
Bandit King

In a large clearing in the Dyatreal Forest, a big wooden fort is located. Bandits in groups of three patrolling around the fort and four guarding the gate. There are six tower guards in total, four in each corner and two on each side of the gate.

In the front yard of the fort, people are feasting, drinking, and indulging in repulsive activities. There are many pots and barrels, weapon stands around the front yard, as well as a long table in the middle. Sitting on the middle chair facing the gates and everyone is a large burly man of great stature. Drinking and smirking in blissful joy.

Inside the fort, in a secluded room, on the second floor. The room has a single small bed in the right corner with a small nightstand on its left. Two bookshelves that is filled to the brim with books, as well many on the floor. There is a small window facing the front yard.

On the left side of the room sits a middle-aged man on a desk, reading a book absentmindedly. The man is wearing ragged clothing and has purple-greyish chains on his hands. The man has a long beard and long hair, both are graying.

The man closes the book and looks up, thinking to himself, 'It is getting boring here, even though I cannot do anything about it. I have finished every book I can here, did all the research I can.'

Suddenly it gets rowdy outside, as he hears a great commotion happening. He stands up, approaches the window, and looks out. He squints his eyes, trying to get a closer look at the person in front of the fort. His eyes are widened by what he sees.

The middle-aged man then grins and says "Finally I can be free. Fools don't know what they're deal with."

[Asmodeus POV]

Reaching the fort, I see three units patrolling the fort, each unit containing three bandits, as well as four bandits guarding the gate.

Approaching even further as I fully cover myself with the Shroud of Cold Darkness, I halt myself as one of the gate guards' shouts, "STOP RIGHT THERE!".

I stop and look at the four guards approaching me, as they approach, I can see them halt suddenly in fear. That is due to me being fully cloaked and all they see is two orange-reddish orbs staring at them. Lets not forget the bunch of undead behind me with their eerie dark green eyes.

They ready their weapons and shout "UNDEAD! UNDEAD ARE ATTACKING!!!!".

They were trembling, trembling in fear. I can see archers rushing the towers in the front and I hear a ruckus happening inside the fort. The three patrolling units arrive and now facing me is a total of 13 bandits.

I remove my hood, grinning I motion with both my hands to the front and the undead rush to attack them, albeit groggily.

The undead attack and smash through the 13 bandits, clashing with them. Killing all of them, and only 5 out of the 29 undead perished. Soon a giant man, at least 220 cm (7'1) with a bulky body arrives, carrying a giant war axe, wearing fine leather armor with pieces of iron armor attached to the areas such as the chest, biceps, and his knees and thighs. He is also wearing what I assume a bear's skin as a cloak.

He rushes the undead, smashing through three and swinging his axe, decimating three more with his mighty swing.

I command the surviving undead to retreat to my side, at the same time about 30 bandits come out of the fort's gates, standing beside their leader.

"How dare you attack this king's castle! We have no quarrels with you necromancers!" shouts who I now know to be the bandit king.

"You call this shithole a castle?" I say smirking, then pause, looking at the undead who perished and say "Now look what you have done. Tsk tsk tsk, not very nice of you boy."

I can see the surprised and fearful look on his men's faces and his angry and furious face.

"YOU DARE!" He shouts approaching me, readying his axe. Then suddenly stops, looking at my face with caution and says "Your eyes… demon-kin… why is a necromancer demon-kin…"

He quickly takes out a yellow potion and drinks it all. I can feel him getting stronger.

Grinning, I say "Not a demon-kin neither a necromancer… but close." I rush him fast as he is surprised by my speed and lifts his axe, swinging it down on me, I dodge to the right and then punch with my right hand towards his left ribs.

I hit right on the spot as I just am able to push him back, having his left ribs caved in… surprising me, even though I haven't used all my strength on that punch. He groans loudly from the pain and lifts his axe again swinging from right to left, his ribs bleeding from the move. I bent myself backwards, still standing on my two feet as I saw the axe pass my face.

I quickly get back up, only to see a punch coming towards my face. Putting both my hands upwards to block the punch. It lands and I feel it, like… what I assume a fire-ant bite is like. Still, I don't get pushed back by that pathetic excuse of an attack. He looks surprised and scared and as usual I get even more powerful, realizing that if my opponent is strong, I get even more powerful when they are frightened.

I quickly mange to land a bunch of punches on him. Liver, abdomen, lungs, heart, and his left ribs, adding more to what I have already done. I did so in such speed over three times, even though not putting all of my strength into it, with such speed, he wasn't able to comprehend it and or counterattack.

Stopping after the third time, I stand straight, as he falls on his knees, vomiting and coughing up blood. I grab his hair with my left hand, pull him up so he faces me and say, "This is the end for you."

"W-wait… pleas-" I didn't let him continue as I shove my right hand into his chest, my hand goes through him, holding his heart. I pull my hand and drop him.

Looking at the heart, I turn to my right towards the fort, looking at the rest of bandits that just came out a while ago to watch this one-sided fight. I throw the heart backwards and approach them slowly.

As I reach them, I start shredding through all of them, each one that is attacking me head on. And on top of that, I am mixing magic, as I redirect arrows back to the archers. Sometimes I shoot a bolt of demonic energy towards others and their flesh starts to deteriorate.

In mater of minutes, I have killed nearly a hundred or so bandits. This was truly a wonderful experience, not a single scratch, not out of breath and still brimming with mana. Well, it is to be expected, after all, I am a demon, and they are just… bandits.

As I am about to raise them, I turn around, towards the fort, sensing a presence. Human… but not entirely. It slowly approaches, and the doors of the fort itself is opened, as a middle-aged man, with long hair and beard comes out. He intriguingly looks around at the massacre that just occurred.

Suddenly he looks towards me and smiles, approaching me cautiously he halts a safe distance and does a light bow, getting back up he smiles and says, "It such an honor to meet you… Sir Demon."