
The Death of Princess Asiana

Liwanag · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 6


"HaaaaaH!" these guys seemed to have a lot of energy for someone who barely had any food to eat, while the noble looking pretty boys seemed exhausted from the continuous attack. There were still five of them while the others were already fainted from their injury. I don't really want to associate myself with the nobility of Eclates especially now that I'm hiding but I feel like it was my responsibility to help them escape the brink of death. I aimed my arrows at the three who was near my direction it hit their shoulders and legs. I saw their surprised face and was momentarily distracted from the confusion I made. "They have archer! Where the hell is Kono?" I heard one of them shout as they continue to clash their swords. Kono must be the name of the archer I hit earlier. I was to engross with the scene in front of me that I was startled when a pile snow fell from the tree. My sudden movement prompted my horse to move towards the direction of the fight, dang! I had no intention of revealing myself. Thankfully I was able to gain my control as I continuously fire my arrows. When I was close enough, the bandits were already on the ground. Their blood painted the white ground while the two last men standing catch their breaths without a scratch. I picked up the arrows that I fired earlier, it was a special arrow that I made it will be troubling if someone recognised it though I doubt about that. "What…" the brown haired lad muttered in confusion his emerald tinted doe reminded me of Helix but his face is filled with suspicion and awe. When I finally reach them, I noticed the archer that I shot earlier fired at arrow towards their direction, as reflex my body moved automatically and I pulled the dagger I was hiding and deflected the arrow that was shot. I saw the man fainted after trying to muster the last of his strength into that arrow. "Noche!" I heard the man screamed and when I turned around, the man wearing the fanciest clothes was down on his knees with a bleeding arm. Oh shit, the arrow must've hit him still. "You! What the hell are you?" seriously this condescending arrogant nobility really have no idea how to be grateful. If it weren't for me, you're head would've been bore with hole. "Ambrose shut up, it's just a scratch. If it weren't for that person, you'll be a corpse with a hole in your head by now." I nodded in agreement I looked at the perceptive young man who backed me up just now. His golden hair reminds me of the sun and it shined brightly when the light hit his face, Ambrose- the chocolate haired man seemed to have calmed down and turn his heads towards me. "I'm Sorry, you helped us and yet I lashed out at you." He said bowing his head in apology I nodded and turn towards that guy who was bleeding his blue sleeves were now in darker colour because of the blood, the diamond brooch on his tie looked tragic with the blood stains and it was a miracle that his white inner wear is still clean despite all the mess. "you're hurt." I muttered coldly, when I remembered the salve that I bought last time I reached for my pocket bag and gave him the medicine. "Here." He stared at my hand that's holding the container and then shifted his gaze into my face. His eyes were the colour of the moon it was mysterious and deep as if he's trying to look into the depth of my soul. I furrowed my brow in annoyance. "Take it!" I said, he shook his head "How can I take something from someone who looks suspicious with his hood on." Irritated, I removed my hood and revealed my red dyed hair, the sudden removal made my hair flutter and sway with the wind. Urgh, it was hard to keep my hair behaved in winter. He looked at me in awe and looked away. "I still can't take it, it could've been poison, you could've been one with those bandits who is acting as insurance by earning our trust in case the onslaught attack failed." I grit my teeth, this guy has a point but it infuriates me that my simple act of kindness was perceived as suspicious. I crouched down, took out the bandages and lay it on the grounds. I look at him in his eyes with a dead serious expression filled with indifference.

"Hey, what are you planning?" Ambrose- as what he was called tried to push me away with his words and I shot him a deathly glare which made him flinch. This guy in front of me seemed to be competing with the icy surrounding. I raised my arm and sliced it with my dagger. His face was surprised and his mouth was wide open. "What the hell!" he screamed in anger. I frowned, it was only a small shallow cut but it stings like hell. I wiped the blood and applied the salve that I was offering him and covered my arms in bandage. "I'm still alive and well for someone who used poison on their self." I smirked and his eyes were filled with bewilderment and amusement. I heard the third person laugh, Ambrose- fell on his knees while clutching his stomach. Uh-it hurts me a little that I was treated as a source of comical entertainment instead of a saviour that helped them out. "Noche, I'm telling you she's not kidding!" Ambrose said still barely holding his laughter. Noche- as what this guy was called, stifled a smile and offered me his hands "I'll be in your care then." He said I put down the bandages and salve beside him. I stand up and tilted my head a little. After all that commotion and helped that I did, in your dreams. I smiled under my mask. "You seemed to be a smart man you should know how to handle it when you saw me treated myself." I said as I walk away. A hint of shock was seen and I laughed I raised my body and sat on the saddle at the back of my horse. "Wait! Who are you?" I turned around when he called me. "I'm just a wandering traveller." I said and the strong wind blew away the mask that came loose, revealing my smile.

My face was flushed as I rode with the wind, why does my mask have to get blown away the moment I turned around? Calm down, Ana you were far enough and it was only a moment for him to see your face it was not enough for him to remember your distinctive features. I looked up the sullen sky and raised my hand as if trying to reach the sun, by this time, the fake corpse of Princess Asiana must've been found in the island near the capital. I pulled the reign and kicked my horse at full speed heading towards the capital.


Avalon, Exterior Palace

Everyone was in panic and restless when this morning a body of a black haired young woman dressed in white wedding gown was found in the shores of Siasi Island, a small region island in Avalon. Her face was battered and her gown was bloodied she also had a few broken bones in the other parts of her body it was bloated and barely recognisable but anyone else can conclude that it was the body of Princess Asiana. It was said that she hit the rocks near the cliff before finally falling into the depths of the ocean. Prince Sancho entered the busy conference hall with Marquis Helix – both of them dressed in black clothing Prince Sancho clenched his fist and sat at the head of the long table of the conference hall. Beside him were the Marquis to the right and the Duke of Asval to the left. To anyone who had no idea of the circumstances of Asiana's death may look at Logan with eyes full of pity as he wear the face of a man who had lost his beloved just before their wedding. The anger in Logan's eyes may look like a frustration for not being able to do anything to save his fiancé but in reality, it was an irritation for his plans were thrown in disarray. Now that Asiana is gone, his supporters who originally helped him because of the pretext of his marriage to the Princess slowly backed away. Half of Logan's supporters were originally royalist who wanted the Princess to succeed the throne instead of the Prince- between Sancho and Asiana in their eyes the princess was smarter but easier to manipulate, if only he could have asked the Eclates to send their armies now to strike while the family was in confusion, but not only were the Eclates forces were still not ready, but if he strike now, he could be suspected of arranging the Princess' death. "It hurts me to bring you the news of the death of my sister." The Prince's voice cracked and small tears build up around his sapphire round eyes, anyone who knew how close the two were will probably have their hearts broken while looking at the sullen Prince, but little did they know the tears that well up was a result of his one week practice in how to appear broken hearted for he knew the truth. Everyone was quiet for a moment and then whispers filled the room little by little as the meeting continued.

"Duke Asval" the Prince called out to Logan and Sancho tried his best to hide his snide at the sight of frustrated Logan. The duke bowed and greeted him. "I greet your highness…" he said in a small voice. The prince patted his shoulders and let out a small sad smile. "It may seem inappropriate, you may be mourning now but it was still an arrange marriage, if you want I can make preparations and look for another partner for you." Logan's face was confused but he understood what it meant. "Her death must not chain you." He continued the duke only bowed his head and left. The warm and sullen smile on Prince Sancho's face disappeared as he ordered Helix "Proceed with the preparations."


Noche was still in awe at the sight of Asiana's back riding towards the capital it was only for a moment but her smile fascinated him enough to leave him dumbfounded. This was a first for him, any woman who he ever met that smiles at him were either woman who is trying to win his favour or woman who tries to use him. But the girl just now approached him without having any ulterior intention, just like the wind that blows as swiftly passing for a moment leaving behind a speck of dust. "Ambrose, did you see her face?" Noche asked Ambrose who shook his head. He was too busy trying to tend to his wounds to even look at the woman's face. The only thing that Noche remembered was her hair that blaze like fire he was too surprised with the refreshing smile that he failed to look at the rest of her face to remember what she looked like. 'Well, it doesn't matter anyway, I just want to say thank you.' He brushed his head and pushed the thought aside.


"Hah!" I pulled back my reigns when I entered the wall of the capital city, the streets looks lively and wider compared to Lynch where I just pass by. I looked around me and the people seemed to have noticed my presence, I may have dressed like a common girl but with my cloak and a horse, I do look peculiar. I got down and decided to pull the black horse instead and looked for a stable. "Excuse me, do you happen to know if there is a place where I can stay long term?" I asked the man in charge of looking after the horses, I paid him enough money to take care of the horse for months I can just sell it but I might need it in case of emergency plus it was a fast horse. The man smiled at me "You're just right on time, there was a vacancy in a room my boss rents out. When you leave the door, turn right the apartment was the third building from here." "Thank you" I said and carried my luggage.

"You're Ana? The rent is 100 silvers a month. There is a bed, a mirror, table, chair and a small drawer in the room if you wish to have your meals included, your rent will cost 200 silvers a month." The woman, who appears to be the lady of the house explained to be how things work around here while she show me around, and we finally reached the room which I'll be renting out. The room was clean yet small a single bed was placed near the walls and the rest of the furniture was attached to the other. I muttered my thanks and paid her 1 gold enough for five months, I could've paid for a year but paying for months in advance was already suspicious enough. "Lastly, do you have a seamstress in this town? I was hoping to find a job there." I asked the lady and she nodded. "There are two dress shops here that is in need of seamstress, you can take a look tomorrow." I smiled and muttered my thanks. I jumped down the bed and covered my eyes, I'm tired. Right now, marks the beginning of the life of Ana.