
The Dead God's Path

The Dead God rises again.

SykoNex · Video Games
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55 Chs

War Council (II)

Lor'themar rolls out a map and sets up mini's to show undead and his soldiers. "I want your opinion. How do you think we should handle the undead as an undead yourself?"

"Ah, I see. My immediate thought when dealing with lesser undead is to kill the one controlling them. They will be weakened and frankly, a normal person could kill them." I gesture towards Deatholme on the map at the start of the scar.

Haludron speaks up with a hand on his chin "I wish that was possible but unfortunately the vast majority of undead are being controlled by the Lich King. He has an artifact that lets him link minds to all undead but he is currently stowed away in Northrend and hasn't shown himself in years. Since he hid from the world a few undead freed themselves, that's how the Forsaken were made."

My eyebrows raise "That's a very nice artifact… I want it. I'll be sure to ask when he comes out of hiding… Speaking of the Lich King, I met him a few days ago at Deathholme. It was only a projection but it was indeed the Lich King. I doubt any other undead would carry that much power even over an avatar."

"Since killing him is not possible I would suggest bringing only elite warriors and mages and giving them blessed weapons, keeping the army as support. A handful of elites would be much better than an army since you'll only need to kill their sources of power and use a larger force to kill stragglers."

Lor'themar and the entire room, except Mirveda, seem taken aback staring at me with dropped jaws. "That shouldn't be possible, he hasn't shown his face since the war! Since the final battle at Icecrown…" He shakes his head "We will talk about this later. For now who will lead the assault of the undead?"

All eyes turn to Sunreaver and Lady Liadrin "Can the Sunreavers spare a few while the Blood Knights support them?"

Sunreaver nods "Dalaran has been peaceful lately so I can spare a few of my personal squad." He looks at Lady Liadrin "As long as you are okay with being the support that is."

She shoots him a knowing smirk "I do not question your strength Aethas, we all know your talent in combat. That being said I would like a rematch, I believe my skills have improved his last time."

Lor'themar holds up a hand "That's enough, do that on your own time." He turns to Halduron "The Rangers will hold the line in the forests and further in the scar to make sure stray undead don't flood our lands."

Halduron nods "It would be an honor to keep our citizens safe Lord Regent."

Landra speaks up pointing at the south side of Fairbreeze village near the scar "We may need aid holding the undead off to the south-west. There are undead treants that are currently docile but would probably go berserk if the necromancers were to die. Not to mention the abandoned haunted village to the west and the hiding night elves who would take advantage of the situation."

Halduron points at the forest between the villages "We can set up a patrol in the forest if you are concerned. As for the treants, I'm sure a squadron of Blood Knights is more than enough."

"I can spare more than just one, I only plan to take my top nine Knights to Deatholme. Although I think most of the men should stay in Tranquillien." She says pointing at the sanctum near it.

Lor'themar nods "I agree but the Forsaken already has the majority of their force in Tranquillien." He turns to me "Are you willing to bless our weapons?"

I shrug "What are you willing to give me?"

He smiles "I'll let you use the portal to the undercity and have an ambassador escort you to the Queen herself." Seeing my confused look he continues "The Undercity is the capital city of the Forsaken, I figured you'd wanna meet the undead after all."

"Ah, I see. Then I agree, the undead do pique my interest." I nod "Anything else?"

"Could you teach Rommath how to cleanse the corruption from the scar? In return I will get you a meeting with A'dal, I'm sure you would be most curious to have a conversation with him." Lor'themar looks confident that I would be interested.

My eyebrows raise in curiosity "And why is that?"

He smiles seeing my interest "A'dal is a Naaru, a being made of pure light. They are often worshipped as Gods." He gestures at Lady Liadrin "Some of our own even worship them. They often have little offensive capabilities but are incredibly powerful. I'm sure he would be curious about you as well."

As he says this Lady Liadrin holds up a hand and her hand is bathed in holy light. "They are what we Blood Knights draw upon for our smiting magic and healing magic. Although our power still relies on your connection to the light A'dal is merely a conduit."

I turn to Lor'themar "I would indeed be interested, but after I meet the free undead. But first I must satisfy my curiosity." I meet his eyes "What do you draw upon for your power?"

He smirks as he raises a hand flashing a small light "I have powers over the light but I have never trained it. I am 'arguably' the best with a bow on this side of the world." He pulls out a giant war sword only a foot and half shorter than mine from beneath the table "And I've never lost a sword fight in my life, even against both of the late kings. That is why I am respected."

I nod "They respect you because you are a good leader. Any other mortal I've met, save for a select few, would have tried to kill me the second they found out I was a God in the middle of their war council. The foolish often mistake my kindness and leniency for weakness… and they have all died for it."

I see him shift a bit uneasy but I smile "I'm glad you are not one of them."

He nods as the rest of the shift a bit "I am glad as well."

I back up a bit "If there is nothing else I would like to try to commune with your Gods of Death."

He shakes his head "I will not hold you, I will come to talk you after I am done here to discuss your meeting with the Lich King. I would also like to talk about Sylvanus, the leader of the Forsaken before you leave. I'll also bring weapons to bless as well."

I nod as I turn around to leave patting Mirveda's back as I give some parting words. "I'll be waiting then."


(A/N: POLL IN DISCORD for whether or not this will be a harem or not. NKS misspelled harem in discord earlier and I've been thinking about this joke all day so I'll say it here.

It may not be a Haram but I can guarantee you it will be Halal... up to four *Wink Wink*.

I'll stop talking now before I get myself in trouble for my meager knowledge of the Muslim faith.
