
The Demon and his Angel

The prince of an ancient kingdom loses his power because he was cursed by a Witch and now he set out on a journey to find the only woman who lift his curse will he find this lady well we all get to know at the middle

Favour_Oboni · Fantasy
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The Demon

Once upon a time in an ancient kingdom leaved a lovely powerful prince and his family his father king Darius, his mother queen Marina and his younger sister princess Nyla

He is a powerful demon, born with no physical weakness. His name is Reign, he has everything never lacks anything.

His father king Darius was a known king in the demon realm, his subject loved him so dearly. Kings from different kingdom travel from far distance just to offer their daughters to the prince of the land.

Oh sorry did i mention he was the most handsome young prince ever seen in the land he was granted as a gift to the kingdom. Every ten year the Fairies celebrated festival called (Heaven's day) all angelic creatures, Gods, Goddesses all come down to celebrate with Fairies and they also bless earth before they live. Luckily Morisia was one of the kingdoms that have shown the Fairies kindness and at that queen Marina was carrying a child in her womb and this child was on the day of the festival.

Three Fairies were sent to bless the child and they gave him three gifts, one Fairy gave him the gift of undefined beauty, the second gave him the gift of Measureless power and the third the gift of a loving heart.

And this child is Reign a water demon tall, has blue long hair and blue that matched him hair colour but they were just like diamond, he always wore a charming smile that captured the heart of many. But the never accepted to marry any princess offered to him because he knew they were just offered to gain from his wealth