
The Demon's Tribrid

Lisa she is a 17 year old girl.In her senior year in high school.She has been abused by her adoptive parents since she can remember.She hates her life and is extremely suicidal.She has only one friend and her name is Bella. Ryder He is a 180 year old (18 years in human years)demon prince who is very heartless and cold.He thought he will never get a mate.He is popular at High School because of his bad boy vibe.He is extremely possessive.He is not a player or a fuck boy.He is very rich and he also has only one friend and his name is Luca What will happen when Lisa bumps into Ryder and Ryder feels the mate bond? Will Lisa accept Ryder has her mate? What will Lisa do when she finds out that she has been living a lie all her life? Find out in the story

Lesedi_Mogole · Teen
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12 Chs

Chapter 12

I'm on my way to see Lisa and I want to see her before it is midnight so that I can give her her gift at exactly midnight and not a minute later.I'm so happy to see her after the week I had with my father.I have missed her so much.

Right now it is only 23:45 and I only have fifteen minutes to get to her,which is plenty of time since I am only ten minutes away from my mansion at the moment.I just hope that she is not sleeping yet because I won't be able to find it in myself to wake had up when she is sleeping.

It is midnight when I get home,I'm surprised to hear screams coming from inside the house and they sound like Lisa's screams.I ran inside the house as fast as I can and what I saw shocked me to no end.

Lisa is turning,but that can't be possible cause she is human,I would have been able to smell her if she was a creature like us so how couldn't I smell her,unless she was hiding her scent.But that can't be possible because she would have known that we are mates at this point and we would have been so far in our relationship right now.I would have marked her as mine,told her everything,I wouldn't have to hide what I am to her.So it is possible that she didn't know what she was?

As I sniff the air I notice that there is a difference in her scent,she has three different scent.Is she the hybrid that my father and other supernatural creatures are looking for?

Ryder stop being stupid.Our mate is in pain and your thinking of such useless things.Try helping mate.

I hear my demon snapping me out of my train of thought.

Even if I wanted to hell her Blaze.I can't,we just have to wait until she has fully turned.

I told him.It pains me to no end seeing my mate in so much pain,but all I can do is wait and watch.I can't help her even if I wanted to.I have never felt so helpless in my life.

Lisa's POV

I couldn't sleep so I decided to wait for Ryder to come back and it is already 23:45.I know that what I am doing is stupid but I can't help it.I know that there is a huge chance that he won't be arriving till tomorrow morning but it is really difficult to sleep without him here and I feel like something huge is about to happen.

I have been feeling uneasy all day and I don't know why.I have been feeling different and I don't know who to talk to about this cause the only person I can open to is not around.

As it immediately turns to midnight,I feel my bones ache,as time goes on a bit,the pain increases and I feel my bones turning so I scream as I couldn't handle the pain.The pain only increases  as the screams out of me also increase as I couldn't handle the pain.

The pain goes on for a couple of minutes,then suddenly all the pain disappears and I feel at ease.

Hello Lisa.I have been waiting for you to let me out for so long.Thank you for letting me out.

I suddenly hear a voice in my head.OMG!I'm freaking out right now.

Who are you and what are you doing in my head?

I ask because I am genuinely confused,how did it even get in my head,where did it come from.

I am your wolf and my name is Stella.But I am not alone.You are a hybrid so you have different supernatural creatures in you.Your vampire creature is Flynn and you will have your witch powers soon.I know you are confused at the moment but you will get your answers very soon.

Supernatural creatures are real?This is too much information to process in a day.I need to lay down and process this properly.

Oh okay.I get it,but this is too much information to process in a day.I'll need a bit more time to process this properly.So does this mean I get a mate like supernaturals and if so,who is my mate cause I don't want to break up with Ryder.

I told her.She answers,

Your mate is Ryder.I think he is also a supernatural due to his scent.He is a demon and due to the powerful aura I feel around his,I bet he is a powerful one at that,a higher class demon.You will need to communicate with him.Now can we go for a run.

What does she mean when she says that Ryder is a demon.That is not true right.He would have told me if he was.I was confused at what she meant about a run and when I look down,I am shocked to see that I have white paws.