yun side said. Through out their hanging out together... Ji ah didn't let Li Yun be all by herself. Even when Li Yun was about going to the bathroom, Ji ah was just there also to assist. What a considerate bestie. But she's taking it too far a little. Li Yun already assured her that she was okay already but Ji ah just wouldn't listen to a word she's even saying out to her.

Aha!. I almost forgot. Honey please can you be a dear and go bring the pills inside the car?. Ji ah said to Ji ho that immediately head to where the car is. And of course, Li Shan also did assisted. [How funny. Besties and bestie together with themselves]. So sweet!.

[Li Yun: Oh my. This is time for that?. She thought they have already forgotten about her health. To be honestly speaking here. She is ok already. But why wouldn't they just believe her?. It's not as if she was lying to them about being ok. It was all true. [One thing that they don't know about Li Yun body is that, when she's actually better from her illness and still drink another pill of medicines, her body react to it and some times, ended her being sick again. Which she was trying to avoid now but they just wouldn't believe her. Why??].

Don't worry Yun'er. Your medicine will soon arrive. [Li Yun: That's totally what I'm trying to avoid]. Just as Ji ah said to Li Yun, the both men returned back with some pills in Ji ho hand.

Here you go. Ji ho passed the pill carts to Ji ah. Seems like she's the one in charge of them all at this moment. Here you go. Wait, did you guys forget to also bring the bottle water along with you!?. Do you expect her to drink the medicine with her saliva then!?. Ji ah wasn't even done with her yelling, Li Shan already ran back to the car to get the bottle water. [She should have also tell them bring the water along. Why ranting on them?. So pitiful!].

In no time, Li Shan brought back the bottle water. In Li Shan opinion now, he doesn't even know which is better when angered. His wife Yun'er? Or perhaps Ji ah?. Ji ah seems to win the trophy for these already. Her temper is just to the highest degreed and at the same time also calm to the lowest degreed. One shouldn't dare getting in the way of her angered state!. Because she can bite!.

Now here you go. You have to take this in order to get back your health. This time, Li Yun didn't protest at all. [What she even discovered is that this back fired right at her. She remembered that time that Chang Li got extremely sick. She refused taking her medicines because just as Li Yun, Chang Li also hated taking in medicine pills. She preferred an injection all the way instead of the pills. It just makes her vomit and sick even more].

Li Yun slightly smiled remembering those times that she forced Chang Li who ended up drinking her medicine pills. This here is exactly the same thing happening to her now. 

Thanks Ji ah. [Li Yun collected the pills from Ji ah but came to a halt when she suddenly perceived the smell coming out from the medicine in her hand. No I can't do this]. Em. I think I'll drink the pills with juice instead. You know... I don't think I can use water. 

Well?!. Didn't you both heard her?. Go buy some juice. Don't buy one. Just buy as many as you can hold. Yun'er would drink all of them for her medicines in the future. [Author Tina Nwuba: Really??. Well, I don't use water to drink my pills 🤭. I hate taking pills, I prefer an injection instead 😁].

Huh?. Is she serious about this?. Buy as many as we can carry??. Li Shan whispered to his buddy but, Ji ah definitely did also heard all of what he just said to Ji ho. [Ji ah: Are you both just gonna stand there gossiping like ladies!?. Yun'er is sick and if anything is to happen to her... You sure don't know what would happen then. "Smirked"].

GULPED! She's really scary to them. Of course not. We'll be right back. Li Shan and Ji ho both went away but before that, Ji ah handed over the nose masks to them both. She can't let a commotion happen there and slow down Li Yun from taking her medicine already.

Hurry you two!. Ji ah yelled this to the men that is already at the other side of the road.

Don't you think you were being too much?. Li Yun asked Ji ah after hearing the sigh of relief she made. [Ji ah: Of course not. And why did you think so?. I was only thinking of your health].

Awe!. I know if I was a guy, you then would have be the one to marry me. Li Yun joked out making the two of them laugh out loud. [Ji ah: Yeah yeah. I bet you're definitely right about that].


I told you people not to remove that mask!. Now see what you both caused. Ji ah said out after seeing the massive amount of people that corner them... Almost not even them any space to pass. You guys deal with this yourselves!. 

After saying this, she snatched away one bottle of juice from Ji ho hand before finding her way out from there with her bestie. They headed straight for the car leaving behind the two men to deal with it themselves. That sure serves them right!. Why in the world did they not listen to her and remove the mask?. Does that mean that she was just saying trash when she tell them to put it on and not remove it?.

The both besties just watched through the car they're in, how the both men was cornered by these persistent lots as they called them. [Ji ah: Don't you better think I'll forget you not taking your medicine]. [Li Yun: "Gulped!". Oh it's time for that already?. Then I'm ready!]. [Author Tina Nwuba: Yeah she should be. After all, she have her juice to support her not to vomit after taking the medicine]. 

Why she asked for juice instead of water was because, if she make use of water in drinking the pills, she'll still be able to taste the medicine in her tongue. Let's just say, all her mouth. But drinking it with juice makes it all better actually because you won't get to taste it in the mouth like that.


The beach...

After their small minutes staying at the park, Ji min and Chang Li decided to also visit the beach. It should be more relaxing. [Incase you guys don't know about this... It happened earlier before now, this particular moment. Ji min and Chang Li like about an hour ago, purchased just few items on their way here to the beach. The items Ji min bought and they brought along with them is those items, stuffs, snacks and comics that Young couples love to buy all almost all the time when goin out on a picnic with their lovers]. This is just the same case with Ji min and Chang Li. They're officially both lovers of the same feathers.

Let me help with that. Ji min collected the mat from Chang Li before spreading it himself on the floor. Where they decided to stay for their amazing picnic is close to the beach water. At first Ji min offered Chang Li a helping hand let him spread the mat himself but she was just being a little bit stubborn. So Ji min had no other option but for him to do that himself. It'll be more better that way to everyone.

After making sure that the mat was probably we'll set and in place, Ji min help assist Chang Li to seat on the mat... Well, not typically seat on the mat, but he assist her to lay down on the mat, her head on his lap as he then begin petting her head. 

[Chang Li: Jeez!! Gosh!!. Please someone should tell him that I'm not just hallucinating all of these. Chang Li that is still finding it a little hard to believe thought to herself. She unknowingly even pinch herself to confirm this... But it was still the same thing. She just hope that this day never end or even that of their love relationship].

Ah... Open up. Ji min said to Chang Li that did exactly as he said. Ji min then put fruits inside her mouth. [Chang Li: Hmmm. Yummy!. It's delicious, I love it!. Have some also].

Sure. Ji min also feed himself as he did with Chang Li. They both were having a great day by themselves today. It's surely a day not to forget that easily.

The day time was still noon. Not that late but they should better head back in like 3 hours from not before it gets really dark. [This beach distance is a little far from the Hotel. It even takes approximately like 30plus minutes to arrive back to the Hotel from the beach where they both are now]. Indeed, love is sweet!. [Author Tina Nwuba: Yet I don't have any lover🤭. There is God oo😁].

Rest more dear. Ji min whispered this to Chang Li ears. She suddenly feel tingling all over her by just this alluring voice of his. Ji min sure doesn't know what he's doing to Chang Li now. Her face was already getting red and hot. She could even feel her whole body sweating even though that the beach where they are now, is a filled with cool breeze. Hmm. She replied, before cuddling Ji min even more. [Ji min: "Smiles". He loves what she's doing to him now. Not hesitating, Ji min also cuddled her with all the feelings of love about only her that he have deep down inside his Mafia heart].


Honey!. Shan'er!. What are you men still doing over there?. Ji ah yelled out at them. She was already about driving the car and leaving them both behind. [Author Tina Nwuba: Whoa! That's mean].

Seeing that the car was about driving off already... Both Li Shan together with Ji ho pushed their way out from all these persistent lots that wouldn't just stop with all their never ending questions. One question haven't yet been answered and yet another one comes in pending.

I'll really leave the for sure. She said this out loud to Li Yun that laugh over because of what her impatient bestie just announced out. She knows Ji ah and she's definitely capable of doing that if that be the case. Actually, it was even Li Yun that pleaded with her her to wait for the men outside. They should get over here in no time. Even though Li Yun pleaded with Ji ah, she was still a little persistent to drive off if they don't make it in 16 seconds!. 

I give you 16 seconds guys!. She said this out, making both Li Shan and Ji ho increase their speed. They both can't believe that Ji ah made them to run like kids. It's really not fair. In no time, they run pass the lots before finally arriving to where the car stopped. Well, it was all Ji ah handiwork. She is actually the one who started the car, stopping almost on the road.

What are you guys trying to do?. You both to enter the back. Be fast about that you both, or you won't mind joining them, would you?. She asked them while staring at the lots that have almost gotten to where their car is. What persistent b*stards! Tsk tsk tsk.

Li Shan and Ji ho saw that the lots have almost gotten to where they are. Combined with the yelling from Ji ah, they both quickly entered the back seat of the car after which Ji ah drove out immediately without even wasting a single time.

She surely had her reasons for the speed driving. If the lots perhaps gets in the car of the car, she might surely even hit one of them. [Well, that wouldn't be a problem. Who would dare laying charges on the Li or even the Ji family!?].

They dare not!. [Author Tina Nwuba: Like seriously... They really dare not. If not, the hit by the car would not be worst than what awaits for them!].

Like really. Who even would dare to?. That surely would be the person's last day on planet Earth!.

And besides, which cops in particular would dare to arrest the Li family or even the Ji family that runs the country??.


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See you in my next update.Read my other books. Ongoing- "The cold prince stubborn wife". 

Ongoing- "Reborn of the Demon Empress". By Tina Nwuba. Love you all💞. Now ongoing "Spellbound To You Demon". In Webnovel app. Pls add to your shelf in Webnovel.

© Copyright Tina Nwuba.
