
The Decillionaire Heir

Synopis In a world where money and power goes hand in hand, Drew Lucas struggles to make ends meet in a world ridden by super powered beings called the Elites. One day, his girlfriend fiancee breaks up with him after she awakens as an Elite, claiming the disparity in their destinies was huge. Just when Lucas was at his lowest point in life, a twist of incidences causes him to obtain the Super Decillion System, pushing him all the way to the top of the food chain. . I retain copyright to the book cover

King_Dragonslav · Urban
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44 Chs

Chapter 016

Angela walked into Star Times hospital, stopping at the receptionist booth.

"How may i help you?" the female receptionist flashed her warmest smile, exposing two dimples on her cheeks.

"I want to see the main Doctor. Is he in?" Angela demanded haughtily.

"You mean Doctor Collins? pardon me but do you have an appointment with him?"

"Do i need to book an appointment to see someone?" Angela hissed with annoyance.

How dare this lowly receptionist reject her? does she know who she is?!

The female receptionist coughed lightly, in an attempt to easen the heavy situation.

"It's the norm around here. Nobody is exempted"

Angela's rage rose to the top. Her nose flared up as she slapped her palms on the counter desk.

"Insulting! never in my life have i felt so insulted!"

Due to Angela's exaggerated outburst, she succeeded in alerting everyone in the hospital.

Nurses and Doctors trooped into the lobby area, curious at as what the commotion was all about.

"Is there a problem madam?" Doctor Collins just happened to arrive at the scene.

He walked respectfully towards Angela.

"Thank goodness you are here doc!" Angela tucked in some strands of her loose hair.

Doctor Collins noticed something was wrong and turned towards the female receptionist.

"Sir, this lady came here asking to see you. However, i told her that she had to book an appointment first"

"Liar!" Angela roared.

"You clearly called me a bitch and a whore! and that my presence sullies the hospital!" Angela lied through her teeth.

"Mary, how could you!" Doctor Collins glared sharply at the receptionist, his eyes blazing with fury.

Not just him, the others in the lobby were inclined to believe Angela's lies, afterall the latter was dressed indecently.

Coupled with her red lipsticks and exposed laps, she really did look like a bitch.

"Sir! i never said that!" the receptionist refuted and pointed at Angela.

"She's trying to frame me!!"

"Shut it! you dare deny it?" Doctor Collins snapped.

"How dare you spoil the reputation of the hospital? get out of here. You are fired!"

"Ah!" the female receptionist gasped as her eyes turned completely listless.

As for Angela, she just gloated from the side lines.

"So, why did Miss. Angela visit me today?" Doctor Collins led Angela into his office with a fawning smile.

"I came to check up on that man i brough years ago. Is he still in comatose?" Angela snapped impatiently.

"Ah! Unfortunately, the man woke up four days ago"

Angela was surprised.

"Really? where is he right now?"

"Erm.. well.." Dr. Collins coughed awkwardly.

"The patient left as soon as he woke up"

"How's that possible?! the hospital bills, did you waive them?" Angela frowned.

"That's the shocking part of it all. The patient footed the bills himself"


Strawberry Village was part of the many hamlets in Delta City. It's residents were all animal rearers.

Few years ago, a big company established a ranch, causing the once small hamlet to experience an increase in population.

It was even on the verge of transforming into a small town!

Boom! Boom!

Two loud gunshots resounded in the air.

Neigh! Neigh!

Two horses came to an halt at the entrance of a wooden gate leading to a poultry farm. Adjacent to it was a small log house.

"Phil, don't you think we are being merciless here?" one of the horse riders frowned gloomily.

He wore a cow boy hat and an old worn out pair of cow boy boots. Fastened to his waist was a small pistol tucked in a leather holster.

"Merciless? we are just here to get our money back!" his company who was also dressed like him snickered.

He had a tobacco pipe stuck in between his lips.

At that moment, the occupants of the small log house heard the commotion.

An hunch backed lady dressed in outdated dress walked out. Although she was middle aged, the wrinkles and grey hair made her appear several times older.

She was supported by a young man who was clad in dirty clothes too.

They looked just like beggar.

However if Drew was present, he would surely recognize the young man supporting the lady.

It was none other than Diego, his former room mate.

"It's you both again!" Diego gnashed his teeth in fury when he saw the two coy bows.


The one named Phil nudged his horse, causing it to kick the half decayed wooden gate away.

"One month is up. We are here for our money" Phil smirked as he rode towards the duo.

"What money? we have paid you thieves what we owed six months ago. Stop pestering us!" Diego yelled.

"Really?" Phil got down from his horse.

"Are you maybe forgetting the interest? or perhaps, let me help remind you"

Taking out his pistol, Phil shot Diego's feets.

"Ah!" Diego fell to the ground, his leg bleeding.

"You are heartless beasts! you hear me?! you lot are going to die a shameful death!" Diego cussed, amidst groans of pains.

"Heh. I have heard a lot of people tell me that. However, seems like the one dying a shameless death is going to be you!" Phil aimed at Diego's head.

"Put the gun down. Diego was wrong!" the hunch back lady struggled to her knees.

"Mama! no! don't do that!" Diego shook his head as he tried to stop her.

However, the hunch backed lady ignored him.

"Life has been tough for us so far. Strangely, our birds keeps dying and egg production keeps decreasing. The last six months we were able to pay you brothers by using up our savings. We are currently short on money. Infact we have been relying on boiled grass for the past days" the hunch back lady's eyes went misty as she explained.

However, Phil remained unfazed.

"I don't care about whatever tragic tale you are trying to tell. I just want to know.. are you frigging paying us our money or not?!"

The hunch back lady shivered with fright.

"Please give us more time. We will try our best to fork out the money!" she begged.

"That's too bad cuz i don't have that much time to waste" Phil clicked his lips, aiming his gun at her head.

"Judging by your words, you have suffered a lot. Why don't i put you out of your misery? hahaha!"

Just then, Phil's companion walked up to him and whispered something into his ear.

An evil glint flashed through his eyes.

"I can spare you both. However, it comes with a price. Not only that, your debts will be completely waived. How does that sound? Tsk. Tsk" Phil's lips curved into a playful smile.

"What is it? let's hear it?" the hunch backed lady's eyes became hopeful.

"We want to take over your land. That means you both should scram out with your miserable belongings before six hours"

"You should just kill us then!" Diego roared.

"Tsk. One word from that mouth, and i'll blow it up!"

"Please don't shoot! we will give you the land!" the hunch backed lady panicked when she saw the serious ruthlessness in Phil's eyes.

"Mama! you can't do that! How can we survive if we leave!!"

"Dang it! i hate repeating myself!"

Just as Phil was about to shoot Diego, a masculine voice shouted.


At that moment, a G-Wagon drove into the premises.