
The Demiurge Larva: Kung Fu Panda / Reincarnated in Another World and

The protagonist finds himself in the world of Tai Lung before the events of the original story. Due to his arrival causing some changes, the storyline deviates from the original track. What will the hero do now, having lost his knowledge of the canon? Improvise, adapt, survive... and gather a harem. Naturally, the world has undergone significant changes, with expanded dimensions, various worlds, and increased power levels. However, key characters remain, such as the Furious Five, Kai, Shen, and others. The focus will primarily be on everyday life, but there will also be action, fights, and martial arts. Additionally, erotic elements will be present. Consider yourself warned. For those who didn't understand, I have taken the "Kung Fu Panda" universe and combined it with elements from other fascinating realms. The result is this story. In a way, it's similar to the original, but also different. It can be considered fanfiction, in a sense. Instead of pure furries, beings with animal bodies and human traits, I decided to create beast people. After all, a girl with ears and a tail is more appealing than a cat with arms and legs. If you came here to read about furries, I'm sorry to disappoint you - furries will be present, but not right away... This is a translation of the original, not my fanfiction. The original is in Russian and I will leave a link to it below: https://tl.rulate.ru/book/68903

Daoistm99JRV · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 7

Like I said, about two weeks later, intruders infiltrated our clan and tried to do a lot of bad and terrible things to me, but... I was a little wrong.


Due to the fact that I was able to notice the approach of the killers in time (who in fact turned out to be kidnappers), my sister was not hurt, but all thanks to my magnificent plan, which instantly formed in my head! And the most amazing thing is that it worked!


Let me tell you a little bit about how I spent those two weeks to see how I was able to spot the invasion and how I didn't.


After I taught myself how to meditate, a new world opened up to me! What I hadn't seen or noticed before, was almost completely in front of my eyes!


Naturally, I began to explore the world.

I literally looked at every flow of energy in the room, memorized the runes inscribed on the door, the floor, the walls, the ceiling, and they were even on the windows.

Finally, I began to explore my sister's inner world.


From her ki-core, located just below her navel, which was slightly larger than mine, ki was produced, and then this energy came out and nourished her entire body. It was the core that gave her this energy, which made Shirou too energetic even for a normal child.


At first, I thought it was like a balloon and a faucet. Where the crane is the core, and the ball is the body, but when I looked closer, I realized that I was mistaken.


From the core stretched nine large channels that entwined Shirou's small, beautiful, and slender body. Four channels went down to the legs, 2 ki-channels rushed to each leg, the same was with the arms, each had two meridians, and the last channel went up, straight to the brain.

From these nine large, one might say, main arteries, there were smaller vessels, and from them even fewer. They all wrapped tightly around her body.


Some channels were flowing energy, others were not. But to be precise, only two channels were opened, one in each leg.


My eyes began to hurt, pinching and pricking very badly, and as a result, I could no longer see what Shirou had under his clothes... Ahem, I'm talking about the ki-channel system.


It's a pity that when I use them, everything around me becomes glowing blobs of energy. Now, if I could turn it down a little bit and look through the clothes and see the naked body...


Don't think wrong! I will not use it for dirty thoughts, but only to find out if a person has a hidden weapon under their clothes or not!


I didn't believe what I said. But the idea is really interesting, we will have to try to reduce the power later...


Meditation has given me the ability to see what the ordinary eye cannot, and it has made me advance in the study of ki, but... This ability has a tiny drawback, I can study the inner world of my sister only for five minutes, after which my eyes begin to hurt.


After about an hour, I can use this ability again, and they seem to level up, because each time I use them a few seconds longer than before.


When I saw these channels in Shiro, I decided to explore my inner world.

And instead of my eyes, I used meditation and started feeling my body in my mind.


One channel, a second, a third, a fourth... And soon I was a little disappointed, because all eight channels were a bit empty.


I was hoping that I had them all open, but it turned out that they weren't. The time when the lip sealing machine will be invented is getting closer...


And even though there was no ki circulating in my limbs, there was one way that worked, and that was a channel that went to my brain, and it broke into many small veins and capillaries, and it entwined my entire brain.


My nucleus has not completely closed after that failed activation, it produces ki, but in very small quantities.


I think while learning meditation, I discovered a channel that leads to the brain...


Of course, I didn't feel smart, but it became easier to think, now I didn't get tired as quickly as before, and I feel better and better every day.


Most of the ki was concentrated in the back of the brain, in the back of the head, from which there were several channels to my eyes. It is this area that gives me the ability to see qi with my eyes, not just feel it.

Amazingly, I can increase the flow of the ki feed and theoretically pump my eyes even more! Or go blind if these channels break...


I quickly cooled my ardor, and if an increase in power threatens blindness and dangerous consequences, then a decrease... He he...


Glancing at Shirou with a look excited with a thirst for exploration, I mentally began to reduce the pressure of the ki to the back of my head, and...

The body, which was glowing with energy, began to dim and I began to see Shiro's body better and better, until...

I'm not completely blind.


I don't have enough of this ki in my nucleus anyway, on the way to the brain, more than half of it is dispersed throughout the body through the vessels, and even less gets to the brains, and now I haven't noticed how I have completely stopped supplying ki to my eyes.


Quickly getting everything back to the way it was, I stopped researching, turning off the active infusion of energy into my eyes and brain.

The energy began to flow slowly and the world regained its real colors.


Well, the experiment was unsuccessful, it was not possible to look under the clothes. Of course, all this was purely in scientific interests, no vulgarities, I am an adequate, adult and serious person, I will not suffer from such frivolous, right?


I wonder what will happen if I activate all ki channels?

For sure, I will grow and develop even more, but the trouble is, the power of my core is not enough to activate the second one, and what can I say about all channels.


Without racking my brains for a long time, I became... Increase the volume of your ki not by activating the core, but by absorbing qi from the environment!


Taking a breath of air, I absorbed a drop of natural qi, that is, the life energy of the world. It didn't immediately dissolve into my body, making me stronger, no. The qi of the world rushed into my body, into the area just below my navel, towards my sleeping core and... Started to be recycled by my core. Although it was in a dormant state, it performed its functions properly, namely, by the production of ki, my vital energy.


Now I speed up this process manually many times, usually the core works using only my energy, which I get from food. That's why I started eating so much, and therefore it became clear why Shirou eats like two grown men, because she needs more energy to produce ki. Her channels are not completely closed like mine, plus two more are completely open and regularly pump energy from a more active core than my ki core.


This process was not that long, but compared to the normal speed of qi recovery, it is fast, but I would like to increase the amount of qi absorbed and the speed to instant assimilation...

I figured I'd roll my lip myself...


Whereas normally I had to wait an hour or an hour and a half to regain the ki to use the ability of the eyes for a measly few minutes, now it took half an hour!


And so, having learned to quickly restore the spent ki, my progress doubled! And then it began to increase slowly but surely day by day, because the amount and speed of Qi assimilation increased by zero point one-tenth of a percent!!


If I hadn't noticed the progress, I think I would have given up soon, but I see and feel the increase in my own strength with my own eyes! And this is the best motivator for development!


And, this is how the fun, but monotonous and poor for interesting events went 14 days, that is, I cultivated for two weeks as a true cultivator!


Horror! Unbearable boredom! Although at first it was terribly interesting, even fun, but after a week it got boring because of the monotony. The Chinese are crazy... But, there was nothing to do, either meditation or suffering bullshit.


If it weren't for the apparently rapid progress, as I more than doubled my reserve, I wouldn't be doing all this! That is... If I had one drop of the maximum ki volume, now I have two drops!


What does this have to do with the fact that I noticed the infiltration of the enemy, and why did I decide that it was an enemy and not an ally in the first place?


My sister and I have our own individual ki, but they are somewhat similar to each other, just like the other lights that wander behind the door that I notice when it opens for a few seconds.


And one night, when I was once again jerking off my dantian as a true cultivator, it was something like my core, I noticed a strange dim barely glowing light outside the window.


It was dimmer than a matchstick, but because I was so obsessed with counting the stars in the sky with my eye while absorbing the crumbs of the atmosphere at the same time, I was able to see it out of the corner of my eye. But as quickly as I noticed him, I lost sight of him just as quickly. I had to concentrate to notice him again! And this dim light moved very quickly across the rooftops!


I didn't say, but I live on the fourth floor, when the rest of the buildings were at most two and three stories, so I had a small advantage in the form of a good place to observe.


Though it was dim and faint, it was clearly of a different shape, and there was a sense of foreignness about it.


Thanks to these factors, I was able to quickly realize that I was f*ed...

The clan has been attacked! Or not on the clan, but on me specifically...


It will be logical if they attack with a small but strong group, of course this is bad for us, it is better to attack with a bunch of weak ones...

The only thing worse is if one Uber strong warrior comes, who will be on a par with my father when he is not in the clan.


And, for some reason, I don't notice the other lights, only he is approaching us, which is strange, because how did he know my exact location?



I hope they didn't send me a super strong warrior, because who in their right mind would send a valuable unit into enemy territory, almost to be slaughtered?



In general, I immediately woke up my sleeping sister with my crying, she started sleeping with me after she learned to juggle chicken eggs with one hand.


She is now more or less in control of her power, it took her a couple of weeks, when the tigress from the cartoon took several months of training with Shifu for a second, he is the best master of the jade palace, of course, after Oogway...


No, I'm not belittling the tigress's talent, I'm showing what a talented sister I have.


Though... This speed of development is directly related to me, because how much time she had before that, but she began to learn only when I was born! She also began to control her power after she accidentally almost crushed me with her embrace one night...


Just as a lola changes people, so do shots change lol... Auf.


While my sister was waking up, I was pointing my finger at the window.


Grabbing her clothes with one hand, I began to quickly pull him towards me, and with the other hand I still pointed to the window.


"Brother, are you hungry?" No? She tried to guess what I wanted from her. And I kept "subtly" hinting to my sister what I really wanted from her. Look out the window!


"Maybe the light of the moon keeps you awake?" Okay, I got you—" Shirou stood up, walked over to the window, looked at the full moon, I thought she'd notice something strange down there, but... My sister just covered the window with curtains. My eye twitched...


And so, I have two choices: I still try to get my message across to her by poking at the window. The chance of not making it in time and being killed is high, or... It's just to say directly about the impending threat. I hope that there are babies in the world who have learned to speak at two months so as not to stand out too much from the crowd. Although, given the world I was born into, the chance of that happening is pretty high...


Well, as an adequate and reasonable person, I instantly analyzed the situation and chose the least of the two options...


Namely, the third option!

Even if I started talking, it wasn't a given that Shirou would listen to me and be able to comprehend it quickly, so my brain instantly came up with a plan that would save the life of one of us.


I'm sorry, sis, I wanted to live a long and happy life with you, but it's time for us to say goodbye...


When I started crying, I changed the position of my hand a little and began to point to the empty shelf where my food should be.


With this I will drive my sister out of the room for a few minutes, and while she gets the milk downstairs, I will be alone in the room.


The killer, or whoever he is, will definitely not miss this moment, where I was left unguarded and will start acting.


The older the creature, the more it practices, the more ki it has, hence adults are much stronger than children. Of course, this is not always the case, if you compare a talented 20-year-old guy and a 50-year-old person, it is not a fact that the latter will win. But now the situation is completely different.


One blow and that's it, we're gone, and a crack is enough for me...


Although my magnificent plan is as reliable as a Swiss watch, and I don't like it, it's better than nothing, so at least I'll save my beloved and sweet sister...


I wonder what the next world will be like? What memories to sacrifice in the near future? Will I get a second chance? Suddenly, the wheel of samsara was finished after me, and this is my last life...


It's not that I've resigned myself to death, I'm still waiting for my dad to show up out of nowhere and say "gotcha! It was a trap to weaken your strength!" and then he will take him captive, and will do all sorts of things to him... Torture there, suck out secret information, etc


Shirou quickly realized that I wanted to eat and ran downstairs, not forgetting to lock the door... Maybe I'm paranoid and the runes on the walls will protect me?


Yes, it's not for nothing that they are inscribed here, they are definitely powerful and even Dad will not be able to break through them... I'm absolutely safe.


My hopes were dashed ten seconds after Shirou ran out of the room.


Out of the corner of my ear I heard a strange sound behind the curtain. When I activated my eye ability, I saw the runes on the window slowly cracking, untying, and dissipating...


Why the hell did they draw them everywhere if they are so easy to remove?! In fact, there was the largest concentration of runes on the window, but within thirty seconds, they had all completely disappeared, as if they had never existed.


Well, maybe it's not a strong warrior who has come for me, but an ordinary weak rune-writer? Or what do they call them, an artifactor? Enchanter?

In general, a weakling who understands runes and is good for nothing in battles, that's why he is so dull...


And, since he's not a fighter, but a pathetic artifactor, then... I reach for my baby rattle.

Squeezing it in my little hand, I sped up the flow of ki from the core, nourishing not only my brain but the rest of my body.


Removing the seal on the window, it became completely normal and opened with ease.

A human foot in black shoes and black robes stepped on the floor of my room


Come on! Come! You'll learn what pain is!

The toy in my hand creaked, but it couldn't withstand the pressure.


I was going to throw a rattle at the enemy so that he would fall out of the window and die. Just like in the old days, when I accidentally threw an axe in the same way, but missed and hit the head, killing the maniac on the spot.


Swinging a deadly and dangerous toy, I gathered all the ki in my hand, and... I froze in place, for the thief had completely crept into my room and removed the curtains, giving me a view of...

A big-breasted sexy in a tight black suit that accentuated her juicy figure!!


You know, if I have to die at her hands, I won't be so upset, and I want her to drown me in her big, soft, voluminous tits and... He he.


Her breasts were not the most important thing about her, as she had wolf ears on her head and a lush gray ponytail at the back!!

And, although they also attracted the eye and I also wanted to plunge into the bottom, but...


I think breasts are still the most important thing in her, because they are several times larger than my mother's! And mommy is not the first or second size...


Hell! Take me and strangle me in your tits here and now!


The girl, looking back and seeing the purpose of her task, quickly walked towards me. She looked no older than 18-20 years old, but her figure was just a fallout.


The fist that held my rattle relaxed and I began to play it merrily.


Rebuilding the plan, creating a new one...


I decided, instead of the dubious act of throwing toys around, to just act like a normal but terribly cute child.


No girl can stand my childish charm, and she's no exception, but...


Why, then, is she still moving towards me so quickly, without flinching a muscle at all?


I hope I'll be able to squeeze her big breasts before I die...


To be continued...