
Chapter 1

Lucander was at the garden picking flowers with a grin on her face,while Iris was cleaning her room with a nice hymn.A few minutes later she received a call from her mother."Hello mother" oh hello Iris could you please come for my birthday lunch at 1.pm.her mother said over the phone."oh I would love to mother but can Lucander come"? of course she can and remember to put on that blue gown I bought for you. her cut mother replied."ok mother" she says and cuts the call. " oh my goodness it almost 1p.m I have to get Lucander and myself ready" Iris thinks to herself.She peeks though the window but does not see Lucander,she rubs her eyes but still doesn't see her..She runs to the garden and sees large footprints, which aren't possible to be Lucanders and she also smells a strong cologne scent.."Oh my Gosh who could have taken my Lucander" Iris shouts. She asked everyone in her community if they had saw Lucander or not,but none of them had saw her.She rolled herself on the ground and screamed.. suddenly she felt something touching her shoulder, she opened her eyes and found that she was dreaming and Lucander was the one touching her .she felt so relieved and she squeezed and kissed her ...