
CHAPTER 12 – Recognition


  “Stop!” Every muscle in my body tightened and stiffened when I heard that voice. My wolf paced and snarled, ready to spill blood. He hated the owner of the voice just as much as his brother. Where there was one the other was sure to be close.

  I believed Morgan when she said we needed to run. The fear in her voice told me she knew something - had felt something. I was not going to ignore her gifts. Whether I fully trusted her or not, I knew she understood the importance of getting out of this city and away from King Panja’s soldiers.

  No sooner had she said something than that voice sounded out. I slowly turned to see the face of Abbas. Farid’s younger brother. My older brother by two years. Farid and Abbas were two peas in a pod. Two evil and deceitful peas I would gladly crush.