
The Demon's Hidden Treasures 1

SYNOPSIS “I didn’t want this Izan, this is all your fault” she said looking away from the mirror to look away from him. “I know but I need you and you agreed to this, so it’s not my fault after all” he said forcing her face to look back at her. “I did not, you coerced me into this so don’t you turn this on me, now please let’s get on with what is necessary” “I am not sleeping with you, sex is intimate and sacred” she said standing to walk away from him. She couldn’t believe she was denying a good night with him. Handsome King of the darkness Izan. “Trust me I know darling, it is sacred” he stressed on the ‘is’ but then continued, “but to you it’s not” She narrowed her eyes finally looking at his gorgeous face. Sometimes he looked cute and she felt like she could pinch his cheeks but on the other hand, dark pleasure played on his face. “What do you mean Izan?” How did he know about her habits back at home? “Well, I did some digging and well, I found alot so this should not be a big issue for you Neera” “With you it is” “I’m sorry, but they’re here and we need to do it” “No” her eyes snapped to the door when a knock interrupted their banter. “Yes Neera” he said his black eyes glinting the dark of the room. The door opened letting in cold air and three people. Why did she agree to his offer? *** What happens when you take an unwanted journey to find treasure. Treasure that you don't really need but end up finding more that just treasure. A new world in which you didn't really want any relation with. It was her one last time that she gave in but the results were much greater.

AlesHa14 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

Runaway Groom.

For the past couple of minutes they had been running. They hadn't stopped but now Neera had to rest or she would collapse in next few minutes.

She stopped and rested for a while then turned to look at Izan who was some distance behind her. Everytime she stared at him for too long she felt like he was holding her neck all over again.

But his reaction was approved because she, Haelyn and Whitney acted upon their own wishes not knowing the basis of his need to marry Whitney.

But if what Adelle had said was true then she and Haelyn had been used by Whitney. Whatever plans Whitney had been concocting, they two, had just been used for her own good.She knew she felt something really wrong about the woman and she had been really right.

"Wow! I never thought running could be such a hassle" he held on his knees for support. He looked really tired and the worst problem was that the goons were still some distance for them.

"Especially for the weak ones like me"

He looked up at her, she smiled when she got a look at his face. He was sweating profusely. His inner shirt was probably wet considering the heat. He was still in his wedding attire. He looked like a runaway groom and in some way, and he literally was.

If they happened to meet some burglars along the way would steal everything he was wearing since his attire was made with the finest material and it had some gold on it somewhere.

"I wouldn't say you're weak you ran so much faster than me" he praised.

"That doesn't mean am strong either, what way is east?"

He pulled out a compass from his bag's side pocket. He turned around trying to find the navigation but the pointer pointing towards North just kept rotating and didn't stop at a definite location.

"I think there's something wrong with it" he looked up at her then back at the compass.

She took it from him and finally it settled. He was affecting it in some way and luckily she found out they had been heading east all the while.

"You were affecting it in some way, let's keep going that way" she pointed in the same direction that they had been heading to.

"Adelle put a map in here, wise girl" he grinned from ear to ear. He really liked the girl and in some way she appreciated the woman since obviously he had heard her run towards them that was why he had let her go earlier.

"Yeah, we should go"

"There is a river a few meters from here, we should camp there for the night" he folded the map and kept it in his pocket.

"Let's go then, we should be there before nightfall"


The river wasn't too far away but somewhere along the way they noticed that they were being followed and had to lead the goons away from their trail.

Luckily the men gave up and by then they were so tired such that when they took a rest she fell asleep due to the fatigue.

He had carried her on his back and with his strength he must have been very tired.

She woke up to find him sleeping right beside her. He couldn't wake up even after she tried waking him.

The river was beautiful, clear waters and it was glowing providing brightness around the area. There were no fish, just clean, clear and fresh water.

She was starving so she rummaged her bag and found bread. She sat by the stone and decided to become night watch.

That way, she would have returned the favour of her being carried by him. At some point she really wondered what she was running for, if she went back to the castle and pleaded her case then Whitney would help her since she had also done the same for her.

Her being a fugitive wasn't something that should be approved of but she needed help too and she believed the man lying beside her would be some sort of help.

Morning wasn't too far and she was able to see sun rays peek from the horizon but soon fell asleep again.


A shiver run up her spine. Her mind had already fathomed the feel of his touch on her skin.

After yesterday she never thought she would ever forget. His scent was closer too, he was touching her face which she thought was kind of creepy.

Her eyes drew open only to be met his pretty eyes. Although he was rough and hot tempered sometime, she had to admit that he was handsome.

That had been the case since she saw him inside that glass coffin.

He was shirtless, of course, he must have come from swimming in the river or washing his face.

"What are you doing?"

"Waking you up" he stated obviously.

"Why touch my face, just say 'hey' or 'wake up'"

"Nope, I'm happy that I get the previledge to touch something beautiful this morning" he said walking away.

She stretched her feet and hands and that's when his words finally sunk in her mind.

"What!? Something?" she glared at his retreating back.

Her face was something?


She washed her face, the water was like a mirror, she stared at her facial features in wonder. Did she get prettier by the night or were her eyes cheating her.

Her hair was straightened and not curly and her face smooth as ever.

Wow! Was it the river or an illusion. She touched her face again to confirm all this.

"It's not an illusion" Izan's voice said from behind her, "That's what this place does, it has some kind of magic making one look almost younger and more attractive"

"I have to say, I love it" she said absent-mindedly. Her head felt lighter with her hair straightened.

"Yeah, looks good on you"

She didn't say anything to that and just continued staring at her reflection and that's when she noticed the ring around her neck.

Where Izan's had gripped her neck the previous day. She slumped, bored all over again.

"Where to now?" she asked refusing to look at him.

"We should be at Selou by tomorrow morning if we keep going east" he was checking the map.

"What is at that place?"

"They have something that might help us"

"Us or You?"

"Me" he folded the map then looked at her.

"What shall I gain from helping you?"

"I can help you to revenge for your family" he played his cards right. He would use him and in way which she didn't know, he would use her for his gain

She nodded then stood to face him, "Ok, what do you need me to do for you?"

He grinned, "Not yet" but his grin fell when his gaze slid to her neck. He saw the abuse he had inflicted upon her.

She couldn't read his emotions but a vein popped on his forehead. "Does it hurt?"

She shook her head.

"Did it hurt after I did that?" he got closer to inspect the damage he caused but she took a step back.

"It did"

He seemed surprised by her actions but it should have expected, he couldn't just expect for her to allow him to touch her however he felt like.

"I'm not sorry for what I said yesterday but I am sorry for hurting you physically"

What an apology, definitely deserved a prize for that one.

Arrogant jerk!

"Right, we should get going" she side stepped him and went to pack her things.