
The Deep

Jason_Lee_3719 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 3 Azul

Azul was a Sea guardian, protector of the 3 stones.

The 3 stones were, A blue stone named Maz.

A red stone named Blae. And a green stone

named Elsr.

But now he is just an explorer, trying to find a home while carrying the 3 stones he stole.


Azul swam through a vast ocean of creatures passing by a family of Turtles, a few Swordfish, and a Manta Ray.

He was on the run from Acunazayh, an ocean society that collects rare gems in water and on land.

He fished (get it? fished) out a blue gem from his tunic and pointed it at a huge boulder blocking his way.

The blue gem lit up and a ray of light hit the boulder dissolving it into dust.

When Azul put the gem back a Sea Elf swam behind him without Azul noticing and took the 3 gems.

Then the Sea Elf swam away silently.

Azul fished through his tunic again looking for the green gem but all he found was lint.

"Where is my Elsr?!" Azul yelled furious.

He turned around to see a farm of Sea Elves not very far away.

Azul swam towards the farm and when he got very close a barrier showed and wouldn't let him through.

"This magic only comes from Elysr! They used it!" He screamed.

"Indeed!" A elf said on the other side of the barrier.

The elf took out the Elysr from a bag and threw it on the sea floor. Then he took out the other 2 gems and dropped them too.

He stomped on them, and they shattered.