
The Death Collector

==The forbidden tale of the Death and a mortal girl== Step into a world where darkness dances with desire and fate is but a pawn in the hands of the Death Collector. In this tantalizing tale of forbidden love and redemption, follow the journey of Dante, a mysterious figure who traverses the realms of life and death, guided by an insatiable hunger for souls. With his enigmatic charm, haunting presence, dark and mysterious aura, Dante beckons them into a world beyond the veil of life; drawing them into a web of secrets and forbidden desires When Dante navigates the realms of existence with an irresistible allure, drawing into a whirlwind of secrets and sensuality alike, he encounters a one spirited soul. Everything he thought he knew is challenged, and he finds himself torn between his duty and a love that defies all boundaries. With danger lurking at every turn and secrets waiting to be unraveled, embark on an unforgettable adventure where passion ignites, destinies collide, and the line between light and shadow blurs into tantalizing uncertainty. Are you ready to surrender to the ultimate temptation and indulge in the seductive allure of 'The Death Collector,' where passion intertwines with mortality in a mesmerizing dance of desires. Experience a romance that transcends the boundaries of time and space

AkumaQuil · Fantasy
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67 Chs

38. Behind the Cloud of Smog

Behind The Cloud Of Smog...

"There's no more." She showed the scroll in her hand. Teresa held the end of it which was clearly not the end because the fabric was torn indicating there was more to it.

"But where's the rest of it? There has to be more." Teresa murmured looking at the scroll confused and tensed. She walked back to the racks Sia found the scroll on. 

They kept looking for the rest of the scroll or if there was a complete copy of it. However, searching thru the racks and shelves proved not fruitful in any manner for hours they spent looking.

Tired, Teresa laid back on the couch seemingly feeling more anxious than before. 

"Let's just go thru what we have once more, okay? May be we'll find a clue in it without needing the rest of it." Sia who was on most occasions a pessimist decided the situation called for being a little uplifting, since Teresa was already in a place that didn't need to get further dark.