
CHAPTER 315 – It will all be Okay


  By the time morning rolled around, I still hadn't heard from anyone. Not about the murders, nor about Kellen and Tala and if their pup had been born.

  Instead of wallowing in self-pity, because that really isn’t like me, and couldn’t understand why I was so dang emotional. Usually, I could shake shit off. Hold my head up and smile, because we never did mind about the little things. At least that’s the phrase Lamia would always say and her outlook on life, in general, had imprinted on me in more ways than I know. I decided to buck up and go find what I hope were still my friends.

  I knew there was a valid reason that I hadn’t seen Mike or Kellen. Or I at least hoped their reasoning for reaching out to me was not because they didn’t value our friendship.

  “Good morning!” I sang when Mason and my father appeared.

  I brushed off Mason’s worrisome scowl and turned back around to flip the crepes I was making. I had already prepared bacon, sausage, and some eggs.