
The Demon's Seduction Contract

Roxana Oberon had reborn five times, and all those times, she had to experience a painful death because of her husband. In her sixth life, Roxana summoned a demon from hell and made a contract with the demon to take revenge on those who had bestowed misery on her. However, Roxana did not expect she summoned the Third Prince of Hell or also commonly known as The Demon Lust, who later would be called as Damian Hesperos. Damian was willing to give Roxana anything to avenge her revenge as long as Roxana fulfilled the demon's lust. And Roxana was willing to do anything as long as she could avenge her revenge. In the end, the demon, who was known as a creature of hell and stained with sin, became the only creature that could bring happiness to Roxana. Would Roxana be able to get her revenge with the help of the demon? Could the relationship between Roxana and The Demon make Roxana happier?

Zenanicher · Fantasy
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139 Chs

The Demon’s Name

Roxana showed no expression as she heard the demon's words. She replied, "Anything."

The demon licked his own lips. "Your soul and body must be delicious for me."

The demon Roxana summoned was the third prince of hell or commonly known as The Demon Lust. When she found out about his identity, Roxana was sure that the demon would ask for her body as well as payment.

However, Roxana didn't care about that. As long as she could gain the power for revenge, then she was willing to give up everything to the demon.

"Tell me your name, and I will bind a contract with you." The demon stroked Roxana's cheek to feel her smooth skin.

"My name is Roxana. Roxana Oberon," replied Roxana.

He smiled broadly. "Roxana ... it was such a beautiful name."

His low voice echoed next to Roxana's ear as if he was deliberately teasing her.

He then stepped back and extended his hand before Roxana. "Give me your hand."

Without hesitation, Roxana immediately gave her hand to the demon. As soon as their hands touched, the circle of pentagrams beneath their feet emitted an extremely bright reddish light.

Ancient letters written in blood suddenly floated in the air and swirled around Roxana and the demon. The wind coming in through the window blew even harder, and the furnitures in Roxana's room swayed on their own again.

When Roxana raised her head, she saw the demon's red eyes glowing in the night's darkness. He stared right into Roxana's eyes as if he wanted to trap her in his charm.

"I, the Third Prince of Hell, will make a contract with the human named Roxana Oberon. I will grant her wishes, and she will give me her body and soul as payment."

"A contract that has been bound cannot be canceled or broken. If I break the contract, then hell will obliterate me forever."

The demon pulled Roxana's hand away, then directed her still-wounded wrist before his lips. Unexpectedly, the demon licked the blood flowing from her wrist until the wound suddenly healed.

The demon's eyes grew bright, and his voice sounded booming as he said, "And thus, I am bound to my master through the contract."

Right after he said that Roxana felt a painful heat run down the back of her right hand.

She bit her lower lip and gripped the demon's hand firmly as the pain intensified like a fire was burning her hand.

"What ... what is it?" asked Roxana stammeringly.

"The mark of our contract."

A few minutes later, the pain slowly faded, and Roxana could see a black pentagram symbol printed on the back of her hand.

Before Roxana could say anything, a black mist appeared between them and covered the entire room. Roxana narrowed her eyes, trying to see the figure before her.

However, the fog was too thick and had an odor like burning smoke, which made Roxana close her eyes and cough several times.

"Since I will live in the human world for a while. I decided to use my human appearance," said the demon.

Roxana slowly opened her eyes after no longer smelled the burning aroma, and the fog in the room gradually dissipated.

When the black mist completely disappeared, Roxana opened her eyes wide when she could vividly see the demon figure before her.

"From now on, I'll become your strongest weapon and shield, My Lady." The demon bowed its back before Roxana and flashed a dazzling smile. "I will never betray you till your last breath."

The moonlight streamed through the crack of the open window, washing over the demon's dazzling figure, so enchanting that Roxana couldn't take her eyes off the demon.

His tall, well-built body was clad in a black robe that reached down to his feet. Although he wore simple clothes, the charm he exuded was able to transform modest clothes into elegant attire.

When Roxana directed her blue eyes toward the demon's face, she gulped as she was captivated by his handsome face.

He had bloodshot eyes that looked like a sea of blood coming from a pile of corpses. His gaze was sharp and stern, just like an eagle hunting its prey.

His hair was as black as a crow's feather, a color that seemed to contrast sharply with his snow-pale skin.

That face was the embodiment of the charm that could draw one into a sea of lust, and every time he smiled, Roxana could tell there was an abomination hidden behind his friendliness.

"Please, stand up, My Lady. The floor is too cold for you." He extended his hand before Roxana.

Roxana stared at that hand for a few moments. The marble floor's coldness could not defeat the cold aura emitted by the demon before her.

He was extremely dangerous, but Roxana was already bound by that danger.

She had no choice but to accept the demon's hand.

"How should I call you?" Roxana gasped as she realized the demon before she was taller than her. Roxana's head even could only reach his neck.

"You can call me as you like." He said, "You are the first human who has ever summoned me, but I know some rules about the demon and human contracts."

The demon brought his face closer to Roxana's, causing her to hold her breath for a moment. "The main rule of this contract is that you must give me a name. That way, you will mark your ownership to me."

"I can name you anything? Even though the name I pick is the silliest name?"

"Yes, anything." The smile on the demon's face dropped slightly. "However, don't you dare give me a silly name?"

Roxana smiled and wanted to tease the demon a little. "Why? Are you going to kill me?"

"No. Unfortunately, I cannot kill you as long as I am under contract with you."

"So, I think I will be safe."

"My Lady, please think carefully before you decide on my name," he said while smiling coldly.

"Hmm ... let me think for a second." Roxana placed her hand under her chin. She smiled slightly as she saw the demon before her look tense just because of a name.

"Damian." Roxana said, "I want to name you Damian Hesperos."

"Damian? It doesn't sound bad." The demon immediately smiled widely. "Alright, Damian will be my name until our contract ends."

Damian suddenly walked closer to Roxana; he touched Roxana's silver hair and smelled the lavender scent of her hair.

"So, Roxie, before I grant your wish, you must feed me first." Damian said, "Coming from hell to the human world has drained my energy."

Exhilarated sighs could be heard from Roxana as soon as she heard Damian call her by a stupid nickname like 'Roxie', but she ignored that for the time being as she was more focused on Damian's request.

"What do you want to eat? Do demons only eat raw meat, or do you eat cooked meat?"

"Well, I like them all, but that's not the food I want."

Roxana furrowed her brow in confusion. "So, what do you want?"

"You." Damian lifted Roxana's chin and rubbed her cheek as he smiled wryly. "I want to devour your lust."