
The Demon's Hidden Treasures 1

SYNOPSIS “I didn’t want this Izan, this is all your fault” she said looking away from the mirror to look away from him. “I know but I need you and you agreed to this, so it’s not my fault after all” he said forcing her face to look back at her. “I did not, you coerced me into this so don’t you turn this on me, now please let’s get on with what is necessary” “I am not sleeping with you, sex is intimate and sacred” she said standing to walk away from him. She couldn’t believe she was denying a good night with him. Handsome King of the darkness Izan. “Trust me I know darling, it is sacred” he stressed on the ‘is’ but then continued, “but to you it’s not” She narrowed her eyes finally looking at his gorgeous face. Sometimes he looked cute and she felt like she could pinch his cheeks but on the other hand, dark pleasure played on his face. “What do you mean Izan?” How did he know about her habits back at home? “Well, I did some digging and well, I found alot so this should not be a big issue for you Neera” “With you it is” “I’m sorry, but they’re here and we need to do it” “No” her eyes snapped to the door when a knock interrupted their banter. “Yes Neera” he said his black eyes glinting the dark of the room. The door opened letting in cold air and three people. Why did she agree to his offer? *** What happens when you take an unwanted journey to find treasure. Treasure that you don't really need but end up finding more that just treasure. A new world in which you didn't really want any relation with. It was her one last time that she gave in but the results were much greater.

AlesHa14 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

Being Home (II)

[Music Recommendation; Madison Beer- Good in Goodbye]


Advantages of being a ghost;

Walking through walls and speaking to oneself and no one would ever hear. Disadvantages were that, other ghost wanted to communicate to you and want some time for gossip time with you.

Time that she didn't have. She needed to find out what was happening to her home because things seemed to be in shambles.

Her father had just left with Eliott to go to war or whatever was happening. Her family was locked up in the dungeons for protection.

The dungeons where dangerous criminals were kept was where her family was. Not all.

No staff or soldier in the lower quarters of the castle, she observed as she walked through the walls.

The tunnels that led to the lower dungeons were dark and from time to time she felt like something was whispering at her ear telling her to turn back, ran back to her room and wait.

Those were just the ghosts anyway.

But there was no time to sit back and wait, if she couldn't do anything about it then she could watch. That was all ghosts did, right?

She walked through the bars and deeper into the dark abyss. Noise came from below her so she jumped and swiftly got swallowed by the floor to the lower basement.

There were lamps and alot of chatter down here. It looked warm. Her family was at the corner of the room chatting not very lively.

Her sister, Marisol and her brother, Niko were talking with her mother but the rest of her siblings were asleep on the floor but with sleeping bags under them.

Their faces were peaceful but nothing around them seemed peaceful.

She walked and reached where her sister was conversing with her brother and mother.

"I want to go Mother" Marisol pleaded.

"No, I can't lose you too, Delia is gone, not you too" tears were at the corner of her mom's eyes. One more push and she be a sobbing queen.

Neera wanted to cry too, her mother was in pain and there was nothing she could do about it. "I'm right here"

"Mom?" concern filled her sisters eyes as she walked closer and embraced her mother. Nikolas looked worried too.

"You won't lose me Mother, I promise, and Neera is not lost-"

Before Marisol could utter another word a rumbling of rocks came from the other side of the wall.

The guards all drew their swords ready to attack whoever wanted to attack the royal family.

Rocks crumpled to the floor as if the wall had been shattered to let in whoever wanted an inlet in.

The sound of footsteps approaching followed then high heeled shoes made their presence known until the woman behind all the attention made her appearance.

Red hair, just like Neera.

"Delia?" her mother whispered behind everyone and walked closer to the woman to have a closer look.

The woman chuckled and sneered at Neera's mother. "Sorry to disappoint, I'm not your daughter it's just her look that I used, I'm here for her"

The woman looked at Marisol and smiled, "You thought I wouldn't find you, huh?"

Fear crept up her sister's features as she walked to meet the woman. No one spoke or moved even the guards just watched everything quietly.

"Don't hurt them, please" Marisol pleaded looking back at her family pleadingly, tears blurred her vision.

"That's just the problem, my dear, I don't care about them so they could just," she looked at Marisol a mischievous glint in her eyes. "perish for all I care"

Everyone in the room started choking while some coughed up blood. Neera's mother was First to fall to the floor then the rest followed.

Neera ran to her mother's side but she couldn't touch her to figure out if she was okay.

Tears welled up Neera's eyes as she continued to take in whatever was happening around her.

"Let's go" the woman continued to walk out.

Marisol smiled, "You didn't have to be so rough about it, Xena "

"It needed to be believable, your words not mine" Xena didn't wait for Marisol to follow since she just did out of her own Accord.

Wait, what?

"Hey?" Neera said absent mindedly since she was confused. Did Marisol just betray her own family.

Xena stopped and turned, then her eyes scanned her scene of crime. "Is there someone else here that I should know of Marisol?"

"No, I made sure everyone was brought here, the rest of the castle is empty"

Neera couldn't hold it in, she sobbed. Marisol betrayed her family, but why?

Who was Xena?

Her mother was probably dead due to Marisol. Her father and brother would probably die out there due to Marisol. She didn't have the full information but she had an inkling that whatever happened was Marisol's fault.

After the two psychopaths left, uniformed men followed with fire torches in their grasps. Neera bent to try and scoop up her mother but it was all hopeless.

She couldn't, she was useless.

"Fire it up!" the man leading the troupe ordered and the quickly got in action.

"No" she whispered it once then a couple of multiple times more. Her family, loved were going to get torched up.

She watched her family get burned up under the hot flames, no screaming or anything else just silence. Dead silence. Tears dried in her eyes as she watched, every detail imprinted itself on her mind.

Her feet drove her back to her room where she just sat down and wrapped her hands around her legs and waited. For something or someone to give her, her body back.

She would let herself cry when she was back to her normal state.


"Come on wake up"