
The Deific Mage

With Celestial Witch’s descending, mankind learned dark magic. With disciples all over Woodland, she has gained more devotees. Thousands of years ago, during the great war, she sealed some gifted ones in a dimension. While she had succeeded in sealing even a Mage, he injured her, forcing her to hide. Years have gone by; the gifted ones are still sealed and she is still in seclusion. Whether she is healed or not, that is yet to be discovered but her people are growing stronger. To stop her, another Mage is born. The new Mage is a young visual artist from South West. He comes from a humble background and is oblivious to the ways of the world. However, the ways of the gods are not for man to question. If they chose the young man to free Woodland from evil the witch minions are spreading despite his weak personalities, that is theirs to decide. All in all, Woodland has to be saved, the gifted ones must be freed and the Celestial Witch has to die.

MrKingI · Fantasy
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53 Chs

Chapter 25

"If he was attacked by the spectral stick, then he has a big problem, didn't the dragon tell you that?" Brenda asked, the frown on her face becoming tighter.

"The dragon has never been to High Shrine before. Furthermore, we found them in the shrine of death where the dragon traced him because he had marked Eddie." 

"The spectral stick has nothing to do with High Shrine. It was forged by the second disciple of Celestial Witch and is known to be a powerful tool. The chief priestess only wields it because she had the highest chance of killing our boy here. It was given to her just a month ago. What it had done was just the beginning of what it can really do."

Brenda's explanation amazed Eddie and Deborah alike. They really did not know the problem was this big. They looked at Brenda to ask for more questions but she asked them to meet after the concert was over. After all, the wound would not be fatal for the next three days.

Walking along the isle, Eddie found his seat in a hall that was almost full. Judging from the atmosphere, everyone was happy and they could not wait to see their idol perform.

"Eddie, you are finally here, you have no idea how long I have waited." Just as Eddie sat to wait like the others, he heard Jack's voice from a far. Turning his head, he saw the latter coming over with a bitter smile glued to his face, "Where have you been? I have been calling you since morning."

After greeting Jack, Eddie reached his hand to his pocket to retrieve his cellphone. To his surprise, there were thirty-seven missed calls from Jack. However, he could not tell him what had happened since the previous night.

"I am sorry brother. I was quite busy today. I even almost forgot that I had a concert to attend." Eddie scratched his head with embarrassment.

"You have even spent your money on a ticket yet I reserved a seat for you at the front, among the VIPs." Seeing Eddie's reddened face, he beckoned him and the lady who was accompanying him to the front, near the podium. The tickets were given back to Brenda to give them to some two lucky individuals.

Everyone stood and the hall was full of applause as soon as Jason appeared from an opening in a curtain behind the podium. Some ladies clapped with their chests pointed forward so as to look as sexy as possible. Men pressed their fingers in their mouths to produce loud whistles. Jason who was five feet and three inches tall waved sprightly at the sight of his devotees.

Behind Jason were Jack, other three young men and two ladies who carried different musical instruments with them. Jack was ostensibly carrying his violin-like instrument. His face was full of smiles. He looked onto the crowd and waved at a certain someone. Eddie smiled when he saw the person Jack was waving at. Cynthia Zoe, a microbiology student at the University of Noya had been Jack's crush for a long time. What Eddie was not sure of was whether Jack had talked to her or not.

Five minutes later, seven instrumentalists (including a pianist who had been there all along) had their hands busy with their instruments making the hall quiet. Expressions of different kinds appeared on the faces of the listeners as the rhythm of the music fell on their ears. Like a wave, it swept over the room with a charm, a charm that made Jason's songs very popular in the entire Woodland.

Maybe they were right, experience had made them bright

To me the past is too memorable, it made her indispensable

Leave me alone world, my choice is to make her my world

As the lyrics passed like a gentle wind, some listeners lifted their hands, most gently closed their eyes as all of them swayed alongside the tunes. Some reclined on their seats to let the music hit their souls. Amongst these, there were people who felt their burdens lifted, paving way for relief that washed them like rain. Eddie had long closed his eyes to let the music be his guide. He found himself walking across the fields with his mother to pick some flowers.

Eddie came from South West District whose headquarters was South West Town. The district lay on the south western parts Woodland. There, flowers were the main cash crops. Honey and flowers from these parts played a pivotal role in Woodland's gross domestic product.

"Son, you are seeing how hard things are getting for us," His mother said as she put a handful in her basket, "Work hard in class to save yourself and possibly us from hard labor."

"You know I work harder than anyone Mama. There is no doubt I will change the situation here." He smiled at her as he tried to reach the basket she was carrying. As a young boy, he was still half his mother's height. She smiled back as she helped him.

"Your talk is cheap, my dear boy, as if it was as easy as you make it seem." She laughed but a tear found its way on her left cheek, "One day you will know that you are meant for far greater things than taking care of your old parents. Even then, I will be proud I was given the opportunity to have you as a son..."

"How is that possible mother? I am just an ordinary boy from the remotest part of Woodland. I am also aware of my capabilities, I know I cannot be as great as you expect me, Mama. Even so, I will always do my very best. The product of that is what the world will put in my hands, and it is what I will give. I would have given the world to my beloved parents then." He looked at his mother deeply and explained.

"Oh son..." This time, her tears flowed without hindrance. He was still young but his mind was growing faster than his age. She fondled his head and nodded, "I will always be grateful, son."