
The Deity Index System

[Potential user detected. Starting the affinity test...] [Affinity over 95%. Starting the contract with the potential user.] [Does the potential user accept the terms of the agreement?] In his unconscious state, Thomas could hear several voices in his mind, but in his current state of near death, how could he say anything? [The silence was perceived as confirmation. Procedure to register Thomas Ries as a single user. Please, do not die before the procedure is completed.] [Starting all system functions. Time to finish: 10 seconds.] [Procedure completed. Welcome to the Deity Index System.] Author notes: Hello everyone I'm StormEliteVII. The same author of the novel Supreme Origin: Time King. This time it is my fourth time writing a novel after I learned much in these past couple years. I hope you all enjoy the reading. Chapter releases are Monday, Wednesday and Friday

StormEliteVII · Urban
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215 Chs

Demon Lord's Successor

The monster with a height of 8 m (26 feet) yellow fur all over its body, walked forward. It stomped heavily on the old tree, causing the old tree that fell next to its feet to snap in two. And the speed of this monster blazed to another level. It crashed recklessly into the supply point.

"What in the hell!?" Thomas stared flabbergasted "Luis, what did you do to provoke this monster?"

Thomas didn't know what to do, if only he could wield the power of the gods he experienced in his dreams. For the present him, this monster was really too fearsome, something he was absolutely unable to deal with.

'I don't think me and Luis will be able to escape if we try to run away. Despite its huge size, the demonic beast is particularly fast and we will only delay the inevitable.

The large-yellow monster howled and beat its front feet twice fiercely. It took one large step and faced directly in front of the two people!

Thomas took a deep deep, deep deep, deep deep deep deep breath.

As he breathed in, he felt the circulation of energy within his body. His limbs and skull remained emaciated as before, though gathered into ball. His skin cracked at a visible rate as a bloody glow surged in his eyes.


Thomas his mouth to the max and screamed. A blood red shadow slowly rose from his own shadows taking the shape of a towering and awespiring Titan!

[Anima Energy: 0/300]


Heaven and earth trembled! Luis who was right by his side of him could hear what seemed to be countless vicious beasts howling and spirits shrieking throughout the forest alerting both humans and beasts!

a huge crater appeared in the place when the beast once was, the beast that was now thrown over three hundred meters away by the towering Titan!

"Cough Cough." Thomas immediately held his mouth as he spat out a mouthful of blood. Differently from the Titan God's Hand, both he and the Titan Shadow were directly connected and he could feel everything the shadow felt, even the fatigue of throwing such a beast hundreds of meters away.

Thomas grabbed Luis' shoulder. "Luis we must run away quickly, the beast may return at any time."

Luis who was still in a frozen state due to what he did just seen recover his senses from him as soon he heard Thomas. "Oh right, we must leave this place."

Together they tried to go as farther away from the beast they could. At the same other participants were alerted by the earth-shaking event just now and they all gathered together.

The moment he saw the all the twenty two people, Thomas' expression fell. He really didn't think they would lose so many people in such a short span of ​time.

On the far left, he saw Luccas and three of the previous eight men that followed him. Two or three people that he met back in the first stage of the selection were here as well, and so was the Frank Dion whose brother is an Elite Adept, just like Katherine.

As for the group of five he stole from, there wasn't even a single one of them.

"Oh god we are stuck with a 3-star beast in the middle of a forest."

"Is this how we all die? I just saw my cousin being swallowed whole before my eyes..."

Just like he expected most people were seating on the ground and weeping, some didn't even had fighting spirit anymore.

I guess it makes sense those sheltered talents would break once seeing true carnage. Thomas thought.

"How much time has it been?" He turned to Frank who was close and asked.

"Five minutes since the beast was first spotted by a participant, the Vallar gate must already know what is happening and are sending a extermination squad to kill that beast. But we are too far away from the entrance, it is a walk of over 30 minutes from here to there so there is not much hope."

Luis' hands was shaking, he was about to tell everyone about what Thomas just did when the latter grabbed his wrist and gave him a glare.

Luis immediately stopped and just kept staring at the ground, he now knew Thomas wanted to keep that a secret.

Among the group both Luccas and Frank were the leaders due to the two having strong backgrounds and enough strength.

Luccas saw the two that just arrived and he walked closer. "Hello Thomas, are you in need of help now? I couldn't believe when I first saw your face in the association I was shocked, where did you buy a strengthening drug? I thought your mother didn't have the money."

Thomas' face hardened when hearing the provocation yet he said. "It was not that hard, you could say the gods blessed me with another chance. As for this thin group of yours, I have no interest of staying close to you and your thugs. I just wanted to leave Luis here, I prefer to hide alone."

Without even staying with the others for more than a minute Thomas already wanted to leave and wait by himself. While he couldn't explain why, his senses told him he should not stay close to Luccas.

"Wait." Seeing he was really going to leave, Frank called out to him. "Thomas, are you sure. I heard a lot about you, just don't listen to what Luccas says. I do think you are pretty talented for being able to become an adept before seventeen."

Hearing Frank trying to keep him in the group, Thomas turned back. "I know, after all this is over you can call me through this number." Thomas sent his number to Frank's wrist computer.

"A cell phone number? Don't you have an AC? Okay, fine I will contact you later." Registering the number in his Anima-powered wrist computer, Frank observed as the lonely back of Thomas got farther and farther away.

As the he was already far from the group, Thomas found a place to hid as he opened his character sheet.

[Basic Information]

Thomas Ries

Race: Half Demon (Demonized Human) Physique: Sun-Moon Demonic Body (Sealed)

System Access: level F (30%)

Demonic Energy: 100/100 Anima Energy 0/300


AP 0 EP 0

Strength 27, Agility 29, Dexterity 25, Intelligence 23, Charisma 22, Willpower / Focus 29, Anima 25, Demonic 25.

[Deity Intex]

Bonher, Lord Protector. Affinity 2/100, Synchronization 1%

Demon Lord Kez'ganak, Affinity 50/100 Synchronization 50%

Prometheus, The Firegiver. Affinity 25/100, Synchronization 10%

Mortal Skills:

[Resistance Against Eagles], [Warcry], [Swift Feet]

Divine Skills:

[Aura of Life (Passive)], [Aura of Life (Passive)], [Titan God's Hand / Titan God's Shadow]

Demonic Skills:

[Demonic Energy Manipulation], [Demonic Sense]

In the past few weeks Thomas had trained his body a lot with Katherine's help and his own physical attributes of him did grow a lot without the need of adding the attributes himself.

"Wait ..." Thomas reccaled the bottle holding the demon souls he stole from that group of Adepts. 12 mid-rank demon souls, how much was it worth for the system?

"How is the exchange rate for Attribute points with Mid-rank Demon Souls?"

[Master, the exchange rate is 1 Mid-rank soul for 5 AP]

Hearing that, Thomas felt joyous. It made sense Mid-rank demons which were as strong as Adepts would have higher value than Low-rank demon.

"Alright, echange everything for AP."

[Understood master. Exchanging ... You now have 60 AP]

At this moment he had a plan, if increasing all his stats of him to 20 made him an adept what if he rose his Attributes even higher?

As they didn't have that much time before the beast found them all, Thomas increased his status from him hoping it would make him stronger.

Strength 27 + 8 = 35

Agility 29+ 6 = 35

Dexterity 25 + 5 = 30

Intelligence 23 + 7 = 30

Charisma 22+ 8 = 30

Willpower / Focus 29+ 1 = 30

Anima 25 + 15 = 40

Demonic 25 + 20 = 45

[Do you wish to confirm these changes? Y / N?]


Thomas immediately felt his body his changing the effects of increasing his stats his over thirty were marvelous indeed.

Without he even realized he did already grow taller and his body became more and more defined.

Even his own face became shaper, his eyes more profound and with a mysterious glow.

The changes didn't stop here as the several system notification ringed in his ears

[Strength and Charisma has surpassed 30, [Warcry] will evolve into [Warlord]

[Agility has surpassed 30, [Swift Feet] Will evolve into [Speed]

[Dexterity has surpassed 30, the passive skill [Perfect Precision] has been acquired.]

[Intelligence has surpassed 30, the skill [Overclock] has been acquired.]

[Charisma has surpassed 30, news items has been unlocked on the store. User's appearance has also been upgraded from [Plain] to [Moderately Handsome]

[Anima has surpassed 30. The amount of Anima Energy the user can store in his body has increased by 300.] [Anima has surpassed 40. The amount of Anima Energy the user can store in his body has increased by 300.]

[Demonic Attribute has surfaced 30, The amount of Demonic Energy the user can store in his body has increased by 100]

[Demonic Attribute has surfaced 40, all the user's demonic skill has been strengthened.

[All the requirements for the physique awakening has been completed.]

[The skill [Demon Transformation] has been unlocked together with the title: Demon Lord's Successor]

[The user can feel the power of the sun fill your body and thus your demonic energy has transformed into Sunlight Demonic Energy.]

Almost immediately, a fiery orange mist filled his body from him to the brim. It circulated throughout his whole body his burning everything in its path.

[Basic Information]

Thomas Ries [Moderately Handsome] Title: Demon Lord's Successor

Race: Half Demon (Demonic Practicant) Sun-Moon Demonic Body Level 1

System Access: level F (30%)

Sunlight Demonic Energy: 200/200 Anima Energy 0/900

Mortal Skills:

[Resistance Against Eagles], [Warlord], [Speed], [Perfect Precision], [Overclock]

Divine Skills:

[Aura of Life (Passive)], [Aura of Life (Passive)], [Titan God's Hand / Titan God's Shadow]

Demonic Skills:

[Demon Transformation], [Demonic Sense] [Demonic Energy Manipulation]
