
The Death list

Chidiebere_Ezenobi · Action
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11 Chs

Chapter 6

He opened his eyes, he used the back of his hand to block the sunlight as Sarah opened the curtains.

"Morning Luis" She gave her sweet welcoming smile.

   "Don't tell me I'm at the hospital. " He placed his hand on his bandaged head. Sarah smiled, she placed her hand on his left cheek

  "were you here all night? " She nodded.

"What about my mom? "

"I told her I'd take care of you" She gave her lazy teasing smile.

"Thanks" He sat upright. Scullard entered with John

"Good morning Luis" Scullard smiled.

"Did you guys track them? "

"Who? " Asked John.

"I threw a magnetic tracker at their helicopter, did you track it? " He said more serious.

"You didn't tell us Luis"

"Maybe I passed out. " He got up from the hospital bed, and took his shirt.

"And where do you think you are going? " Sarah asked.

" To track that helicopter.  Come on guys let's go".

They got to the department, Luis reported everything he witnessed, Sarah tracked the helicopter down to the heliport.

    The port manager  reported the helicopter went missing last night. He removed the tracker from the helicopter.

"What now? " John asked.

"Elliott stole the helicopter, in case we track it, we'd track it down here. Smart"

Scullard saw a man through a car side mirror, he hid behind a wall, listening to thier conversation. He gave Luis a sign, he looked at the mirror. The man felt he had been seen, he brought out his gun, and took few steps backwards, John pointed a gun at him.

"Your hands were I can see them"He shouted. Luis and Scullard appeared with thier own gun, the man dropped his gun.

"Who are you? " Luis removed his sun glasses, and slide it down his pocket.

"I work here" The man answered.

Luis opened two buttons of his shirt, and folded his sleeves. He released a strong blow on his face, John and Scullard held the man firmly. The man spat out blood.

"You have no right to lay your hands on a citizen!  I'd sue you all!" He said when the pain subsided. 

   Luis released another blow on the left chin. "Talk! " He offered two more pouch, he fell. They raised him up again. Luis brought out his pistol.  "If I repeat myself again, I'd drop a bullet at your leg.

"Please stop, I'd tell you"

"Speak! "

"I was hired by Elliott to bring a helicopter to the Rivers mansion, he offered me Two million dollars. "

"So you are the one that helped them escape! " He released another blow, it went directly to the mouth. "

"Where is he now? " Scullard asked.

The man spat blood. " I swear, I don't know " He cried.

" Cuff him! " Luis ordered. He  was cuffed, and arrested.

"Why didn't you kill Mr Betsey? " Mr Ross said with a frown.

"Detective Luis and his team went to his house before us. They were prepared this time. " Elliott said.

" I want that man dead, he is a treat to my business. "

"Relax father, he'd be dead before 48 hours. The police would be very alert, they'd protect him at any cost. "

"And then how would you get him killed? "

"I have to distract the police, expectually Luis. We'd move to the next victim, Mr Betsey would be a big distraction to the FBI. It'd be easy to kill the naval commander"

"Good work son, we'd get profit without stress if the naval commander is dead. We need full access to that Caribbean seaport, and other ports.

"How do you want me to execute this mission? "

"I heard that the naval commander would be visiting the navy base...I want you to capture him alive and bring him to me. I want him to die by my hands, a slow and painful death."

"Consider it done father" He left with a smile.

Mrs Rivers took the first flight to Chicago, Mr Betsey stayed at the department, he has unfinished business with the FBI.

He was at the General's office, the general asked him questions.

"Do you have any rival?  Has someone posed a threat of any sort on you? " General Huskey asked questions after question. Mr Betsey's leg was crossed, he leaned his back on the sit, and ran his fingers on the chin. Without the mustache,and wrinkled eyes, which made him look older and wiser, one would've suspected him to be years younger.

"No General, I don't. But I think Custom Alexander does. "

"Who? "

"Custom  Jaynes Lanigan. They are not in good terms, I'm having bad feelings about that man."

"Do you suspect him to have a hand on any of these? "

"Wouldn't say yes for an answer, but he has violated many rules since he robbed custom Alexander as the port commander of the Los Angeles CA, and Huston TX. His position was approved by the court, we have zero interference on how he runs the port. He was trying to get complete ascess to the Caribbean port, before custom Alexander died. "

"Which port are you in charge of now?"

"I took over custom Alexander's ports, his shares are registered under his daughter's name"

"Now, has custom Jaynes gotten attorney for the Caribbean port? "

"No, the navel commander had shut the port down from every operation, till custom Alexander's case is finalized."

"Is that why you ordered those ships to stay ducked on Los Vegas port? "


"Mr Rivers, we would find out if custom Jaynes is responsible for this. With what you've told me, there's hundred  percent possibility. "

"Thanks General. I shall be flying to Chicago any moment now,  Luis was right. This country isn't safe for me."

"What about the ports? "

"Los Vegas port is shut down, I'd operate the other two port from Chicago. "

"I'll send the DCI, and CEO to seek help from the naval base to find out what's inside that sanked ship, and get more information about the Caribbean port, and custom Jaynes. " He smiled. "I wish you safe journey to your family Betsey" He smiled again. They hugged each other.

It was late, Elliot and his three best men arrived at the naval base, they were on black. They made thier way quietly, killed naval officers on guard, they used silent snipers to kill those on the observation point. They made thier way inside, to the chamber. They heard  voices. Elliot looked through the window, he saw Luis, and his team. They we're discussing something with the commander. Two officers stood behind the commander, as they talked.  He came down.

"What's wrong Ross? " Arc asked.

"Luis and his team are there. Change of plan, we have to kill the commander and get out from here".  His men nodded.

He droped his backpack, brought out the silent sniper, he connected the pointer on the sniper, and climb back. He lowered the gun on the window. With one eyes closed, he aimed at the commander. He didn't care about the outcome if he misses, he wanted the commander dead at all cost, and had never missed his target. The pointer was at his forehead, Luis was sitting opposite the commander. They were talking about how they'd get below the Caribbean sea, to know the content of sanked ship. He saw the pointer on the commander's forehead.

"Get down! " He shouted, the commander was quick, he fell on the ground. The bullet killed one of the naval officer that stood beside the commander. Elliot kept firing, this time without the pointer. Luis turned the table over, they took cover. They fired back as Elliott reloaded. He jumped down, Luis gun triggered the attention of the navy officers.

"Dammit! " He shouted. "They are after us, come on, let's leave here."

"Is he dead? "

"No, I missed. " immediately, a loud siren blew.

"Block all exits! units, take your positions! " The loud microphones said repeatedly.

Luis took a riffle, he still had his two pistols with him. He went after Elliott and his men. The commander was next after Mr Rivers on the death list. Elliott seems pretty determined to capture the commander, better still kill him.

    He released the first bullet, putting Elliot and his men on the run. The naval officers went after them. Some went to the observation point with snipers. One of Elliott's man was killed. Arc and kyle stood with Elliott, they were professionals. They killed most of the navy officers single handedly. Elliott is a professional killing machine, he kills smoothly and skillfully. He taught of a way to escape, but Luis didn't give him the chance. He shot at any chance given. He didn't aim to kill him at the spot, he wanted to teach him a lesson, before the court desides his case. Scullard,  john and some navy officers escorted the commander to his underground layer. He was heavily guarded.

The naval base was built on the sea. The sea links to the Caribbean sea, and other sea port in USA.

The fire exchange was intensive, Elliot threw grenades, and massively reduced the number. He entered inside the commander's yacht, Luis saw him, but Elliots men held him off.

They fired guns at him, he took cover. Elliot followed the stair quickly to the base of the yacht. He saw two speed boats, he drove one out of the ship, he fired bullets to hold Luis back as his men entered the speed boat.

"Luis and his men are escaping on a speed boat, blue in color stop them! " He called. Soon, dozens of navy officers went after them with speed boats. Luis threw his riffle, and brought out his two pistols. He entered his own boat, and went after them. Bullets rained on Elliott's boat, klye got shot at the hand as he tried to shoot back. They bent thier heads, as Elliott drived.

"We need to think of something, this speed boat would explode at any moment. ". Arc shouted.  Kyle's hand was tied to stop the blood.

"Hold on tight, I'm gonna confuse them. Jump into another boat when I tell you to" Elliott shouted. 

    He quickly turned the speed boat towards the navy officers direction. They took some clean shots, and took separate boats.

He threw a grenade on the other boat as he jumped off. The grenade exploded four boats, other speeding boats, collided forcefully. The impart was rapid. Only five boats out of twelve made it out from the danger zone. Some of the navy officers jumped into the sea, to save thier lives. But still didn't make it. This gave Elliott and his men a bit of gap before Luis appeared towards that point  of the five boats, still running after Elliott and his men, which were now on separate boats. They called in more boats for the pursuit. But they we're limited in number. Apparently, four boats. They were able to hold Elliott  and his men for a while till Luis showed. Thou, they reduced in number.

    Kyle's boat was distroyed by the rattling bullets. He  climbed into Arc's boat. He shoots as he drives. Luis went  after Elliott, he released his bullet towards him. Elliot lowered his head, and skillfully made a sharp turn.  He splashed water on Luis face. Lots of water entered his eyes, he lost control. There was a strong collision between his boat, and the other navy officers.

Elliot escaped with his men. He drove to a distance, and stopped the speed boat. Arc packed beside his boat to find out why he stopped. Elliot held the left side of his belly.

"What's wrong Ross? " Arc asked. He didn't say anything, he removed his hand. He was bleeding seriously.

A bullet from Luis's gun stroke his left side. He mumbled some words, and fainted. Arc and Kyle carried him to thier boat.

Luis and the other survivors were rapped with thick towels. He was given hot coffee, to get himself warmed up.

Elliott's phone rang, Arc picked it up.

"Speak! "

"Sir, it's done. Mr Betsey Rivers is dead! " Arc smiled, and cut the call.