
the definitive protagonist

Su Zhan traveled to the fantasy world and awakened the protagonist’s halo system. He broke free from the chains of shame and, like a phoenix, spread his wings and flew high, never looking back."

god_of_the_empty · Eastern
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30 Chs


The first to arrive at the ruins was a rough man, his face was full of excitement, and his true essence was injected to break the ban, forming a defensive mask to protect him, and slammed into the light wall of formation.


His body was still ten meters away from the light wall of formation, and a blast of wind blew out from the light wall, and his body was directly cut into several sections!


"How is this going!"

"He obviously broke the ban, how could he still be like this?"

"Could it be that the ban we bought is fake?"


In this scene, the hot-headed cultivators instantly calmed down, stopped one after another, and exchanged with some horror.

"Huh! A group of ignorant people, the formation here has not yet reached the debilitating period for people to enter, forcibly entering, it is not looking for death!"

At this moment, a voice rang from the sky.

A huge copper car fell slowly from the sky.

The sound was made in the copper car.

"Flying Profound Tool!"

"This is the imperial copper cart of the Tianquezong!"

"Tianque Sect? Is that the Tianque Sect of Liangzhou's No. 1 Sect?"

As the copper cart fell, everyone's eyes converged on the past.

A young man who seemed to be about twenty years old came out of the copper car first, and then five or six young people of his age came out.

Finally, an old man came out, faced the copper car a little, and put it in the storage ring.

"What to look at!"

After putting away the copper car, sensing those gazes, the old man said very displeasedly.

A powerful force erupted from his body, and immediately, those people withdrew their gazes in a little horror, not daring to offend the slightest.

The strongest soldier!

Cultivation one way, open pulse, Qi Sea, Ning Yuan, Bingzhu, Yuan Dan...

In the main state of soldiers, own natal weapons have been cultivated, and the strength is definitely at the peak level in the entire Liangzhou!

"It turns out to be a strong person in the main state of the soldier. There shouldn't be too many such strong people in the Heavenly Que Sect, right?"

Su Zhan was a little surprised.

Su Zhaoyue said: "Although the host of soldiers is very noble and will not leave Sect easily, you still have to see who is escorting.

If I am not mistaken, the young man who took the lead out of the copper cart should be Liangzhou.

It's only Yang Tiangui on the first day! It's normal to escort this kind of genius and send a strong master of the Soldier Realm!"

"The first genius, how strong is he?"

"Strong strength, 22 years old this year, has reached the middle stage of Ning Yuan realm!"

After just finished speaking, Su Zhaoyue glanced at Su Zhan, and said in her heart: Of course it is not comparable to your enchanting genius!

Only on the first day did you actually condense the middle stage of the elementary realm...

Su Zhan was stunned for a moment, feeling that he seemed to think too much of Liangzhou's genius?

Then many people arrived.

Half an hour later, the light wall of that layer of formation turned into translucent, and a cultivator walked directly in with the ban in hand.

When he passed through the light wall of formation without incident, the people behind suddenly boiled and rushed away one by one.

"A bunch of trash, what's the use of going in so early?"

Yang Tiangui glanced at those people disdainfully, and snorted coldly: "Opportunity, the treasures belong to my son! I want to compete with my son based on these wastes? Huh? There are Qi Sea realm's?"

His eyes fell on Su Zhan and Su Zhaoyue with a little surprise.

Due to the limitation of the formation ruins, the people who enter the ruins are basically in the Ning Yuan realm, and most of them are strong in the Ning Yuan realm.

There are also many cultivators at the peak of the Ning Yuan realm.

Qi Sea realm enters to face the Ning Yuan realm.

Those of the cultivation will die.

Therefore, every three years when the relics are opened, almost no cultivators below the Ning Yuan realm participated in it. Now seeing Su Zhan Su Zhaoyue, Yang Tiangui was naturally a little surprised.

"It's really not greedy enough to swallow an elephant! Qi Sea realm dare to come to the ruins? I really laughed at my son, haha!"

Yang Tiangui retracted his gaze, did not pay attention to Su Zhan, and laughed: "Go, let these wastes understand who is the real master of Liangzhou!"

With a wave of his big sleeve, he led the young men into the formation light curtain.

"This person... has intellectual problems, right?"

Su Zhan frowned and said, "Obviously he is only in the middle stage of the elementary realm, so why don't you put other people to put in one's eyes?"

"This is normal. Although he is in the middle stage of the Ning Yuan realm, but with the support of powerful martial arts, Cultivation Technique, and spirit tools, his strength is estimated to be no less than the general Ning Yuan realm peak!"

Su Zhaoyue shook her head and said.

Su Zhan said: "That's not too strong."

Su Zhaoyue stared at Su Zhan, thinking of the scene where the opponent defeated the Ning Yuan realm late stage bloodtooth beast with Qi Sea realm middle stage, and she couldn't refute it for a while.

"Okay, let's go in too! The formation of the ruins is very unstable. When we enter, we will be affected by the spatial pattern in it, and will be randomly teleported to somewhere in the ruins, but not too far from where we entered, we hold hands. , Will not be separated by the force of formation."


Su Zhan held Su Zhaoyue's hand.

"Ding! Complete the achievement task "Holding a Girl's Hand for the First Time" to unlock the new aura [Protagonist's Heart Aura]!"

So, can this special also unlock a new halo? ? ?

Su Zhan was stunned for a moment, and checked the introduction of Xinxing Aura.

[Protagonist's Heart Aura]: Defend Heart's Demon without being charmed! Even if a large group of young women are stripped and naked in front of them, as the protagonists, they will not...cough, the effect of the heart aura is unstable, please use it with caution!

This halo is very useful. The further the Cultivation Base is, the more Qi Deviation is likely to occur in cultivation, and it also has a good effect on some charms and illusions, but the effect is not stable...

Su Zhan looked at Su Zhaoyue.

The facial features are exquisite and small, the complexion is fair, and the green silk is hanging down.

The introduction of the xinxing aura is really correct, even if the xinxing aura is turned on, if Su Zhaoyue is now stripped off and rushed towards him, whether he can be stable is really two things to say...

"Su Zhan, you, what's the matter with you?"

Su Zhaoyue was a little uncomfortable being seen by Su Zhan, and asked.

"It's okay, let's go!"

Su Zhan shook his head and walked into the ruins with Su Zhaoyue.

The surrounding scenery changes.

They appeared by a stream.

"Come with me."

Su Zhaoyue said to Su Zhan and walked along the stream.

"You don't need to look at the map?"

"Don't worry, since I dare to invite you into the ruins, there is naturally a way to find the treasures. Moreover, after so many years of searching for the ruins, the treasures on the bright side have almost been searched. What I am going to find is not the vulgar ones. ."

"okay then!"

Su Zhan nodded and didn't say more.

When he came, he had already checked a lot of information about the ruins. Su Zhaoyue was right. If it weren't for the hiding place information of a certain treasure or the secret technique of special treasure hunting, it would be difficult to find the treasures randomly in the ruins. thing.

The two walked along the stream, and half an hour later, they came to a dark forest.

"Be careful, someone is ambushing us!"

Su Zhaoyue stopped and looked forward guardedly.

Su Zhan had already sensed the Ruo Ruo Wu aura in front of him, but he didn't take it too seriously.

"Huh? Although my hiding is not clever, I can't even deceive the trash of two Qi Sea realms?"

A big man with a height of nearly two meters, with a big knife in his hand, walked out from behind a giant tree, and glanced at Su Zhan and Su Zhaoyue with some surprise.