
Cat and mouse! ll...

Her threat scared the living hell out of him that Nan nan even had no other choice but to come out immediately. He was already putting on him the clothes offered to him by Xi Feng.

"Hmph. I really thought you were not going to come out even with my threat... But who knew that you were just a coward?". She scoffed after she said this to Nan nan.

She sighed deeply in satisfaction when she saw how pale Nan nan face is. This his face suddenly made her calm down to the highest degree. 

"Come on. I want to get the hell out from here... The sooner the better. Your face really is pissing the hell out of me". Nan nan followed behind Xi Feng like a little bunny. He can't afford to make a single mistake before she deals with him. 

For today he will swallow his pride. "Hmph!. Bad lady. I'll learn taekwondo because of you and then I'll kick your ass hard for you when I'm done". He smiled in satisfaction at his thoughts... That should keep him going for the meantime. 

Such a bad dad he had today. And it was all because of this Xi Feng in front of him. Nan nan was still wondering why she suddenly decided in assisting him to the boutique. It's not as if he asked of her to tag along. Why then did she tagged along with him?.

His shopping that supposed to be meant for only an hour, last for over 3 hours. Like who shops for this long?!. Like it was just so tiring to him. His whole body was already sore and aching him. He could barely even move his body now.

"Hey fool... Are you just going to keep on with walking?. Get over here already". Xi Feng said to Nan nan that quickly recovered and got hold of himself. 

When she arrived to where they were going to check out, she turned to her side only go see that Nan nan suddenly walked passed her. Even she didn't understand his moment now. She began even with her thinking of what he was thinking of inside this head of his. 

"Oh". He said before coming back to where she is. He handed over his black credit card to the Young lady that collected it and checked out the bill for him.

Xi Feng wasn't surprised at all because of the bill... She had seen lots of this. Even her Boss shops a lot more than this. For her, this Nan nan total bill payment was nothin that much. 

"Em... Do you want yours". Nan nan politely asked. Even though that he was still annoyed at her... It was improper for him not to also get her an outfit. That would just hurt his feelings for him. Anyways it's not as if he was in short of money. 

"No. I can buy mine... No need to worry about me". She was being straight when she declined him. Xi Feng then handed over all the bags to Nan nan that quickly collected it from her because it almost fell on the floor. 

"Why does she have to oppose my every words?. So not fair!". He thought to himself. He deeply sighed before following after Xi Feng that already have made her way out from the boutique. 

"Oh gosh. I wish my car was here with me". Nan nan thought. He was thinking of the way he was going to stand outside with all these bags with Xi Feng. 

He was not even sure if she had already left him self. With the thought of this, Nan nan ran to meet up with Xi Feng wherever she was. Since she was the one that decided to come over here with him, then himself decided to head back to the hotel with her.


"Hey... Wait up. Wait for me!". Nan nan yelled out at Xi Feng that was in front of him. But she totally ignored him like she didn't hear any of his words at her. She just kept on walking ignoring him like he was nothin. Like really!?.

Don't yell at me like that. Are you a mad dog?. She turned to him before saying that. 

Nan nan was just speechless by this. He stared at her in disbelief. "Did she just called me a mad dog?". He thought in disbelief.

"Yes I'm absolutely correct... You're a mad dog!". Xi Feng confirmed this to Nan nan that couldn't say no more. He could only stare at her. His eyes gaze even traced to the other people that was staring at them. He later then stared at Xi Feng. 

"What!?". She said out immediately after seeing the way that Nan nan was staring at her. 

Em... Nothin. It's nothin at all. He said before walking quickly away from where she is. The more that they spend their time here, the more pain that he gets and welcome only to himself. He sure can't let that to continue happening. Not at all or even in a million years!.

"Huh?. What made him to run like that?". She thought after seeing the way that Nan nan took off like something was chasing him. Or even self, as if he perhaps saw a ghost.

She slightly shakes her head before running after Nan nan that was already ahead of her. 


"Ouch!... Why did you have to do that". Nan nan complained. He folded his mouth like a little kiddo because of this. Why does she have to repeat doin this to him?. It's not fair at all. 

"Why did you suddenly took off like that?. Did you happened to see a ghost because I didn't saw one". 

Is that why you spanked me on my head?. Nan nan asked to get the reason why from her. 

"Of course... You should even be thankful to me. I was actually planning on doing something much more than this".

"Huh". Seeing the way that she smirked after saying this, made him to get shocked a little. In no time he saw himself walking quickly away from her. He definitely have to avoid her before she breaks his head for him.

"Yah!. You're doing that again!. Wait up!". She yelled out before running after Nan nan. 

The others shopping only stared at this Young loving couples. At least that's what they all thought was the case with them.


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© Copyright Tina Nwuba.
