

The story revolves round a young lady named Naomi , She was a desperate lover of a man of God . On the long-run she met a guy named Henry , Henry finally got engaged to Naomi . Few years later , Naomi found herself in a dilemma sha can never forget . How will she survive this ? Let's read through and get detailed explanation . Get your popcorn and a chill drink , while we read .

DaoistSh1q1S · Fantasy
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This book is specially dedicated to my fellow teenagers and youths out there. Our Decisions in life matters a lot .

Decisions are like wet cement, whatever falls on them makes an impression. Either good or bad.

Dear Reader , don't just make decisions, apply wisdom in all decisions you make. It takes the supernatural to be able to control the natural.

Naomi ,our dear protagonist, has displayed the outcomes of each decisions she made .

Do well to read , understand, and apply to your daily life.


Yes , it was true that we met online . He was everything I ever wished for in man . Henry was just the perfect man for me, and I wonder why Linda and Vera were against it, shall I not make my own decisions again. At least it is my life .

While I pondered over the issue of meeting him in reality or not , A voice spoke to me "yea you have the right to make decisions, but is the decision making you?" .

I thrashed the word out of my hearing, it makes no sense , what does that mean, is my decision making me.

I dashed to the bathroom to have my bath, what more proof do I need from Henry, we've been dating for over two years now, he's a man of God, he loves God, the way he talks about him makes it looks like the closeness of 5&6.

Yea , he mentioned to me several times his encounters with God , how they walk through and talked ,you know that early Adamic relationship . Henry is too good to be real, His social media has said all about him, you'd barely see him roll with ungodly things .

Girl what more do I need .

I grabbed the bailer , filled it with some water and poured it on my head, while I was enjoying the coolness of the water, I started thinking of Henry , imagine if he was here with me, my phone rang . I quickly picked up my towel and rush to the phone, oh it was Linda , not again, what does she has to say to me this time around. I pressed the red button .

Just as I took a step towards the bathroom, my phone rang again, I knew it was Linda , so I didn't bother checking it, I just dashed to the bathroom, I cleaned up and got dressed, while I brushed my hair, a message which had come in earlier, attracted me , I swiped up to see the content and the sender, boom it was Henry , the smile on my face right now should have said all about the message, anyways ,it reads...

"Hi beautiful, the last time we spoke, I think I forgot something in my mouth which I was to deliver to you, you'd be wondering what it is, it's a warm greeting from the prettiest set of Angels in heaven, they are sending their greetings to you. Babe I called you earlier, you didn't pick, you always made mention of suing me, please if you're to sue me, sue me to the court of your heart, I'm ready to be forever imprisoned there , my call came in late because I was having a meeting with few Ministers, please darling bear with me as it implies that your husband to be is a man of God but don't worry I wouldn't be too busy for you, hoping to see you soon, I'd send the address shortly, I love you is an understatement , nevertheless I LOVE YOU , your babe Henry"

I dropped my phone on the bed, took it again and read the text over and over again, wow , you'd hardly see a pastor that's so sweet at words like this, Henry captured my heart already. So I was actually going to see my boo of 2 years .

I dropped my phone to reach for my perfume ,but got stopped by a call , I reached for my phone , it was Vera. Gosh, why do I have friends that worry me this much . Can't I live in peace , Have I done the wrong thing by telling them about Henry? . Maybe I should have kept it to myself . I'm not going to pick this call . While I dropped the call , a message came in from my cousin , I read "Sis , Mum is ill and she had been rushed to the hospital 🏥. Check us as de lawrex hospital" .

Oh my goodness, why today, Vera call came in , I tried to pick .

Where did you keep your phone? What on earth is wrong with you? Have you finally lost it ? What are you up to? Vera asked .

This question was getting too much for me , "Vera" , "which of these questions do you want me to answer first, you just keep bothering... , My phone vibrated, oh it's Henry . "Vera please let me call you back" , I quickly hanged up the call so as to answer Henry's Call .

"Hi pretty" He said

Like damn,I'm speechless.

"Babe , I know you must be mad at me , but for the sake of love, of God , can you please speak up, I can't keep breathing over your silence" He said .

Girl say something, Whenever Henry speaks , it falls fresh on me like dew from Heaven, his voice alone has taken away my breathe . I managed to speak .

"Hi Henry".

"Oh thank goodness, how about our meeting today"?

"Yea I was supposed to come but….."

"Sweetheart, I don't want it to look like I bother you, you can take your time in seeing me, it's your decision" He said in a calm tone.

Damn it, this man is just so calm , "yea I could have come but I got a call that mum is Sick"

"Say such no more , She is healed in Jesus name, you're a child of God, you should be positive in your sayings , your Mum is healed" He said.

"Amen" I said .

"How about sending you some Money for Mum" He asked .

"Ehlmm, I don't think..."

"Shhhh, I don't take No for an answer , you're my priority, I don't want you to lack anything okay, so I'll send some money into your account now"

"but" …

"Sweetheart, can we just get over this, no buts again, close your eyes, what do you see"

"Everything is dark, I see nothing"

"I'd be a light to you baby, remember the words of God, ye are the light of the world. When I finally have you in my palace , I'll enrich you with mighty things from Heaven, I'm not God ,but I have God"

"Henry ,there you go again"

"There I'd always be, in the court of your heart, What a Blissful way ,God has made to Join us together , I can feel your happiness whenever you're with me, but it's fine if you still don't want me" He said .

"Henry ,I never said I don't want you, but my friends are…."

"Don't listen to then, you don't need rumors , I know you need me , but I need you more, you the apple of my eyes, my soulmate, okay , that apart, shall we have a Bible Study and Prayers tonight?


"Okay go attend to mum, catch you later at night, I love you so much darling, Jesus loves you best, And if there's any word greater than love, that's what I have for you, I have a surprise for you, it will be at your door in a bit . He said .

I was about to reply when the call ended, oh damn it, oh my ribs, Henry , Henry ,Henry , I was smiling profusely, girl , give yourself brain, this guy loves you, I'm going to spend the rest of my life with Henry and that's period , I've made my Decision clear, I faced my standing mirror , look at me, read my lips , I am going to be a pastors wife soon, and I'm going to be....

Knock! Knock! Knock!

I paused, who could that be, my heart raised so fast , I reached for the door ….


I unlocked the door with a charming smile, hoping to see the surprise from my dream man, there you go, it's Vera and Linda , my goodness, I slammed the door , "what the heck" , I rushed to my bed to sit down. Vera and Linda followed after me.

Oh all talks and actions since morning and I never mentioned my name to you all, I'm Naomi by name , the First born of Mr. and Mrs. Funsho . I am a student of Fleinjustin University, where I studied law and I'm in my final year presently . I'm 23years of age , yea , why should people still bother me , I'm old enough to make decisions for myself , or what do you guys think ?.

"Naomi , what exactly is the problem" Linda asked.

"you're exactly my problem" I said boldly.

Linda and Vera were shocked .

"Yes, is it a crime to love ?, is it a crime to want to meet one's finacee ?, is it a crime to…."

"Naomi, where has thy service gone , Naomi , where has your worship gone to?, what has happened to your spiritual life?, what happened to the real love life? What….. " Vera asked.

"There's nothing wrong with any of this, I'm just in love, don't you get it" I said reluctantly.

"You're in lust, not in love" Linda said

"Do you believe everything about this guy, Naomi when would you learn , I thought you'd learn from my mistake, how my decision almost killed my Destiny"

"Hmmmm, what's that about" Vera asked.

I paid close attention to what Linda is about to say, but then I don't think anything would make me stop loving Henry. Linda started ....

When I was in 200L ,I met a guy named George, he was a course mate tho, we spend time studying, he was a very intelligent student , truly he barely attends fellowship, but I decided to invite him for fellowship one day, he tried to decline but for friendship sake , he went with me , yes it was so lovely, what a coincidence, the topic for that day is LOVE . Babe I learnt that there's nothing like Love at first sight ,as we do say . you can get attracted to, being appreciated by , or praised at first side but not loved at first sight. It takes extent study of someone before you say you love the person. But then if someone says I love you, I believe you should ask the part of you that he loved , the fact that I love sharwarma does not mean I love the hotdog 🌭 in it, I might decide to remove it. So I love you, I love your shape , I love your beauty ,I love your character, what exactly do you love about this person. Don't take I Love you as someone merely loving you, anyways back to my story with George.

Unexpectedly after the fellowship, George expressed his love towards me , you know in a way that he backed it up with fully loaded love scriptures , yea I told him I was going to think about it, we spent more time together, studying each other .

So I decided to pray about it, but there was no response at first , so I rode on ,I never stopped praying, but George's love for me took God's place, I tend to put the relationship first in prayer before God , so whenever I pray ,I see the relationship, and I loved every bit of what I saw about it . And I gave it up for a conviction.

When I got to 300L , I made my decision to go on a journey of love with George, yea it moved on smoothly. We studied the word together, laughed over things , outings here and there.

George invited me over to his place one day, at first I don't think it was right for a Christian to visit a Christian brother alone. The devil might give way. But then I gave it a second thought that George was no person like that, so I decided to go see him, yea , we had nice time singing songs , he sang love songs to my hearing and I loved it. He offered me drinks 🍷, I feel in my spirit not to take it , but then I didn't know when I started sipping it, everything happened so fast. He commented on my beauty , my hair, and this went on , I was loving it, then he said something . "Linda don't you feel the same way I feel" , I didn't get this clear. Then he said to me "

Ecclesiastes 4:11 says "Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone?".

"Hmmmmm" Vera and I sighed .

"George don't misquote the scripture, I….."

I wasn't done when George used one one his finger to pause the words from my mouth. Then he whispers : Even God understands that it is not good for man to be alone .

"George this is not right, we're Christians for God sake, I felt dizzy suddenly, these were my last words. When I woke up, I….


When I woke up , I knew something had gone wrong , yea I was a virgin, and what do you expect, the bed was stained, tears dropped from my eyes.

"Ahhhhh" I and Vera said in exclamation ‼️.

I was speechless, I tried to force words out of my mouth but I couldn't.

"Linda, I'm sorry this had to happen ,it wasn't intentional" George said.

I looked at him as he emerged from the bathroom, I passed by him and went to clean up, when I came out ,he was already dressed but seated on the bed with his Bible.

"George! George!! George!!!" , I screamed. "tell me this didn't happen, waitttt, you drugged me😳"?

" Linda, I told you I don't mean to, the deed has been done , let's just ask for Mercy" He said .

"Mercy, Me…r…cy…" tears rolled down my eyes, "how did this happened"

"Linda, I can ex..."

Before he could completed what he wanted to say , I gave him a thundering slap . "Explain what".

"Oh my God" Vera said

"Good" I said.

"Good, hmmm (Linda smiled) yea good , that I Slapped him, but bad that I had to lost my virginity that way" I hated myself for this.

Well if it was only about virginity , it could have been better , but I missed a very important exam , which I was to have very early that morning, it was a promotional exam which I've been reading for like my life dependent on it.

"Oh my" .. I said

There were incoming calls and text from my friends when I checked my phone 📞📱, and even text ,trying to reach me for the exam but to no avail, I looked at George's Face 👀.

"yes I'm sorry, I didn't want to disturb you, so I left your phone on silent, so you can sleep and..."

George was not done talking when I gave him another resounding slap. You've finally ruined my life, sleep away my destiny right . it's fine, I dragged my bag to leave the room but to my surprise, due to the way I dragged the bag, an envelope slipped off and the contents in it fins it's way through, it contained Indian hemp and so many disgusting ish 💉💊💊💉. I looked at George in shock 😲.

"You do drugs" I asked

"Linda, see about that I can….."

He wasn't done when I gave him another slap . "If you say anything, I'll slap you over and over again, infact what I'm I still doing here, Linda have you finally lost it". I ran out of the room feeling so ashamed of myself , my dignity, I had to sit for the course again the following year , I should have been a graduate by now , but see how George truncate my Destiny.

"Wow, so touching" I said

"Oh my goodness, and you kept this all these while"

"What I'm I to do, I had to run back to God, but the deed was done, tho he accepted me back , it took time to heal, but I thank God I was able to have my way back to his presence .

"So how about George" I asked

"George, hmmm, he actually committed an offence and he was rusticated" Linda said.

"Nice one, a sinner will not go unpunished" Vera said.

"Yea he was rusticated, true , but the decision I made then, made me loose a whole lot of things , whatever decisions we make, it always yields something, weither good or bad" Linda concluded.

"Hmmm" Vera said .

My phone beeped, oh who's that ,I checked , it was my sis message, assuring me that mum is well again, but I should come to see her soon. Then I smiled .

"What's that" Linda asked .

"Mum is strong again, hmmm, I said it."

"that" Vera and Linda asked .

"You know, Henry called me when mum was sick and he just said a word to her that she is healed, girl mama is healed" I smiled again .

"Not again" Linda bangs her forehead with her palm softly.

"Well thank God for her healing and not the man" Vera said .

"Yea thank God ,but this man is a man of his words , you know, he's a real man of God, he said she's healed and yea she is"

"Naomi can we get over this talks"

"Yes tho ,but….." I wasn't done with my words when I heard a knock at the door 🚪. Who could that be?

Everyone gazed at the door, I stood up to check who it was…..

"Hi good morning" a young guy said

"Good morning sir , please how may I help you" I said

"Are you Miss Naomi ?" he said

"Yes please, how may I be of help" I said

"Actually I have a package for you" he said

"Oh really" . I watched as he unlocks his box to bring out a package 📦🎁.

"I'm wowed".

"from Mr. Henry Ferdinand, all payments made already (he prepares to leave)."

"oh (I received it) thank you " (I slammed the the door behind as he lefts . I started unboxing the gift 🎁, I can't wait to see what's in there , My friends just stood there looking at me as I unboxed it, you all guess what , Henry got me a new phone 📱, he got me chocolate 🍫, he got me a teddy , shall I tell you all that is in there, no worries ,but they are all amazing, the phone attracted me more ,and yea there was a letter in it, I quickly slipped it into my pajamas because I don't want my friends to see it , you know them as usual, they are always against it.

"wow" Vera said as she looked at the phone and unboxed it, it's an iPhone, "this is amazing anyways" Vera concluded.

"Hmm, not all that glitters is Gold , be careful of fancy things , you behave like ... Linda spoke.

"Linda 🙄" , she wasn't done when I talked to her "why are you against this relationship? If Henry was to be fake , then it would have been known to me by now, we're two years gone already".

"hmmm , the devil doesn't mind spending the rest of his life with a man who is his target, I don't know why I sense in my spirit that Henry isn't real, you should pray about it" Linda concluded.

"True tho, or go see our pastor" Vera added .

"pastor, noooo, there's no cause for alarm, it's something I can handle , about prayer, I've prayed and I've gotten series of confirmation that he is the one, girl I see us going places together, I see us building a home ,but....

"But what?" Vera and Linda chorused

I sat down on the bed 🛏️ " I had a dream sometimes ago"

"That what" Linda said

"I saw a very beautiful gift 🎁, it's design was just so cute , I admire it from afar , then I moved closer to get it, while I was trying to get close , someone was drawing me back, so I told the person to leave me alone , then he told me to watch closely, then I watched closely and ….. (I paused)

"And…." Vera and Linda chorused.

" I saw another person behind the gift holding two knives at each of his hand .he raised the knives up as if trying to stab the gift of anyone who come close….


"Hmm, what a revelation, you see , Not all gifts are for you. You just have to watch closely, Watch Henry closely, he might be the gift, and…. Well I just think it's time you make a very great decision which is to end this relationship with immediate effect" Linda said

"true" Vera added.

"But then what happens to other dreams of me and Henry"

"I do not think it's from God, Even Devil manipulates dreams , he gives dreams too"

"Exactly" Vera said

"Hmmm, I see , are you saying I should return the package📦🎁"

"If it was me I'd return it o" Vera said .

"if it was I , I would return it, because the devil has nothing to offer, he doesn't mind spending billions (investing) on you just to get a man down . Whatever the Devil gives you is not eternal, whatever God gives you is eternal tho it might not come easily, the decision is yours" Linda said.

"I see , anyways , it's another one I won't collect, don't worry , who would come near a Fireful sister like me" I said

"that's if the Fire is still burning" Linda said

"hmm word" Vera said .

"Ahh, what are you insinuating, forget oo, the Devil can do me no harm, the bible says touch not my anointed and do my prophet no harm" I said smiling

"what if the anointed is slack or the oil has run dry, a Christian life is full of risk but there are some risk you shouldn't take . Read the temptation story of Jesus. " Linda said.

"Linda ahhh, its you that know ,okay I'll return it" I said .

"The choice is yours baby girl, we got to go now, but then I have a leading for us to pray together tonight, meet us by 12am at the school fellowship center, please leave your phones at home, it's just you and Jesus, no distractions "Linda added.

"Yea, thank God I'm not used to taking phone's to God's presence, I'd rather put it on silence ,airplane mode or shut it down" Vera said.

"it's fine ,I said and escort then to the gate, I slammed the door behind and went back to my bed. But then , do you think Henry could be deceiving me?, I mean what are all these gifts for ?, he hasn't met me and he has been taking care of me this much. Is it love or... ohh the letter 💌, let me check that out, I dipped my hand into my pajamas and brought out the letter. It reads.....

I slipped the letter back into the envelope 📨 after I've read it . I sat on my bed . Henry wants me to get married to him, wow. He already told his parents about me , he showed them my picture and they're in support but they needed to see me . yes ,he said he'll wait for me to graduate, at least I'm in my final year now, but, why so soon.

I picked up my Bible , opened it, and a paper slipped off the Bible, I picked it up to read , James 1: 12 Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.

I remembered writing this during one of the youth conference in church. I turned the back of the paper 📜, it was written scripture , Philippians 4:6-7,James 1:5, Jeremiah 29:11,33:3, proverbs 11:14, proverbs 22:15, 12:15, and the last one which was proverbs 3:5-6, I remembered writing all these texts down then, I just slipped it back into my Bible, I can check it out later , probably during the fellowship with my friends, so my phone beeped , I checked, a Bible reminder popped up , I clicked on it ,Romans 12:2 - So I read "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you….." Henry's call came in, I wasn't able to complete the reading, so I just clicked the green button .

"hi damsel" Henry said

"Hi good evening" I said

"you don't seem fine ,what happened?"

"Henry, can I ask you a question" I said .

"yes please" he said

"Who are you, please be honest?"

"Angel, what's wrong, who I'm I ,as in ?"

"If you pretend not to understand what I am saying , then I'll consider this conversation over"

"Naomi calm down, I'm Henry by name, I graduated from university of Sheffield in the United Kingdom, got back to Nigeria late last year, I'm a business man now ,I…"

"I know of all these .Are you a Minister of God?, I believe that was the first thing you should have made mention of, "

"Naomi this is so unusual, you didn't even allow me finish my words ,I do not need to explain myself further , yes I'm a Minister of God, I believe my way of speaking and my social accounts should tell you more about that dear, you see my fliers, what else gives you doubt , you've seen me severally during face time". Henry said.

"Do you love me" I asked

"if I don't love you, I wouldn't come after you" he said

"what about me do you love" I asked

"Naomi, you need to calm down, if I name what I love about you, what if those things fade away , your beauty , what if it one day fade away ,would I stop loving you?, is it a crime that I love you for who you are" he asked

"Who I'm I" I asked

" you're the daughter of the most of God, I love you passion for the things of God, I see that you're indeed going to help my Ministry, you're someone I can lean on ,I see a home ,I love you and I want to marry you as my wife , don't worry I'd carry out my responsibilities, whatever you want me to do I'd do, as long as it pleases God" he said .

Well his last word got me, "As long as it pleases God , hmm " I repeated .

We chatted on phone, I forgot that I had to meet up with Vera and Linda that night, the conversation was just too sweet to end. Linda's call came in during the conversation, I couldn't pick , so I just sent her a message "Linda I got busy with something extremely important, I'd join you guys some other time" I pressed the send button and happily continued my conversation with Henry….


Wow , a year is gone already, success to me , I'm now a graduate , But then I've made new set of friends, Vera happened to be my only old friend, Linda had a scholarship to do her Masters abroad . So it's just me , Vera , Ella and Eunice , we actually have a nickname ,VEEN, cool right.

We created a WhatsApp platform with the name VEEN💖, yea we Fellowship there, we had series of voice call prayers and sometime face time when we want to see each other .

Henry is coming to meet my parents this weekend which is tomorrow so I'm making sure everything is in place , yea he assured my parents that he would invest in me that he would open a boutique for me and probably a ShopRite alongside, so that I can have different source of income, I'm not amazed by the expenses tho, he's a traveler . So I decided to convince my parents that I do not want to further my education, tho Linda and the VEEN ,were against it, but then , I had no choice , it's just a easy thing for me, what's the essence of furthering one's education when there isn't job anywhere, let me just enjoy my life with my God given husband , I prepare my family to receive Henry . But wait , this would be my time meeting him and first time of him meeting my parents, but I told my parents that we've met severally, you know I had to convince them into accepting him. The day he was supposed to come ,he had a very important meeting to attend outside the country which I had to accept , it's for our own good.

On a cool morning, I dashed to the market , bought ingredients, and prepare a meal for our unknown visitors. I was with my phone throughout because I had to direct him to our house , tho he used Google map to drive down to some extent.

Honk! Honk!! Honk!!!

I swiped my window curtain 🪟, there a mighty Jeep parked in front of our house, I waited a while, looked at my mirror , adjust my hair and make sure I looked my best, I walked down the building majestically, Henry walked down from his car .

"Hi Angel" he said with a charming smile

"Hi Henry" oh my goodness, this guy is a paragon of beauty, his smile alone is heart warming, I never knew Henry was this cute ,damn it. I smiled back, and walked towards him, "You're welcome to my abode 🏠, yea thank God we met .

"Yes , thank God" he smiled .

He opened his arms for me to hug 🫂 him. Goodness I'm doing this for the first time , I moved closer to him and hugged 🫂 him, "wow, what a lovely saint" but I simply had to hold my peace and be still .

We walked through the aisle as I led him through to the living room, my parents were already seated , yes , lest I forget, a young Man came with him, I think his brother, because they look alike .

He prostrated before them .

"Good Morning Mummy, Good morning Daddy" Henry said

His friends also did the same .

The introduction started .

"Henry right" my Dad asked

"Yes Daddy" He said

"What do you do for a living"

"Daddy I pastor a church , and I'm also a business man" he said

"Oh you have a church" Dad asked .

"No Dad , I just help to manage the church, I'm one of the Ministers"

"Oh I see , and what business" he asked

"I studied Medicine sir , so I'm a Doctor, My Hospital 🏥 is on construction already" he concluded.

"Oh I see, well that's pleasant to the hearing, do you also do anything apart from that" .

"Not really Daddy"

I was wowed when I heard that he's building a Hospital , he didn't even tell me about it , I only know him as a business man, but what business? Is it Medicine?, well I'll ask that later.

After All said and Done . Daddy accepted, Mum had no choice either , but mum's word was that, he should please take perfect care of me , and he even loved the fact that he is a Minister and his brother even testified to it . So Dad left the sitting room, Mum called me .

"Naomi, please come ,let me see you shortly" Mum said as she left .

"Okay Mum" , I assured Henry that all will be well, he should feel at home, I followed after Mum….

"Naomi , sit down" Mum said

I sat down close to her on the bed .

"hmm, Have you gone to see Pastor already" She asked

"No mum, but….."

"but what Naomi, I believe he should have been the first person you meet before now" she said in a high tone .

"No mum ,you need to calm down due to your health, Actually….."

"What is going saying?" she spoke

I sighed 🙇‍♀️, but I thought mum and Dad jist accepted the relationship, but why all these questions? "Mum you know what, I prayed , and it's a Yes.

"God said Yes" she asked

"Yes mum" I gave an assuring smile but felt somehow within me. "moreover Henry is a Minister of God, he wouldn't embark on this journey if he is not convinced enough" I added .

"Are you convinced enough?" she asked .

"Mummy ,your ask too many questions, but when you wanted to marry Daddy, Did you go to see a Pastor or waited for conviction or something, I thought you told me you didn't" I said .

Mum smiled

"Hmmm, A child does not know herbs , he's calling it vegetables ( A proverb) , I and your Father loved one another genuinely, tho then I was just a normal Christian, but we met one another and we court for some months and later got married , and we've been living fine since then, we understand one another and the love is still there till today but then nowadays, what they teach in church is that you should pray concerning who you want to marry, just one conviction is not enough, I can bet, the Grace of God is what kept I and your father up till this moment" she said .

"Mummy , I tap into that Grace , it will work for I and Henry also" I said with a smile

"Hmm, well, I'm not against You marrying Henry or what do you call him, but if you say that you're convinced God is leading you to him and him to you, then you can, you have my blessings, but…."

"Mummy no buts " I gave her a very big smile ,I happily left her room and dashed to the living room, I winked at Henry, he winked back , then I ordered them to the dinning table to eat ,I wanted to eat with Henry but he said that, we should wait till we finally get married , that we can't do that in an in -laws house" he said

" Okay sir " I smiled . His brother us just this quiet type, I've been observing him since he came in to the house.

"So you visiting my parents is what's next right" .

"oh sure" I smiled.

It was really a memorable day for me, I see them off to the car, Henry gave me some money, yea he brought some packages for my parents, so my you get sister took them in, he gave my sis Some money and gave her some for my parents, he bid them goodbye and left.

I'm missing him already…

I sent my wedding invitation card 💒 to Linda , Her call came in immediately she saw the invitee , she was against it, She tried telling me that she had a revelation concerning us ,and that I shouldn't embark on that journey, it's a journey of no return. I just dropped my phone on the bed and left it there, This is my life and not Linda's, she has no business with my Life, and my church pastor, well , I just took my invitation letter to him so it can be announced in church, I did my courtship counseling via Henry's Relationship counselor. You knows she was friendly, She understands me better , and I love to visit her , so no stress , my pastors own is just to join us together in church , then we can proceed with the reception, and then the traditional wedding, then boom, I'm now be a fully wedded wife.

I was so lost in thought, I didn't even know when Linda hanged up the call. I picked up my phone, she already sent a message . I opened it.

"Naomi, see , God has the best of plans for you, I know that there's nothing I'll say that will dwell in your heart, you've been spiritually blinded by the dazzling offers of the Devil, married to the Devil's son thinking you've married an Angel, well, I'll keep interceding for you, I pray that things don't go wrong before you realize your mistake and run back to the source, I'll keep praying for you here , don't forget, I love you"

"I Hate You" , I said that with a grin , I switched to WhatsApp to read messages from Vera and co , they are my bridesmaids.

My wedding is in few days time , I and Henry will finally move to our new house.

Yea that reminds me , Charlie , Henry's brother said he wants to see me, so I'd go to see him later in the day. I didn't even Gist you about my in-laws, they loved me so much , they welcomed me to their homes as if they knew me before.

Oh my Goodness, that day I felt on top of the World, You needed to see how they honored me . Can this life just continue like this , thank God I made this decision, I wonder where I'd be by now. But then , what did Charlie wants to see me for , it's so unusual, let me just prepare and go to see him , and why he said he wanted me to come when his brother is away , hmm, I hope something isn't fishy 🤔. Why would I come to the House when Everyone is away, should I discuss it with Henry ? , No , I don't think there's any necessity for that, I'd just go to see him, I prepared myself to go see him at home …

What an hectic day I had today, I should have stayed at home instead of stressing myself down to Henry's House just to see his brother. There was Traffic Jam on our way, by the time I got to his house , Henry had arrived home . Yea I met Charlie at the Balcony , he started the conversation with "Do I love Henry"? , I was like "why not" . And he asked me again if I was extremely sure if I want to embark on the journey of love with his brother .

"Charlie, my wedding with your brother is just few days away and you're asking me such a question" I had replied him.

"Will you be able to tolerate and endure the ups and downs of the Marriage" he asked .

"Marriage is for better for worse , for richer for poorer, I'm not marrying him because of his Money, I'm ready to serve with him as long as God lives" I replied. But what are all these questions for.

"Yea , Did Henry Tell you that..." Charlie paused when he heard footsteps.

Henry appeared from nowhere and that was where the discussion ended .

What's Charlie up to? Charlie excused himself when Henry arrived , we chatted for a long time , and now I'm back home , stressed out.

Why do I feel there's something Henry is hiding from me . I picked up my phone to call him .

"Hi Angel, I know you had a stressful day today, sorry honey" Henry said.

"Yea (I smiled faintly) , Henry is there anything you're keeping away from me" I asked "please be honest" I added .

"keeping away, oh…no…., nothing at all… and why should I"


"oh my brother" Henry cuts in "don't mind him, he's just being silly, Anyways I told him I wanted to surprise you with a car this weekend, I don't like you boarding cabs" he said

" really" I said

"yes darling" he smiled "you can ask him if you think I'm lying, why should I lie to you? , Not again sweetheart" he said in a sad tone.

"Noooo , babe , I don't mean to make you sad ,I just wanted to know"

"it's fine" he said

"yea we'd talk later on , I have a lot to fix" I said as I hanged up the call.

I faced the mirror 🪞 as I spoke to myself "Naomi you'd be married in a bit, I feel you should avoid distractions, this is Marriage we're talking about , Moreover I don't look like someone who would suffer the marriage, there are hundred percent possibility of enjoying this Marriage" I smiled. Then some words dropped in my mind "Is your Decision really making you" .

"Sure" I answered immediately.

To me I have made the best decision ever , and the outcome is really going to supersede all, my dream is finally coming through, when people would start praying for my kind of Marriage, oops , amazing right . I dashed to the bathroom to take a shower . I'd be back to start making arrangements for my shopping mall which Henry had just built for me. Also my Wedding, it's really going to be a mind blowing one .


How time flies , finally moved into my Matrimonial Home, My Wedding was mind-blowing beyond my expectations, All thanks to God, he made all things available, I mean , My Wedding, The talk of the town. You needed to see how I was walking on money, that was a red carpet for me , What do you all expect, I've never attended such a wedding before or even thought of having one in my life , but I did. Money was not the problem. Now we should be expectant, I mean making Babies , as my dream is always to raise a Godly Children for God. My children would rock latest wears to church , I mean slay , they'll always glow in the midst of their friends, even as I train them in the way of Christ, who says Christian Babes don't slay, I'm a typical example of a slaying Christian Sister, I slay Nicely and I still serve God, My husband is also a minister of God , What an amazing Family and a Great Generation we're building together.

I took my phone and lay on my bed , I scroll down my Facebook page, oh my goodness, guess what I saw, Linda's Wedding Pictures, Oh Linda is married, so funny, you needed to see his husband , he's not so cute as my Henry , who knows if he is even as rich as My God given husband.

I quickly dialed Vera's Number to get the full Gist because they were still friends.

Oh No, Vera's Number can't be switched off by now, anyways I scrolled through the pics once more , then I messaged her on Facebook, and sent her my wedding pictures, alongside some messages, telling her of my new home .

"Dear Linda, Happy Married life, It's nice to hear that my ex friend is now married , wow amazing, nice man you've got for yourself.

Firstly, I want to thank you for being an amazing friend to me , but at some point I see that you were no longer needed in my life , I'm sorry I had to let you go that way.

Secondly , I thank God I made my decision, if I had listened to yours , I don't know whom I might I've ended up with by now , I can't keep enduring that management life that I'm living with my parents, as a quote reads "if you do not come from a rich family, make sure a rich family comes from you" Finally I'm living, oh sorry, we are living in luxuries.

Thirdly, I already have a shopping mall, alongside an eatery, you needed to have a view of it, probably some other time.

Moreover, I'd be travelling to the UK next month, my husband needs me to go and relax, can you just imagine that . so sweet right.

Lastly, you left just at the right time, if you hadn't left , I might have ended up with probably a lower or almost a middle class man, or just a mere Man , Don't worry I'd give you a call during one of my free time, Catch you later , yours sincerely , Mrs. Naomi Sylvester"

I added smiling Emoji, love emoji, and some funny emojis , I pressed the enter key, I hope to get her reply soon.

Henry enters the room

"Mrs. Naomi, what are you up to? He asks with a charming smile.

"Nothing much dear" I replied

"Any plan for today" he asked

"Nothing really, oh yeah, that reminds me, I needed to attend service in the evening" I said with a smile on my face

"Oh !" he Exclaimed

"Aren't you supposed to Minister?" I asked

"Yes I am, but then I have another outing Tonight, don't worry I'll fix someone to Minister, that's no problem"

"An outing?" I said amazingly

"Yes" he said

"Henry you've been going here and there for days now, when will you have my time" I said sadly.

"I always have your time, but I've got to clear something off , I have a goods that hanging around the airport which I need to push, you know I love you and I don't want you to be sad" he said

He paths me on the back and gave me a hug alongside a kiss.

"you'll be fine very soon" he said smiling

"You're going already" I asked .

"yes" he bangs the door behind.

Oh, Henry , so he won't be home tonight, I'll have to spend the night alone again, oh my goodness, anyways I have nothing to worry about, there are lots of things to keep myself busy with at home. So I try to worry less, I'd see him tomorrow….

" Good morning damsel" Henry said as he smiled.

I turned to look at him , oh it's morning already 🥱, "Good morning Sweet" , I responded, wow, he woke me up with a cup of tea ☕ and some snacks by it's side . Anyways I'm enjoying one of the things I love to have in my Marriage. I took the tea.

"Your visa is ready dear , and there's a probability that you'd take off tomorrow" he said .

I stopped the tea I was drinking "oh my goodness, so soon"

He smiled "yes babe , accommodations settled , all necessary things settled , a month should be enough for relaxing now".

"Two weeks oh , what do I want to be doing over there, how about my business here in Nigeria ,My workers can't take of it to my satisfaction"

"Okay fine , your wish is my command, anyways you'd help me to carry a luggage alongside your luggages please"

"Ahh, what's that" I asked

"Just few clothings, it's for my friend in the UK,I'll link you both together" he said .

"Alright,it's no problem at all"

"Get off the bed already and have your bath or you're not going to the mall today"

"I will, thank you dear" My phone beeped as soon as Henry left the room.

I swiped to check ,it was Linda, oh she replied my message, I quickly opened it and yea her response as usual , so I'm not moved .

"Hmmmmmm, There is a way that seems right unto men, but the end of it is destruction" Linda had texted.

I felt like strangling her from the phone , what kind of response is this, she's still bent on this marriage, I'm enjoying my marriage and nothing seem wrong with it, I'm enjoying the fullness of God's Glory in this Marriage and I've never regretted being into it. I won't bother her again , I never regret making this decision.

Can everyone just let me be, and let me enjoy my Marriage, for I know many Envy me and I'd fight my way through.

I just left the message and decided never to bother her again.

Everything was going on smoothly for me , I prepared to go to the mall, I started my car, but it didn't , so Henry ordered that I take his own out that he has no outing today, well seems nice tho , as I moved to the car seat, I tried to adjust the seat and an envelope slipped out, I opened it ,I was attracted by a code on it, I tried to read through but Henry came for it .

"oh that , My friend just called now that he left his envelope in my car, thank you dear . He's coming over to get it already".

I just hand over the envelope to him. I never doubt anything he says , I trusted him from the start , so there's no point in prolonging the conversations. I drove off …


My phone rings…

"Hello" I said

"Hi good morning ma, I'm I speaking with Mrs. Naomi Sylvester" a voice spoke

"Yes please" I said

"Okay ,I'm Mr. Bernard Williams by name, I have a package with you, from Mr. Henry Sylvester"

"Oh okay, Good morning sir , yes , how do you want to receive it"

"Just text me your address I'd come over to receive it, I really don't want to stress you"

"alright, I'll text you the address soon, thanks for calling" I ended the call .

I remembered Henry telling me about him , I almost forgot, I prepared his luggage, he'll came for it few moments later . After he left , Henry's Call came in .

"Hi sweetheart" he spoke

"Dear , I…."

"yes I know, he already told me, thank you for the delivery darling, you're such a Gem 💎" he said

"Do not thank me , it's nothing" I said

"You do not know how happy I am and how lucky I am to have you, you're indeed an help meet, I don't know what I'd do without you darling" he spoke

"Henry , what are all these praises for , hmm, it's nothing, what are partners for , if I don't support you, who else would do?" I said

"Thank you darling, God bless you for me, So how are you enjoying the UK?" he asked.

"Fine dear , it's really cold here, and I just can't bear it for too long, I had to turn on the room warmer every now and then" I said

"Sorry sweetie 💓, Guess what" he said

"I'm not so good at Guessing and it's what you know too, so don't keep me waiting, what's that"

"The weither in California is much more preferably at this moment, it's Sunny period, what if I arrange a visa for you once you're back from the UK"

"Oh wow, are you for real, but then , I'd be so tired when I return from the UK, so I need few weeks to rest" I said .

"Babe , don't be a lazy one, travelling is just a mere thing to me, UK today, US tomorrow, south Korea , Switzerland, Italy and the likes" he chuckled

"You're a man" I laughed.

"You're a man in human body (laughs) , I just wanted you to explore, I mean within a year, being to different countries, at most , 10 -20 countries in a year " he said

"Ahhhhh , no way, what happened, it's like you don't have any other thing to invest money on" I said jokingly

"You're my investment darling, God gave me such a Rare Gen, why then should I treat you anyhow, no way, let me invest on you so well, I'm not complaining, what do you think? When your friends see your updates , for example , rocking UK , and next week US , Sweden next, like they'd really pray for such a thing" he said


"God hath so much blessed us"

"I know right, how about investing in schools , children who lacks education, the orphanage, widows , complete uncompleted church buildings, there are a lot more to use this our God given money on" I said on a more serious note.

"wow , that's awesome, you can see, God is really one, I also had all these in mind, now that I see you have interest in it, your command is my action. I'll do anything for you, but that doesn't stop you from travelling " he said .

"Okay let's make this a deal, as long as you invest in my part, then I'd go the world for you too, Deal? " I asked

"Deal" he said .

"Moreover , travelling here and there, don't you have plans of making babies, when do we sit down and build our family" I asked anxiously

"Soon darling, I want you to enjoy the best of this marriage first" he said

"Hmmmm" I sighed .

He assured me that when I return home , he promise to play his role as a husband so I was happy, we chatted on ,hoping the call won't end again, but it actually did end after some time.

I decided to take a nap, after which I'd chill out.


I've been away for a while now , travelling is no longer a stressful thing to me , been to about four countries the past month, my husband suddenly decided I take a break off travelling, so this period I had nice time with him , because he was away from friends and families, I too , we were just together all through, no works, my workers are doing so well, my manager is really good at work so I have nothing to worry about.

Few weeks by, I started feeling I'll and irritated, this made my husband take me to the hospital, and yes the outcome was a positive one , I'm pregnant, what a joyful thing to behold . My husband pampered me this period, he said no travelling , just stay and home and enjoy the months of the pregnancy.

Where is men like this on the surface of the earth, Henry is the most caring man I've ever met , I have no issues with him at all, he's just so different, he doesn't have time for other girls even tho they flock around him, he choosed me alone . You all won't understand how much Henry loves me , and when I turn down every messages from Linda, you'd think I'm been unfair , I wouldn't have been with Henry if I had listened to Linda .

Oh Vera , Vera got married while I was in Italy, I couldn't attend her wedding, but to my uttermost shock, She got married to one of the who I turned down his proposal during our school days . The guy is one of a kind , he isn't loaded, not handsome, he's just there, he's no Minister of God , just as I wanted to marry a man of God.

I was really mad at her for such a thing , Vera deserves something better with the way she serves God, she does that better than I do.

The last time I checked on her, I asked if she was sure of the marriage. She said "yes , there was a clear revelation from them both, She wasn't confused but convinced that God is leading them both to each other . This Guy has nothing to offer, she told me actually that , To everything there is a season , God's ways are not our ways , God's thought are not our thoughts, " .

I know right, I also read my Bible , being a pastor's wife is really no much burden based to my experiences so far being married to Pastor Henry . I tried to convince Vera , but she said to me that "God makes all these beautiful in His time" , well everyone has their Decisions to make, I made mine and here I am today, Linda made hers and Vera too . But my dear, I'm enjoying the fullness of God's Glory, With all these happenings right before my eyes , God is good .

For the past few months I've been feeling funny, pregnancy tricks you know. First pregnancy be like, you're not going to have another one again .

I was busy enjoying myself when Vera's Call came in , Why should I have picked her call , do we have anything at all, but then I gave it a second thought, as a pastor's wife it's not so good to be rude to people, so I swiped the green button .

"Naomi" she screamed

I got up from the bed already, why did she shout my name like that.

"Vera are you okay"? I asked

"Thanks goodness, I should be asking you that question" she said

"But you were the one who screamed my name, that's so weird" I said

"Anything you call it, but are you sure you're okay" she said

"I'm fine girl, do I sound like someone who isn't okay" I asked .

"okay, thank you Jesus, Naomi, I don't care wherever you are, or whatever your doing right now, you have to be far away from home this period" she said .

"Vera , there you go again , what happened" I asked .

"Naomi, Be vigilant, for the Devil ,your adversary, roams about, seeking whom he may devour, you have to run for your life" she said .

"Vera, You and Drama , you fear a lot, what exactly is the issue , moreover I'm not at home talkless of staying at home, I'm in my husband's house, no evil can come near my dwelling, remember, my husband is a pastor" I said calmly.

"Naomi, when will you ever come to reality, I dreamt that you died" she said.

"Ahhh ,God forbid, the Bible says "I shall not die but love to declare the words, Vera I won't die , and I don't even look like someone who would die anytime soon, please ." I said .

"Naomi wake up ( Vera cried) , wake up" she said .

"A thousand may fall at my side , ten thousand at my right hand but it shall not come near me" . Sayest the Lord. Only with my eyes will I behold and see the of the reward of the wicked" I said.

"How powerful are your words Naomi" she asked .

"They are not my words but the words of God , so it is extraordinarily powerful"

"Naomi I know that you wouldn't hear anything from I or even from Linda, I know she would have called you severally, but a word before I drop the call" She said .

"Vera , Vera, Vera, hmmm , you both fear a lot" I said.

"Be vigilant, Be at alert, you'll not die ,I pray already, but please be very very careful. No one knows what's about to happen, but please take heed , lest you fall" she said .

"It's fine, thanks for the call"

"I'll keep praying for you"

"yeah ,thank you"

"oh one more thing"

"Okayyyy" Henry called from behind . " Hey Vera please let me call you later, I have to attend to something already" I said .

"Sure, but.....

I pressed the Red button before she could say anything.

"Henry what's wrong" I went to him.

"Nothing much dear, I have a good news" he said .

"but the way you called me scared me , I thought someone happened" I said .

"God would never allow such" He said

"Amen , That reminds me , I've not been seeing your brother , Charlie around, hope no problem" I asked .

"Do you have any issue with him not coming around ?" He asked

"No but..."

"No buts dear, Charlie has returned to school for his masters" he said .

"oh wow , that's really cool, so you know that you made me not do my Masters" I said .

"Do you have any issues not doing it" He asked .

"Not really, as long as I'm fine now, it makes no difference if I did or not" I said .

"if you still want to do it , you have my back, but my baby in there, I don't want any stress for him at all" he said .

"it's you that know " .

We both laughed over it .

"So what's the good news?" I asked

"Oh , you're still interested in that?" he asked .

"of course, why won't I be" I said

"on one condition"

"What condition"

"if only you'd travel with me"

"but you said I shouldn't travel till I put to bed"

"I know right, but this travelling is different, atleast we'd be going together, so , deal or no deal"

"Hmmm" I looked at him.

"Say something baby" he said anxiously.

"The travelling tho, what for ?"

"Oh , yes , I'm being invited to Minister in one of the big churches in Germany, and wouldn't it be amazing if I go with my wife" he said .

"Hmmmm, are you for real" I asked

"Yes dear , I got their call few minutes ago, that was when I called you to break the news to you" he said .

"oh I see" I said nodding my head.

"So Deal or no Deal?" he asked

"Okay Deal, as long as we'd be together"

"perfect" he said.

Henry carried me happily.

"Oh , the baby" I screamed

"I'm sorry dear " he said .

He dropped me gently, and kisses my stomach.

"God bless the day I met you, see how you've been so supportive, you've always helped my Ministry,you never for once deny me of any thing . I promise you today that after this travelling, once it's a success, we'd relocate to Dubai and start a new life , in peace , with love , and perfect service" he said.

"A new life" I said surprisingly

"Yes baby, I'll be into full time Ministry, I'll serve God like never before" he said

"I've you not been serving him well?" I asked

"I have ,but business schedules also affects my timing . so once I'm back from this Travelling, I want to start a new life" he said , looking so intentional.

"That's awesome, and good to the hearing, so when is the travelling" I asked.

"This weekend" he said

"Ah , so soon" I said

"Yes baby, please 👏👏👏" he said as he tries to kneel .

"No , don't kneel for me , I've heard you" I concluded.

So we started preparing for the Journey.


We've lodged in the Hotel that night , Henry has not been settled since we arrived, so I decided to ask him what happened. He said he forgot some important files at home .

"Why would you forget such?" I asked

"I thought I picked it up" he said .

"So what would we do now" I asked

"That's what I'm actually thinking right now" he said .

"I believe the plane would move in few hours time " I said

"True" he said but looked bothered.

"Is there any other thing bothering you" I asked

"Nothing at all, just thinking of how I'll get the file before taking off" .

"What do we do now" I asked myself .

His phone beeped , he swiped to check, then he left the room to receive the call, he came in few minutes later, he started pacing round the room, I was wondering, this has never happened before, what could be going on, who could that be , his mum?, his brother ? his Dad? ,his Friends? , I kept answering myself different questions. I summoned courage to ask him .

"who was it that called " I asked.

"A friend" he said looking worried.

"What happened to him that made you look terrified" I asked .

"Terrified, no, nothing much, he just had a few discussions with me , you know family problem" .

"Oh I see" I said

"Don't worry , everything would be sorted out now" he said while he nods .

"Okay, the Lord is their strength" I said as I lay down myself to relax .

Henry assured me that I'd be fine, so he left the room and returned very early in the morning. He looked extremely worried this time .

"What exactly is wrong with your friend and his family" I asked .

"Naomi" he said as he looked at my eyes. "Can you trust me?" he said

"I trust you , why do you ask"

"okay fine , if you trust me then do as I say" he said almost out of control.

Then a call came in , it was an unknown number , I decided to pick but Henry urged me not to pick any calls be it from parents , friends or family.

This time I became more terrified than he was.

"What exactly is going on" I asked again.

Vera's call came in ,but I can't pick , not quite long Henry's brothers call came in , then I showed it to him .

"It's your brother" I said .

"Naomi , switch off your phones" he said .


"Can you just trust me this time" he said as tears almost dropped in his eyes.

"Okay" I said , as I clicked the switch off button, a message rushed in ,it was from Henry's Brother , I couldn't read it , it was already late cos the phone went off as soon as the message popped up.

"Good" Henry said. "No you have to pay attention to me, there is fire on the mountain" he said .

"Fire" I said , I was shocked .

"Just listen to whatever I tell you, in less than an hour, this Hotel would be attacked , the enemies are after us" he said

"Enemies, what enemies?" I asked , this time I wasn't settled anymore .

"Naomi, see that you say no more words ,just listen to me okay, and we'll be out of this mess.

I was puzzled as he spoke.

I just kept nodding at every of Henry's word .

"Henry so you lied to me" I asked , tear dropped from my eyes.

"Naomi I didn't lie to you. You never for once asked me about my business, you even supported my severally without making more enquires about it" he said .

I nod my head in pity .

"Naomi , I'll explain everything for you but now is not the right time to explain, it's how to get you out of here that I need . Even if I'm to face judgement,but I wouldn't let an innocent person like you face it. He said .

I just kept nodding and in my mind I was crying "where is Linda, where is Vera, I need you guys right now, Oh Lord, I need to you to save me from this mess" .

While I was still thinking, we heard a gun shot. I staggered, Henry hold on to me so I wouldn't fall.

"Naomi, Naomi please , you have to gather strength, let's get this studs out of here, see , when we get out, you'd see a staircase , pass through the staircase , I'm with you, listen to me , don't run, you just have to disguise, pretend as if you're just lodging into the hotel for the first time , you have to comport yourself , The police will be here in a bit. But let me get you out of here first. You see this bag you carry, just pretend it to be yours , there's a probability that they won't search you, the substances are underneath, so clothes and some other materials would cover it. Now get up and comfort yourself .

I tried to get up , I picked up the bag and followed the instructions ,I fought my way through the staircase, the next step I was to take turned out to fail , because my leg loosed it's grip , I screamed as I rolled down the stairs.

"over there" I heard someone shouts , I tried to swallow my spit to avoid creating awareness, While I hold still ,at some point I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen which made me give a shout.

"Over there, Who are you". A voice spoke .

I looked up, it was a police man. I tried to swallow my saliva to answer the policeman.


"You what" he shouted at me.

Fear gripped me at this point and I sought for words from my mouth but I got non, then I remembered everything that Henry told me, so I tried to speak .

"I… logged ..at ..this hotel not ..quite long, so.. I heard a gun shot, I..i..I have phobia for sounds so I had to find my way through… "

"Oh I see ,why were you trying to run in this condition if you aren't guilty of an offense, anyways ( he brought out his phone and showed me a picture)

It was Henry's Picture, he was declared "WANTED". For carrying drugs, for shipping drugs .Tears dropped from my eyes.

"Do you know him" the policeman asked.

"I… No, I don't know him" I said .

"Are you sure" he asked again

"I do not think I've seen this face before, I'm being honest here". I said , this fine around,with boldness.

"Okay , next time you have to be very careful, due to your condition"

"Okay Sir" I said

"You can take your leave" he said as he turns to leave.

I dragged the box from the corner which it stucked , as I dragged it out, one of the zip broke , Alas, my clothes find it's way through the bag, something followed , that made a resounding noise and got the attention of the policeman, I opened my mouth in shock . He turned back and moved towards me.

"Madam are you okay" he asked .

"Yes sir , don't worry sir , I'd pack them"

I bent to pack the clothes , while I was packing them , the policeman spoke.

"And this" he showed a substance to me.

I was shocked.

"Can you explain this?"

I was speechless.

"So this is how you people move in disguise, what are you doing with drugs? Then he brought out a telephone "Found one culprit sir, opposite room 103, yes sir , okay sir" he keeps the phone📱.

He handcuffed me immediately, I couldn't explain, what on earth I'm I supposed to say? ,the deed has been done. Is there anything I'd say that will change the mindset of the policeman.

"Hey you" a voice spoke from behind.

"I looked through the arena , I was shocked , to my uttermost surprise , I saw Charlie , Henry and few Policemen.

I was speechless, is Charlie also into drugs? .

We were all taken to the police custody. Charlie plead with the policeman to give him few minutes to talk to me alone .

"Naomi I tried my best to stop you but to no avail" he said

"How do you mean" I asked

"Did you receive my SMS" he asked

"Yes I did but I wasn't able to read it" I said .

"Ignorance , if you had read it ,you wouldn't have been in this mess, where's your phone 📱.

I reached for my phone and switched it on.

"Read the text" Charlie said

I read "Naomi, Henry has being declared wanted for drug trafficking, I love you and I want to save you, Move to room 223 with immediate effect, don't worry, the door is not locked, just stay in there and lock the door. You'd be fine , I'll explain to you later." I looked at Charlie , tears dropped from my eyes.

"I was shocked when I saw you, I thought you have escaped " Charlie said.

"Henry told me to switch off my phone, I couldn't even pick the calls from my friends" I swiped to read Vera's message . "Naomi, please run for your life, I and Linda have been trying to reach you. Please run away, anywhere at all, just run, I have a very strange feeling" . I read another message from an unknown number "Hi Naomi, it's Linda, I've been trying to get through to you, I just watched the news of your husband, he was declared wanted and they are really seeking him, please leave his vicinity right now, don't pick a pin, just leave immediately you receive this message"

It was all too late.

"I and my brother never agree ever since he has been drugging , he had been trafficking since he went for his Masters, and when he told me about wanting to send you abroad , he wants to use you as a point to pass drugs from Nigeria to Abroad. This was the day I called for you but you came quite late, when he knew I wanted to discuss this with you, he sent me packing and threatened to kill me if I do anything silly. I have been away trying my best to see how I can deal with him . he's a minister true tho, but he's using it to cover up, yes my pastor knows him as a Minister but not as a drug dealer, be careful of how you want for men of God, not all men of God are from God. He might be a very good preacher, but still indulge in Evil things .

I'm sure God spoke to you severally either through his voice , his word , or friends and families or strangers but you were ignorant" . he said

"Yes , I know, his scriptures came to me everyday , every moment but I was blind by love ,I disowned my best friends because they were against me getting intimate with Henry" I said

"Hmm, you see this life , especially Marriage, marriage is not man's idea but God's idea , therefore we shouldn't jump into it with man's understanding. It takes the spiritual to get married"

"Hmmm" tears rolled down my eyes.

"Whenever you're making a choice /decision, you should always give it two levels of thought, which is the physical and the spiritual. This decision I'm giving is it right, you have to learn balancing. If physical says yes and spiritual say No , I'd advice you to obey Spiritual.


My phone rang , it was Vera , so I picked.

"Hello Vera , I'm at the police custody, I'd text you the address now" I end the call.

"Naomi see , you have great friends, but you misused them . In the Alphabets, there are three (3) very key letters which is B,C,D ,I know you'd ask why .

The B represents Birth

The C represents Choice

The D represents Death .

So you see , within these three letters ,there's one that very key, which is the C, your choice matters . Your choice is what makes your decision. When you desire something over another , it's your choice , then you taking a step to doing it is your decision, then after decision is actions. But one thing is , You can make your Decision, but is your Decision making you"? he said

"Hm, Charlie, I remembered, this same question came to me during a period. But I didn't take it serious because I didn't understand what it really meant ". I said .

"It's simple, is your decision making you, You have to understand who you are , This is who I am in Christ, If you read Jeremiah 29:11 , it's talks about what God wants for you. If you read , Matthew 5:14-16 talks about who you are , you are a light. 1 peter 2:9 talks about who you are , a Royal priesthood, a holy nation , and many more verses that talks about you, now you're making a decision, you have to be strategic, is that decision making you, a light, a Royal priesthood a a holy nation and many more". He said.

"Hm , now I understand, I'm sorry Lord" I cried bitterly.

"There's nothing God cannot do, he's a merciful God, I'm sure you know the punishment for the drugs which you carry, but God is Faithful, he's just , the only thing we can do is pray, it takes the spiritual to operate on earth" Charlie said.

"Are you a pastor" I asked .

"No , I'm not a pastor, I'm a child of God like you and everyone else ,but then I take my time to study the word and understand it, I don't just scheme through, I scan through it, I scan it till it's clear, then I capture. Let's just hope on God, probably they'd look upon you for the condition you're in" he said .

I looked at the pregnancy again, tears rolled down my eyes , my phone rang, it was an unknown number but then it should be Linda , so I picked .

"Hello Naomi" Linda spoke

"Hi Linda" I replied with tears.

"This is not the time to cry for yourself or for me or for the mistake, it's time to cry for Mercy" she said .

"Linda you told me , you said it, I was ignorant to the call" I said with tears .

"Naomi see , All that Glitters are not Gold , you remember the Dream you told me you had , if you had payed a close attention to it , then it wouldn't have paved way for the devil. You accepted the gift, and now the enemies stabbed you, you remember the knife 🗡️🔪". She said .

"I'm sorry" I said

"you don't have to be okay, I thank God that your eyes are now opened . See in everything you do , don't always out desperation for material things first. Don't marry for beauty, don't marry for fame , don't marry for riches, don't marry for flamboyant things , the frivolities will end one day , marry for kingdom sake .

Everything we do in life should be for the kingdom sake.

(Vera enters the station)

"Vera is here" I told Linda.

"Naomi ,how come" Vera asked.

"Put the Phone on speaker" Linda said

"okay" I said as I placed it on speaker. "Vera you came in quite early" I said

"Vera how're you doing" Linda asked .

"I'm fine , I was surprised when Naomi told me she was here, this is my husband's office " vera said .

"oh" I said

"wow that's amazing, in that case God is helping us already, I'd call you guys later , Vera we have to get Naomi off that station, please do all necessary things , if there's any expenses attached let me know"

"okay Linda, thanks for always staying" Vera said

"Thank you Linda" I ended the call .

"Naomi talk to me" Vera pleaded.

I explained every bit of what happened to Vera. She felt very sorry .

"I told you ,that guy is evil, I feel like strangling him right now" Vera said angrily.

"here's is Charlie, his brother"

"Hi" Vera said

"Hi Vera, thank you for taking care of your friend" Charlie said .

"Don't mention, if I don't, someone else would". Vera said . "Naomi I warned you , you didn't listen". Vera added.

"This not the time to scold her or something, it's time to rise for her, pray for her, it's time to get her out of here" Charlie said.

"Fine I'd talk to my husband" Vera said.

A policeman came in to tell us that time is up, I had to return back to prison .

"And where's Henry" Vera asked .

"Where else are you expecting that crooked guy to be? He's in the prison" Charlie said.

"I thought he was your brother" Vera said .

"I have disowned him a long time ago. I don't relate with people who are pretenders , I don't flock with people who are not for God, who don't have the fear of God, I intentionally set him up , I've had it up to my throat, I can't breathe over it any more, I would not let me destroy my family, I decided to hand him over to the police solely" Charlie said.

"Hmmm" Vera sighed

"I'd take my leave now" I said .

Vera and Charlie assured me that I'd be fine, and I'd be out in no time soon . I nod my Head as I followed the policeman to the prison.

When I saw Henry , he already had wounds all over his body , he was being tortured, I just passed by the prison gates and entered into another prison yard , I don't want to have anything to do with Henry again , I don't even want to see him . As I entered into the prison yard , the policeman locked the gate and left, I sat on the prison floor and cried solely to God for Mercy.

It's been over a week of waiting on God . Why is he quiet, I have realized my mistakes , Lord please just save me from here. As I pondered over this , I heard a knock on the prison gate, I looked up, oh it was Charlie .

"Charlie has God forgotten me" I asked sadly.

"No, God never forgets those whom he loves . A Father chastises whom he loves , just take this as one of the ways God used to correct you of your mistake. But then I assure you would be out very very soon , just don't give up yet, I brought some food for you" Charlie said.

"But I don't want to eat" I said

"Babe, ehlmm sorry, Naomi , you have to eat something, look at the condition you're in" he said

"If God doesn't answer me , then what's the essence of eating. I'd wait on him , I'd keep waiting don't worry , I don't want to go through judgement Lord" I cried bitterly.

"Naomi ( Charlie held my hands through the gate space ) I promise you that he'll come through. Infact he has come through, and you'll be out of here soon" Charlie said.

"I believe , but then I would eat, I'll wait upon him" I said as I released my hand off his.

Charlie looked at me , I had an eye contact with him, yea, his look tells of his worries but then there was an assurance in his look.

"Everything will be fine" Charlie said as he smiled .

"Yeah, I believe, I have to pray now, please excuse me" I said .

"Sure, you can have your Communion" Charlie said , then he left .

"What is Charlie up to" I asked myself , "His coming around and his moves these days is suspicious" I thought.

Anyways , I lean on the wall to pray, while I was on this prayer, I heard a knock on the gate again, could it be Charlie again, I continued my prayer , but the knock was continuous then I heard my name "Naomi" , I lift myself from where I was , I looked up , lo and behold , it was Henry, he came with Vera and Some Policemen.

"I thought I said I don't want to see you" I said .

"Naomi, plea….."

"please leave" I shouted at him.

"Naomi, for how long will you continue in this , you just have to let go, the deed has been done, atleast hear him out first" Vera said .

"I.. don't.. want…to .. hear.. anything fork Henry, please leave, I said leave" I screamed.

"Naomi" Vera said.

I hit myself on the ground, crying bitterly, Henry what is it you want from me again, you've destroyed my life already, my career is been truncated by you, see where your selfishness had brought me, so what else .

"Naomi please hear me out first" Henry said with pity.

"Yes please" Vera added.

"Fine , it's fine (tears dropped from my eyes) it's fine .

Vera tried to console me , I later allowed Henry to speak , so he knelt before me and spoke…..

(The gate was opened for them)

"I'm sorry for all have caused you, I blame myself for whatever step I took. Naomi, I bet it with my life , this wasn't my plan for you and I, to be honest, I love you from the deepest part of my heart" Henry said .

"Henry please" I said , trying to shun him.

"Naomi ah, just allow him speak" Vera said .

I sighed as I lower my head.

"Dealing with drugs started as a issue of influence, I had a new set of friends when I travelled abroad, they are into drugs but not all . they had someone in Nigeria who shipped the drugs in for them. So there was a time I needed money for a course but I couldn't ask my parents for it, because my Dad was sick and a lot of money is been spent on him (Henry sighed) . On the long-run I lost my Dad.

"you what" I lift up my head.

"I can explain (sighs) , I know what you wanted to say. The people are introduced you to are not my biological parents, they are my borrowed parents" he said

"Henry (I screamed) you are a criminal, bitch" (I wanted to slap him but Vera and the policemen stopped me. It looked as if I should strangle him.

"No, Naomi No, don't do such a thing, if not for anything, but for God's sake" Vera said.

"I deserve whatever thing you choose to do to me but atleast let me finish whatever I want to say then you can decide whatever thing you choose to do to me. The first time I traded the drugs , I had millions of money in return, So it really interests me , yes I used to be a worker in church and even I was given a platform to Minister due to my diligence in the church activity and in the work . When I needed God most he wasn't there, I needed money at a time, and I prayed but few days to the time I needed the money , nothing had showed up and this was where my Friends came in ,that's how I became I drug dealer .

During this period where I have made it really big , I met you online , and that was how our love journey started , I mean I have not loved a lady so hard before, you were the first . So I decided to embark on that Journey which you later accepted.

My Friends were happy for me and they told me that it will be cool if I marry you , atleast you'd support me in the business, that people are not so cruel to women like men . Countries have regard for women at a certain level. So I decided to invest in you, I made you travel several with drugs in your luggage" he said .

I stood and gave him a slap this time around " I knew it , Why I'm I been so foolish , you always link me up with people to deliver the drugs ,oh and about the envelope I saw in your car, was it..." I paused .

"Yes I'm sorry" he said .

"Naomi please sit , I understand how you feel" Vera said .

The policemen just stood afar off watching.

"Noo, you don't" tears flowed down my eyes as I sit.

"I'm sorry Naomi, My plan for this journey was to make it the last time I'd deal with drugs. I wanted us to travel together but I want you to be the one who will deliver the drugs because I don't want to see the guys again . my plan was to get back to Nigeria, re dedicate my life to God and Travel to Dubai with you to start a new life, I never knew the table will turn" Henry said .

"Is that all" I asked .

"I've just come to beg you ,please , even tho I'm to die in prison for carrying drugs, atleast forgive me ,that my soul may find rest when I did" he said .

I sighed .

"Naomi please, it's also in favor of you. The last time I checked the book of Mathew 6:12 , it says Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those to trespasses against us" We have to forgive to be forgiven. If you don't forgive other's then how will God forgive you, you have both sinned against God ,so do the needful" Vera said

"I have forgiven her" I said, as I stood up to enter back intro the prison yard , someone dragged my Prison Wears.

I looked back to see who it was .

"Henry what is it again" I faced him.

"Naomi please don't leave me, remember me in your prayers, join in helping me ask for Mercy" Henry said

"May God have mercy on you both" Vera said .

"Amen" {I and Henry said in unison}.

One of the policemen came forward and announced time up, so Henry was taken back to the prison. I watched as Vera watched in pity as he was taken back to the prison. I hit Vera softly.

"Do you want to go with him" I said

"What do you mean, I only feel for him ,hmmm" Vera said .

"Then go after him" I said .

"Naomi ,let me talk to you a minute, see , if you don't let go of your grudges against Henry , then your wound might not heal , not anytime soon" Vera said .

"I hate him, I feel like strangling him whenever I see him" I said as I grinned.

Vera laughed when I said this .

"What's funny" I asked

"Nothing at all, but on a serious note ,you can't only blame Henry , You both are at fault here , God spoke, you were ignorant, as for Henry, He too was ignorant. Whatever brought you here is your decision. Your Decision either bring you life or Death, proverbs 18 vs 21 says "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits." .Only if you know how powerful your Decisions are , you wouldn't be in a hurry to decide" Vera said .

"I know right, and I have prayed for forgiveness, day and night ,I fought my way back to the cross, to the feet of Jesus, crying for Mercy day and night, if he's not going to have Mercy on me , how about on my unborn baby" I said, out fo tears.

"You do not need to cry, I and Charlie are over this already, and I bet you'd be bailed in few days time" Vera said .

"Are you sure of this?" I asked .

"Definitely dear" Vera said as she smiled .

I hugged her and a call came in . oh it was Linda , so Vera swiped the green button to pick the call .

"Hi Vera" Linda spoke .

"Good evening from Nigeria ,How are you doing" Vera said .

"Fine , how's Naomi, are you with her?" she asked .

"She's here with me, she can hear you as well" Vera answered.

"Okay fine, Hi Naomi, I don't want you to worry anymore okay" Linda said

"I'm fine Linda, Thanks for not giving up on me" I said .

"Don't mention, I should I've called since morning but I and my husband went for a Ministration somewhere in the country , so as soon as the program ended , I had to call . I've been praying for you and I'm sure God has set you free already, the siege is over, believe it" Linda said .

"Amen, I believe it" I said .

"So just keep calm okay, lest I forget, while I was praying yesterday night, God layed it upon my heart to tell you something and I'd be glad if you will do it and I'm sure Jesus will be happy if you do it" Linda said .

"Anything at all, I'll do it, in as much as it's form God, I'll do it" I said.

"Okay , God laid it in my heart that there's something that's heavy on you that you have refused to let go and failure to do , I don't know what might happen" Linda said .

"Something ! Heavy on me! Nothing at all , I don't have anything in heart" I said.

"How about the case of Henry" Vera said

"What does that has to do with what we're discussing" I asked .

"Darling , it has a lot to do , please ,you have to forgive Henry, if not for anything ,but for the sake of God , and that ye shall obtain Mercy and Favor from the Lord" Linda said .

I went mute

I looked at Vera, Vera nods her head in acceptance that I forgive him . I looked at the prison gates , I looked at my stomach, and tears dropped from my eyes, why do I blame Henry , but then he's the reason for this dilemma. But Henry has done more Evil than justice, how can I let this go. Even if I try, how about whenever I remember the

Pregnancy. What do I tell my parents, I have been ignoring their calls for days now, I switched off my phone because I don't want them to hear of it , above all, what can I do ,than to let it go and move on with my life.

Few days later , I was bailed out of prison. All thanks to Linda , Vera and most especially, Charlie, he's really done so well , you all could have wondered why only Henry was facing the punishment and why I'm I not , since I was caught with drug also. Charlie was behind me been free from the punishment, secondly , as he had said , he wouldn't watch me being punished in this condition, yea I'm Four months gone already, so in the next five months I should be expecting a baby, but then , who would father my child, I gave all these a thought, but through it all God was there for me.

I forgave Henry from the depth of my heart, that same day which I forgave Henry, I had an encounter with God which I can never recover from. Yes we spoke , I was happy , to be honest , I really had an amazing moment with him.

I wish this had been for a long time , I wouldn't have been in such a mess.

Vera insisted that I stay in her house for a while, tho I thought of going back home to my parents, but not in this condition, Vera said I needed to recover , she urged me to put on my phone , and call my parents , betterstill explain everything to them and assure them that I'm fine , But wait , why would I even go to her house, her husband is one of the guys I turned down while I was in school. But dear, I had to let down my ego for betterment of all.

So I followed Vera home , she gave me a room to stay . Wow , Vera's home is so beautiful. Definitely I was wrong all along , when I saw her wedding picture and I was like this guy is a low Budget.

It was a mansion and you know no one would come across a house like this and wouldn't want to take a picture of it. It was a mighty mansion .

But then it's a new me , I have to stop thinking about the past and just generate a new me and live my life to the fullness of God.

Her Husband, Daniel , was happy to meet me , he was really an amazing man, he didn't treat me like we've met before, he treated me as one , one body in Christ Jesus as he always says. Despite the fact being a policeman of high rank , he is a soldier of Christ, he pastors a large church also, he also has a Ministry of his own, his love for God is not debatable. Whenever he goes to work, while coming back home , he always gets me stuffs like ice cream, pizza's , chocolates, chicken and chips and many more, it got a stage , I had to discuss with Vera, because it's getting too much, it shouldn't look like I want to take her place , but Vera assured me that Daniel is a nice and caring man by nature and she's not bothered about that, he's just doing the best he can to keep me happy , so I just smiled when she said that, deep down me, I think through , had it been I hadn't turned Daniel down , he might have been my husband by now, well I don't want to keep that in mind , so it won't birth another thing, one thing is , I have Jesus back to my life again, definitely all will be well again.

I called my parents ,tho they were mad at me , but what would they also do, my mum urged me to come to immediately, so I would be going back home this weekend to see them.

It's really been an amazing time in the home of THE DAVE as they have nicknamed themselves , that is , Daniel and Vera . My stay there was really worth it , it has helped me to grown fervently in prayers, my spiritual life had grown so fast and yeah, I've become more sensitive to things . Sometimes God makes a Message out of your Mess , I'm grateful to God for the journey so far .

I and Charlie had also being communicating, it's fun with him tho, but I don't want to be to clingy, so I try to limit my conversations with him.

Henry was sentenced to 3 years life imprisonment with hard labour, also he has to pay a fine of $250.

Anyways I do pray for him during my prayer times.

THE DAVE ,gave me some cash while I was leaving, Linda also sent some to me, what an amazing friends God had surrounded me with, I wasn't just sensitive to that.

I got to my hometown at about 10pm at night, I couldn't have any discussions with my parents because it was already late and I needed to rest, but they were very happy that I'm back home .

The next day ,my Mum and Dad talked to me , I mean big time, they talked some sense to me, it was really a long talk and worth it.

Tears rushed down my eyes while they spoke , how powerful Decisions are.

Truly I remember the voice that spoke to me few years back while I was still in school , it's goes thus , "Yea you have the right to make decisions, but is your decisions making you" . I was ignorant to understand that, no wonder God said in his word , "My people perish because they lack knowledge" hmmm, " Knowledge is profitable to direct" .

Physical backing is not enough to make decision, there has to be spiritual backing, Your decision might be physically balanced but spiritually imbalance.

Truly, the Physical cannot control the spiritual, it takes the spiritual to be able to control the physical. As the word of God says "the things that are physical are fake, but the things which are spiritual are real.

It takes only God's intervention to be able to make Decisions.

"Naomi , there are times you shouldn't make decisions, when you're happy, when you're sad ,when you're angry and many more. You don't just wake up one day and make decisions. If you make decision based on your emotion ,you'll end up in destruction. As you can see the outcome of your decision" Mum said

I couldn't hold my tears back anymore , I couldn't do any other thing at that moment that to say in my heart, I'm sorry Lord Jesus.

"Naomi, you know much I love you, and I want the best for you, I also blame myself in one way, in the sense that , I wasn't Spiritually sensitive, if I had also gone extra miles for you, or to talk to God about it, I might not have allowed you embark on this journey, but I thank you're back home" Dad said .

"Stop crying dear, crying won't solve the problem, and you have to stop thinking, don't cause problem to the child in your womb, God would take care of you and the baby" Mum said .

They hugged me , and blessed me . That I would once again have a peaceful home and the man God has for me would surely come over, and that I should be Spiritually guarded in all my doings . I thanked them for the advice and yeah ,I continued to live with my parents.


Its over two months now , Linda and Vera had always been by my side , Vera always comes to my abode every two weeks to check on me, while Linda never stopped calling, we had series of Midnight prayers via social media apps.

I started a platform few weeks ago, it's a platform for teenagers and youths , where I get to speak to the teens and youths about living life , decisions making and playing a vital role in their life both spiritual, physically and financially. Both Linda and Vera helped in broadcasting, and yeah I was invited to speak to the youths in the united state of America, Thank God for Linda, When Linda sent the invitation to me, I was electrocuted, tears rolled down my eyes , tears of gratitude.

"But how do I go, because I don't think I can afford that travelling money" I said to Linda.

"All expenses are settled already, just prepare yourself" Linda said.

"Linda (tears rolled down my eyes) I don't know how best to thank you". I said.

"You don't need to cry, you have God to thank, not me" she said

"I .. am .. blessed to have you" I said.

Linda and I talked for a long time before she ended the call, so I started preparing the message, my parents were happy for me. Few days later . I moved in to the U.S .


The program was a success, I knew God took over the message, because a whole lot of souls were won for God.

Linda and I had a very nice time, life in the U.S was awesome, I met with new people , I attended the service the following Sunday and it was glorious.

Few days later , I got a call from the pastor, that I have been promoted , to be the youth leader. I was speechless, I can't help but say THANK YOU JESUS, this is just too much for me. I had an encounter that night, I saw Jesus, he was happy. I just smiled and say "Thank you Jesus" ,I was surprised by his response, he said "Thank you Naomi".

But why was he thanking me, then I woke up. I just smiled after this.

I kept on carrying out my duty as a youth lead. Months by, I got a Job , and also a permanent stay in the U.S . How God did this , I don't know, but the U.S pastor has always been there for me, he's my spiritual Father as well.

I've really been stressing myself these days, I need to get some rest, Few moments later , Father's call came in .

"Hi Dad , how're you doing" I said.

"I'm fine" (there was something wrong with the way he responded).

"Dad are you fine" I asked again.

"Yes I am" Dad said as he cleared his throat.

I heard a background voice that got my attention.

"Dad how's mum" I asked anxiously.

"She's..." he burst into tears.

"Dad , speak to me" I couldn't hold it anymore.

My sis then came and took the phone from him.

"Hi sis" Kiddo said .

"Where's mum? , give the phone to her" I said.

"Sis , I wish I could give her the phone , but then , Mum is dead" kiddo said as she burst into tears .

"Mum is what?" I bang myself on the chair not minding my condition "How? , when? Where? Why didn't you tell me this earlier, was she sick?, was she…." I went mute.

"Sis , you have to be calm, you know your condition, Mum has been sick,but she said we shouldn't tell you ,that she doesn't want to bother you" kiddo said.

"And you kept all these from me, and now that she's dead , you decided to break the news to me, what do you think will happen" I said as tears rolled down my eyes.

"Sis ,we have to take heart, we all love mummy , but God loves her more. Dad is still very much here for us, it's not out wish for her to go by now, but can we question God ? No, we have to accept our fate" kiddo said .

"Oh My God, why me?" Vera's call came in. "Kiddo please call me back , let me answer this call" .

"Hi Vera" I said

"Sweetheart, how are you" Vera asked.

"Did you also hear that….." I said

"Henry is dead, I know" Vera cuts in.

"Henry …is…what..?" I stammered

"Oh I thought that was what you wanted to say" Vera asked.

"Mother is dead, why is all these news coming today, why? I cried bitterly as I move myself from one joint to another" I said.

"Mother is Dead? How , when, was she sick?" She asked.

"Yes , and they all kept these from me , they didn't want to bother me, but now they can bother me when she's dead, why is this world so cruel to me" I said.

I paced up and down the staircase .

"Naomi, I can understand your pain, loosing your mother and your husband, Henry died yesterday Night, he had a high B.P, and it was too late before someone came to his rescue, before he was rushed down to the hospital,he gave up the ghost" Vera said .

As I was getting down the stairs again, a sharp pain which I had few months back at the hotel, came in again, this time , I slipped off the stairs. I felt few drops from my private organ, I placed my hand below to check….

"Naomi are you okay" Vera asked.

I was quiet this time trying to observe .

"Blood 🤌🩸🩸🖐️" I screamed.

I heard a knock at the door, then the door opened , it was Linda, she rushed down to where I was, followed by her driver .

"Naomi " she said , astonished

"who told you ...." I tried to force words out of my mouth.

"Just don't say any word".

Linda picked me up , she was helped by her driver, straight to the hospital we went.

It's over 6 hours , I tried to gather strength to sit up, I was placed on drips tho, I was helped by Linda to get up, Even my spiritual Father was here with me and his assistant, Pastor Dion .

"What did the doctor say?" I asked Linda

"You just have to relax" Linda said .

"I've lost my child right" I asked nodding my head as tears dropped from my eyes.

"Dear Linda, I do not want you to worry okay, the Lord will bless you with many more children, so worry less about it" My spiritual Father said.

"Father is right, you just have to put yourself together, we're always and will always be here for you" Pastor Dion said.

Linda gave me an reassuring smile, I nod my head as I smoked back. I shouldn't worry, I've gone so far with God to now start blaming him, I now believe in him, and this helped my Faith grow stronger in the Lord and my relationship with him grew rapidly by day. Mother was buried, I arranged for my Father and my Sister to come oversea. I was supported by my spiritual Father Financially.

Few weeks after , they landed, we went to pick them up, I , Linda, and Pastor Dion. Now I'm stronger and it looked like nothing had happened so far. I got through the deaths of Mother, Henry and the child as soon as I can, tho memories can never be cleared off.

Few months after, Pastor Dion Confessed his love for me. I wasn't quick to give my answer.

"Pastor Dion, Please Can you give me sometime, I need to pray about it" I asked politely.

"Sure, you can go ahead" He Smiled.

Few days by, I got series of confirmation from God. There was nothing to be confused about, God was in support of it. I was supposed to go and see him that evening, but I had to prepare for an award winning competition , it was for Music Ministers. So I had to send it through text, he called me, the Joy in his voice is beyond measures. I went for the Competition accompanied by Linda, Pastor Dion Few other of my friends , My Dad and my Sister.

As God would have it, I won the award 🏆, I was overwhelmed with Joy, My people came to take pictures with me, and congratulated me one after the other. Then off we went to church for a celebration, my spiritual Father was happy with me.

"Congratulations dear, I'm not surprised you won, I'd be surprised if you didn't, you're a child deeply loved and helped by God" My spiritual Father said , as he hugged me.

I turned to speak to Linda, but was electrocuted by what I saw. Pastor Dion knelt before me.

"Will You Marry Me" He said .

I was speechless, tho I wasn't meant to, but it came just when I least expected, not in the church premises. I looked at Linda, to Father, to Sister, To my spiritual Father, They all gave a nod as they kept smiling , even the congregations, there was massive Blushing and Awning from them.

"Yes I will marry you" .

There was a sound clap from everyone as the rejoiced. He fixed the ring in my hand and hugged me. I couldn't hold back the tears that flowed through my eyes. "Where has this kind life and Joy been?" I asked myself.

I think this has been the best family ever, I and Dion got married , God has been Faithful to me and my Husband, Vera could have been the Happiest woman on earth, she kept calling and promised to come for my child's naming ,at this period ,I was already heavy, it's about 9 months.

Few days After I gave birth, As God would have it I gave birth to twins, A bouncing baby boy and a girl .

"I have always been waiting for this day" Dion said as he smiled, he kissed me , and kissed the children.

"I bless God for that" I smiled.

"After Jesus, you're the best thing that ever happened to me, meeting you was one of the best gift God has given to me" My darling husband said.

I'm amazed by all God has done and will continue. We lived happily now, and forever.


@Sïmply~Jësüsbãby Pïëcë ✍️💥🔥💖

Dear readers, I hope my story has been able to line you to what decisions can do.

You have the right to make your Decisions, it's nobody's business to decide what you want for your life.

But then, whatever decision we are making, we should be considerate, consider God in it . Will this decision make me who God wants me to be.

This story tells two phases of me, my decision to follow Henry, and my decision to follow Dion. Both are my decisions , but one supersedes the other.

When God is at the center of your decisions, then you're good to go. Learn from the many of my mistakes, and my achievements. Make your decision, Talk to God about it . Dear Lord,do you think I should go for this thing or not. He'll surely answer you, do not be ignorant also , as I was.

Ignorance kills . The Bible says "My people perish because of lack of knowledge" .Also always apply wisdom to whatever you're doing , "In all they getting, get Wisdom" . "Wisdom is profitable to direct" .

The Decisions you make , the outcome can never be erased , either good or bad, the scar will always be there. Let God be above our Decisions. Shalom

~Pastor Mrs. Naomi Dion Fredrick...…

I (@Sïmply Jësüsbãby Pïëcë ✍️) drop my pen 🖊️.

Thank you for reading . God bless you, May your Decisions in life be a blessing and not a curse. Stay Blessed. JESUS LOVES YOU 💖💖💖.

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Email : onanugamary05@gmail.com

Contact : 08120054407 (WhatsApp n Calls).

Instagram : Simply Jesusbaby

Facebook : She'z Adeola Jesusbaby or

Fb link : https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100075747846615

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