
The demon's virgin

In a world where the innocent are branded as guilty and thugs are hailed as saints, Kaki's life in Georgia is an unending nightmare. Orphaned, mistreated, and seen as a cursed child, he faces relentless suffering. But everything changes one fateful spring day when Kaki, after taking out his own life is unexpectedly reborn as a demon in the depths of hell. Now, he's faced with a new life full of enigmatic mysteries, demons and their virgins, journeys through parallel realities, and even the unexpected spark of romance with Lucifer's daughter. Join Kaki on a riveting journey as he grapples with the 'how,' 'who,' and 'why' of his reincarnation in this dark, thrilling tale of second chances and self-discovery. Update every week !

Elidson_Habakuk · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Heaven on hell

"Who's talking?" exclaimed Kaki, swiftly turning around.

"It's me," replied a bat hanging in the corner of the room.

"Who are you?" asked Kaki, a tinge of fear in his voice.

"My name is Dam. I am a familiar sent by Lucifer's daughter to assist you, but keep it as a secret for now," replied Dam, gliding gracefully towards Kaki.

'So it's true?' thought Kaki, confirming his suspicions that he might have been chosen by Lucifer's daughter.

As Kaki opened his mouth to speak to Dam, a knock echoed on the door. Dam quickly hid under the bed, and Kaki, opening the door, found Surse standing before him. She was clad in a transparent yet provocative dress, creating a seductive atmosphere as she bestowed a good night wish. The scene hinted at intimate moments without explicitly describing them.

After Surse's departure, Dam emerged from his covert position. "Quite an adventure you're having, aren't you?" he remarked.

Kaki, still immersed in the surreal experiences of hell, replied with a grin, "Man, this is heaven in hell."

Kaki stirred from his slumber as Surse gently nudged him awake, her crimson eyes gleaming with a peculiar warmth.

"Good morning, Kaki. Did you sleep well?" Surse inquired, her voice a melodic symphony.

"Morning... Yeah, slept fine," Kaki mumbled, rubbing his eyes.

After a refreshing bath, Kaki joined Mumtilu and Surse for breakfast. The air was thick with an unspoken tension from the events of the previous night. Mumtilu, eager to address the matter, began, "Kaki, about yesterday..."

But Kaki swiftly interjected, "Oh, that? Forget it. Water under the bridge."

Mumtilu, taken aback, nodded, deciding to respect Kaki's wish. Instead, he shifted the conversation to their upcoming mission. Over the hearty breakfast, Mumtilu detailed their objective – to traverse through a portal to another world, slay formidable creatures called "adnakuns," and retrieve their skins for crafting demonic armors.

With breakfast concluded, they set off to Nepta's place, the keeper of the portals. Nepta, an old friend of Mumtilu, welcomed Kaki with a grin.

As they navigated through the conversation, Nepta hinted at ominous signs. "Lucifer might be gearing up for war," he whispered, alluding to the vast army she was amassing and the formidable armors under construction.

The portal hummed to life, transporting them to an otherworldly realm resembling a haunting forest. 

In the heart of the alien forest, the air thickened with an otherworldly tension as Mumtilu and Kaki faced the towering adnakuns. Sinister shadows danced between the twisted trees, casting an eerie glow on the grotesque creatures that awaited their interdimensional guests.

The adnakuns, standing at least seven feet tall, emerged with an unsettling grace. Their six arms flexed, three paws dug into the eerie soil, and eight gleaming eyes fixated on the intruders. Mumtilu tightened his grip on his demonic weapon and Kaki, with uncertainty gnawing at him, readied himself for the confrontation.

As the first adnakun lunged, Kaki felt a surge of strength coursing through him. Unbeknownst to him, Dam, his mysterious familiar, worked discreetly to enhance his combat abilities. Mumtilu swung his weapon with demonic precision.

Yet, the forest seemed to pulse with an ominous energy. The adnakuns moved with a preternatural fluidity, their razor-sharp claws slashing through the air. A cacophony of roars echoed, creating a disorienting symphony of chaos.

Dam, still hidden from plain sight, executed strategic attacks. With every swipe of an adnakun's paw, he darted in and out, leaving no trace of his presence. He took a snake form that blended seamlessly with the dark surroundings as he aided Kaki without drawing attention.

The battle unfolded like a macabre dance. Kaki, initially hesitant, found his rhythm amidst the chaos. The foreign landscape became his battleground, each step a calculated move against the grotesque adversaries.

As the skirmish intensified, Dam suddenly vanished from the battlefield. A momentary panic gripped Kaki as he faced the looming creatures alone. The adnakuns, sensing a vulnerability, closed in with predatory precision.

Just when Kaki's desperation peaked, a gust of wind heralded the arrival of a captivating figure. An 18-year-old girl, mirroring the demonic allure of the creatures but radiating an inexplicable benevolence, materialized.

With a flourish, she unsheathed a blade that seemed to shimmer with unearthly power. Swift as a phantom, she moved through the battlefield, her strikes precise and lethal. The adnakuns, momentarily bewildered, fell beneath her blade.

A radiant smile graced her features as she glanced at Kaki. In an instant, she vanished into the depths of the alien foliage, leaving behind a lingering sense of wonder.

Dam reappeared, a mischievous grin playing on his tiny bat face. "You just met Lucifer's daughter," he declared, unraveling the mysteries of the celestial encounter amidst the surreal chaos of battle.