
The Deadlights

The Deadlights is based on an actual novel made by Stephen King(IT) TW: Slurs In Derry, Maine. A youth wakes up to his life on a usual day, in town, Children have gone missing for the past few months and no one seems to care or at least have an idea of exactly who takes these kids and what happens to them. People say a killer in Derry scrambles around, others make reports of teens killing these children. But where the kids are is a mystery, and some can say... it's right below their noses. This is kinda a reference to how everyone in the story looks : https://docs.google.com/document/d/10l6ADz_6J5Fsiv4gEtmW605k87Sz12_vFJQUpOQjNW8/edit?usp=drivesdk (copy and paste the link)

Made_in_Heaven · Horror
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Chapter 3: Jamie has made an uh oh!

Now I'm not the type to be caught by anyone, not even a person who I probably hate the most; Hawk Miller. The big bad piece of shit me and my friends have been dealing with since 1985. It was a Saturday, nothing out of the ordinary. Dummie, Andrew, and Carli met up at our usual spot. The Neilbolt Crack House and Me and Andrew were debating about who would win, Iron Man or Batman, Jesus Christ Andrew is a virgin for going with Iron Man. I mean if ya' really think about it, he probably would've gone with Iron Man cause he can fly like whatever God Andrew Supports, but that's just my opinion and nothing else. I gave a lazy gasp at what Andrew was saying, he was talking about some girl by the name of Jackie Carmen, I couldn't imagine the girl from the details he gave, he said something along the lines of~

"She looks like Princess Laya but like... a hundred times better!"

I scoffed at Andrew's shitty description, from what I know, when people like someone they usually explain the looks in perfect detail, kinda like how Miss Shannon ( Our English Teacher) talks about how you have to explain how the characters look, which I called bullshit but who knew, she may have not been a dumbass after all. Dummie stared at Andrew with a very disgusted look, Dummie was a lover boy. Dummie fell for one of the high-schoolers named Amanda Johnston, so when we were back in 7th grade near April, she usually take walks on my street during the week, one time I saw Dummie looking like he was about to blow as she looked at us, I called her over and we started talking, I constantly stared at Dummie for a reaction other than him hiding in his hoodie for the majority of the time, when she tried starting a conversation with Dummie, he was stuttering like a freak, he was stuttering so bad I felt like I had to pat him on the back just to help him spit the damn words out. Other than that, her coming over for a little chat went smoothly and Dummie went back to his quiet self, other than that. I then announced,

"Man you have it better than Dummy Drums over here."

Dummie did a very annoyed eye-roll before looking forward, Carli seemed to be partly giggling at the joke, I haven't had a crush, I mean seriously, having a crush is like dreaming of having a chance at something that may never come at you, people say " Oh come on! Shoot your shot!" And " The worse she can say is no~" liars liars pants on fucking fire. I couldn't deny the fact it could've been true but it led me to believe girls are just different species on a different spectrum and in a different world. Everyone continued down Jonesboro Avenue where another kid got found with only half of his legs on his body, it was at least 4 MONTHS ago from what I can remember personally, his name was Bruce McDonald, he was 9 years old when he found, now that I was thinking about it, kids around our age would either going missing or getting killed in our neighborhood or Derry, Derry may have been known for more missing people than...than what? I mean unless I could remember killers on the newspapers my old man reads then really than nothing. Ya'know the one thing I liked about Derry was that they had which I could appreciate could be the fact they sometimes served Free Hot Dogs in town, usually three weeks every Saturday.

I gotta tell ya, the Hog Dogs were pretty good. Usually on the Saturdays when these happen, we come down there, grab some and eat, then we go do dumb shit down near the Ironwork Abandoned Factory. Sometimes we play hide and seek or we talk shit about some of the events that happened in Derry for the past week, either way, it's a funny fucking experience. As we continued down Jonesboro Avenue, we finally saw the cars and the bricks that we've been seeing since we were only probably 6 years old. The road went down a hill and on that hill sat some alleyways and doors to some places I don't ever pay a damn mind to. Andrew who was leading skated down into the alleyway to the left of us, I was the main person to usually grab the hot dogs before anyone, so I continued riding down the street while everyone went into the alleyway, I made it to the main center of the town, what stood in the middle of this town was a park; Paul Park, Carli called it that because of a giant statue of Paul Bunyan that stood high and mighty in the middle with his axe being held firmly.

I hopped off my bike and lay on the side of the bench as I went to the stand, the guy looked near Amanda's age(which I'm assuming maybe 17 or 16 by now). I eyed him as he looked very annoyed before I started my order

"Can I have 4 hotdogs, One with Ketchup and Mustard, and one with... Mayonnaise."

Dummie liked Mayonnaise on his hotdog, I mean seriously that had to be the most disgusting condiments to even put on a damn hotdog, The Guy looked oddly at me before I chuckled and told him,

"It's not for me, one of my friends fuckin' loves that shit."

He smiled and seemed to have chuckled, then he started looking down and moving his hands at a fast pace, knowing my job as the Hotdog Collector was done, I went back to my bench and sat down, now you never expected to see anyone that Dummie, Andrew and Carli hates at the same time but looks like Hawk had heard about Free Hotdog Saturday, on a wooden table sat Hawk(We sometimes call him Hawk-Shit or Dummie's brother, The Guy looked like him but older), Ronald Anderson and Connor Sanchez. Hawk gripped his Bud Light while he smirked with cockiness at Ronald, I didn't hear their conversation but I remember Connor pointing at me and I felt the need to run for my damn life, Hawk frowned then forced a forceful smile before he started walking and then jogging, then he screamed.

" Don't try and run now Savannah!"

I started panicking as I stumbled for my bike, the handles falling again and again out of my hands, fuck it! I mumbled with an angry intent

" God damn it!"

I tumbled up and started running up the hill, the hill was somewhat high and enough to tire someone out if they didn't pick up a weight in their life, like me. I heard them more closely than before,

"Get that Motherfucker!"

Adrenaline entered my body, those little dick kissers were on my ass and only my body functions were saving me at this point, I tracked up and went to an alleyway to my left, the alleyway had a dark trail but the sunshine gave me hope and a slight I was able to see Infront of me, my legs were moving on their own at this point, up and down, left and right, you name it. I made it out of another end of the alleyway, I didn't hear them behind me but as I continued running. I slammed into something so fucking hard I felt like I had blood running down my head, as I looked up. I saw it was a light pole, I sighed and groaned before some white hand appeared above my laying eyes, the voice sounded like a forced type of a voice...Ya'know something you would expect of a fucking clown, he spoke

"Jamie, you should run for the track, you float RIGHT up the ranks!"

The voice said with a balloon that was held by this...person, it was bright red, and I could mildly make out the words painted on it... it looked like it said...

" I ♥ Derry!"

Though the white hand snatched the balloon and he seemed to disappear into thin air but Hawk stating and shouting

"There's that fuck-head! He ran into a pole, what a fucking retard!"

I hoped...they go to hell, my mind went blank, and to be clearly said, I got knocked the hell out.