

Through United States, he was originally just an ordinary person and became a world-famous mercenary and killer. Things are wrong, should he become a hero of justice? Or continue his dark career?Dont judge me by the superficial concept of good and evil. ........... Through United States, he was originally just an ordinary person and became a world-famous mercenary and killer. Things are wrong, should he become a hero of justice? Or continue his dark career? "Don't judge me by the superficial concept of good and evil, I only do what I want to do." The protagonist suddenly appeared behind the author of the book about Hu Bian's work and exploded his dog's head with a shot: "It's that simple, I'm the Death Knell!

din_hamine · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Gotham law 3

Gordon's first wife divorced him, bid farewell to Gotham and his daughter, no more news. The second wife was a policeman and was killed by jesters to save the babies.

In addition to jesters, they also often appear in Gordon's nightmares. Now only the daughters who depend on each other are left, and they are also disabled by the jesters.

Gordon has more reasons to go crazy than anyone, but he doesn't. He still insists on justice and the law.

He took the gun from under the pillow, first closed the open windows tightly, and then carefully inspected each room to prevent bad people from getting in. Finally, he came to Barbara's door.

opened the door gently, and by the moonlight, he saw his daughter sleeping well in the bed, so he relaxed, and after sticking the pistol in his waist, he went to the kitchen to find some water.

There are not many things in the refrigerator. When Barbara was still healthy, her daughter was doing housework at home. Gordon was too busy to go shopping in the supermarket.

searched for a long time, only found half a carton of milk, which should not have expired yet, so it can moisturize the throat a little.

Just as he closed the refrigerator door while drinking milk, suddenly a person appeared behind the refrigerator door, and he was so scared that he almost threw out the bottle.

"Next time you go to bed, you'd better close the window first."

"Puff...damn it! Batgirl, can't you make a noise? It always appears so suddenly, it will scare me to death!" Gordon squirted out the milk in his mouth, and Batgirl was agile She drew away, she didn't get a drop on her cloak.

"Because... I'm Batgirl!" The caller replied blankly, his voice obviously changed by the voice changer.

"I know who you are, who you really are, I just leave it alone!" Gordon went to the rag angrily, planning to clean the ground: "It's four in the middle of the night, and all the lunatics are locked up, you Can't you let me sleep well? You have nothing else to do at night?"

Batgirl completely ignored these words. Everyone knew that Briss Wain was a rich and worthless rich girl. She lived a life of drunken gold fans every night, but that was just a disguise.

She directly started talking about the business: "I must leave Gotham for a few days. If I stay, it will be a threat to everyone."

"Oh? What kind of lunatic is this time? I'll call the bureau." Gordon sighed, dropped the rag in his hand, and went to look for his phone.

"I don't know, I'm still looking for clues."

Batwoman shook her head and hid in the dark. The bat cloak allowed her to completely blend in the shadows, but Gordon, who was familiar with her, could guess her current appearance.

"Then how do you know it's dangerous?" Gordon was surprised.

Someone told me that in some ways, he is very credible." Batgirl seemed to be touching something in her pocket, but she didn't show it to Gordon: "You and Barbara also immediately Go with me, otherwise those lunatics will use you to force me out."

Gordon was silent. After a while, he shook his head: "No, I am the police chief of Gotham. I will never leave. No matter who it is, I want to make trouble in Gotham unless I die."

"Are you sure? Although I don't know the specific situation, what I understand at the moment is definitely far more dangerous than before." Briss discouraged: "Maybe you can take a month off, and we will take Barbara by the way. Find a doctor worldwide."

"No, I won't leave. You take Barbara. I stay here." Gordon insisted. Once Batwoman leaves, if he leaves again, Gotham will be over. Maybe overnight, His thirty years of hard work will be in vain: "Even if they kill me, you must not come back UU reading www.uukanshu.com."

"I won't leave either. My father can stay, and as a woman I don't have to run away."

It turned out to be Barbara. After being beaten by a jester and disabled, although her life is worry-free, the pain in her waist often makes it difficult for her to fall asleep. In addition, she is always nervous and will wake up if there is trouble. This time she heard it in the kitchen. The two talked, so they came out of the room in a wheelchair.

"Barbara, you can think about it, maybe..." Briss said to her.

"No, even the jesters didn't kill me, and others are even worse. I will stay here with my dad. I think the police station's communication room is safer and can give full play to my computer expertise."

Barbara rejected her kindness, saying that she would also live and die with Gotham.

Briss hesitated, seeing the two of them so determined, even she wanted to stay. But the mysterious person told her that if she continues to stay in Gotham, not only this city, but the entire earth will be in danger, and she must leave.

With a cloak, she left Gordon's house and went to meet Alfred where she was waiting.

Gordon cried for a while holding Barbara, strengthened his confidence, and solemnly said to the darkness:

"We won't leave, Batwoman, do what you are supposed to do, l...wait, she left again? Why can't you listen to me every time?!"

Gordon was helpless. This time, Batgirl was the same as in the past hundreds of times. After she suddenly appeared, she suddenly disappeared. He had never heard a farewell word.

"Because Batwoman is like this, can you send me back to the room, Dad?" Barbara covered her mouth and smiled.

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