
The Demon's Hidden Treasures 1

SYNOPSIS “I didn’t want this Izan, this is all your fault” she said looking away from the mirror to look away from him. “I know but I need you and you agreed to this, so it’s not my fault after all” he said forcing her face to look back at her. “I did not, you coerced me into this so don’t you turn this on me, now please let’s get on with what is necessary” “I am not sleeping with you, sex is intimate and sacred” she said standing to walk away from him. She couldn’t believe she was denying a good night with him. Handsome King of the darkness Izan. “Trust me I know darling, it is sacred” he stressed on the ‘is’ but then continued, “but to you it’s not” She narrowed her eyes finally looking at his gorgeous face. Sometimes he looked cute and she felt like she could pinch his cheeks but on the other hand, dark pleasure played on his face. “What do you mean Izan?” How did he know about her habits back at home? “Well, I did some digging and well, I found alot so this should not be a big issue for you Neera” “With you it is” “I’m sorry, but they’re here and we need to do it” “No” her eyes snapped to the door when a knock interrupted their banter. “Yes Neera” he said his black eyes glinting the dark of the room. The door opened letting in cold air and three people. Why did she agree to his offer? *** What happens when you take an unwanted journey to find treasure. Treasure that you don't really need but end up finding more that just treasure. A new world in which you didn't really want any relation with. It was her one last time that she gave in but the results were much greater.

AlesHa14 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

He's Evil.

A car pulled up at the now deserted road. It was past midnight and the silence in the area was understandable.

It's driver walked out and opened the door for his master. The man tall and perfectly build walked out of the car in his black tuxedo.

The man didn't show any hint of humour or anything, he was dead serious.

"Is he here yet?" his voice dark yet mysterious asked the driver who looked down as he answered.

"Yes he's inside the building"

"Bring him out to me" he ordered taking out his phone and dailing the numbers he intended to call later, after he was done with all this.

The driver soon came followed by an older man around his seventies. The old man didn't seem pleased by the presence and arrival of the visitor.

"How might I help you Mr.Adam?"

Adam offered the mage a grin, "You know why am here?"

The mage nodded, "The question I should be asking is who exactly are you here for?"

Adam gestured for his driver to retrieve something from the trunk of the car. The driver was quick to his feet and hastily followed his orders. He couldn't bear to lose the job that he'd just newly acquired.

He pulled out the unconscious body of the girl from the trunk and placed her on the hard cold tarmac. The mage's face quirked up in surprise.

"What do you want me to do with her?"

"One last time, for her"

The mage shook his head in denial but Adam knew he'd eventually give in.

"She doesn't live a good life here so I think it's better there" Adam added.

"Since when did you become a knight in shining armor?"

He asked but Adam didn't reply, he knew he wasn't a good man so his words and actions weren't justified.

"Who is she?"

"She is my daughter, Haelyn"

"Does she know that?"


"I'll do it but if ever comes a day that you want me retrieve her, there shall be complications regarding her return"

Adam nodded in agreement, as long she didn't become what she was almost about to.

She would be safer there. On the other side.


" Who's wedding?"


"What!?" confusion trickled into her mind.

"With Izan"

Oh! He needed a bride, Remember?

That wasn't a very pleasant memory, that was why it wasn't as vivid as some previous memories.

"Why should you wreck her wedding with Lady Whitney?"

"Not Me" she shook her index finger saying no, "We, you, me and Whitney"

"What!?, I don't understand you, Elaborate further"

"Well apparently she told me that she didn't want to get married to Izan because he's evil"

Neera scoffed, "Seriously?"

"Yeah Seriously, that was the same thing I said too" Haelyn argued her response.

"What made her say that he's evil?"

"She said that, 'There's a reason why this place is called The Underworld'" Haelyn quoted.

The Underworld. Of course there was a reason but so far nothing had creeped her out so she was the least bit scared.

"So why are we helping her wreck her wedding, we have no relation with her whatsoever"

There was no reason to help the woman, so she didn't think she would.

Haelyn stopped and gave Neera a stern look then placed her forefinger on Neera's shoulder, pointing at her, "Litsen it's a girl code to always help a fellow woman in need, always, whether you know them or not and whether you have any relation with them or not"

Half of the time she didn't understand whether Haelyn was from a sane world.

"What the hell is a girl code and" Neera removed the forefinger of Haelyn from her shoulder, "Who said that I must help?"

Neera stressed on 'must'.

"Ok I exaggerated a little there, it's not a must but girl codes do exist, you guys should try them out, you guys are so behind" Haelyn whispered the last part to herself.

"No, We're not" Neera objected.

"Yes you guys are, how do you not have cars or cellphones or the internet or computers for Pete's sake you don't even have bicycles" Haelyn bantered back.

"What are those?"

Whatever those were she needed to see them some day.

"You see! you guys are behind"

"Ok Whatever"

"Anyways, about helping her, I think we should help her, she's desperate" Haelyn urged getting up from the bed to stretch her muscles.

The sun was already below the horizon so her room was a tad bit dark. The cold air made her shiver

"But Izan likes her" Neera groaned out loud and as much as she didn't want to sound desperate she was.

As of the time, Neera was desperate for alot of things, to revenge on her family, know what happened to her sweet and loving sister, Marisol and lastly she needed some human touch. Touch which was other than a hug from a friend, intimate touch.

That's why she needed Jason.

The room's door opened and Whitney walked in. She looked at them both and smiled. "Hello, we never got the chance to meet properly, I'm Lady Whitney Cummings"

She'd already walked in and was standing right adjacent the bed smiling widely at Neera.

She didn't like the woman, her vibe was completely off.

She'd stretched her hand out to greet her and Neera greeted back. As soon as her hand slipped into Whitney's, she felt a strange sensation overwhelm her. She pulled away fast making Whitney stare at her with astonishment.

Seeing the silence was going on for far too long, Haelyn waved from behind Whitney.

"Oh sorry, I'm Delia Avyanna Neera of Arcadia, nice to meet you"

Haelyn rolled her eyes at the introduction, Whitney's eyes lit up, "You're from the North, right?"

"I don't know" and it was the truth. She didn't know if Arcadia was on which direction from The Underworld. And she didn't have a reason to give her the answer even if she did know the answer.

Her smile faltered and her facade almost broke. Her eye twitched with all those accompanied.

"Oh, Right" she turned to look at Haelyn. The smile was back again.

"I have to go, I need to find someone, excuse me"

She didn't wait to be excused so she did so herself. Once out she leaned against the door and litsened.

"She doesn't like me much, does she Lyn?"

Haelyn laughed awkwardly, "She's usually like that with new people, am sorry for that"

"No need to apologize, I guess you're right but did she agree to help"

She could imagine Haelyn scratch her cheek in thought of her next lie, "She said she'd think about it, she's a hard nut to crack"

As Neera took her leave she heard the last response, 'Clearly'

She still didn't understand why she felt the eerie feeling when she touched her hand. Her legs led her to same direction that he was at. To his chambers but this time there were guards outside his door.

She wanted to budge in like she did last time but they didn't let her, something about, "My Lady, He has company and had ordered that no one disrupts him"

She pouted in annoyance, "I need to see him Now, please inform that I want to see him"

"We're sorry but we can't, those were the orders given to us, but you can pass the message to us and we'll share it with him"

"No Thanks, I'll wait"


Hello 👋