
The Dead God's Path

The Dead God rises again.

SykoNex · Video Games
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55 Chs

To The Undercity

(A/N: Sorry this chapter is a bit boring lol.


As I sat on the bed reading a book I found on one of the shelves I felt someone outside the door.

"Come in," I say as I close the book setting it down.

Lor'Themar walks in and stares at the nude Miranda covered by blankets next to me. His head falls into a hand as he gently rubs his temples.

"I am prepared to leave if you are… 'done'." He says with a bit of an exhausted tone.

I stand up completely exposing myself. He looks away as a black haze covers my body fading after only a second revealing my armor from last time.

His eyebrows raise. "Neat trick." He gestures at Mirveda "Anything you need to do or say?"

I shake my head "We spoke before she slept. We can go." He nods as he walks out and I follow.

As we walk through the halls he speaks up first "So I never asked, what kind of weapon do you use."

I hold out a hand and quickly grab my two-handed curved greatsword from the ground. The seven-foot sword glows in a dim black light as I give him a good view of it.

"That's rather unique." He says eyes narrow trying to get insight into the sword.

I smirk "It is a sword given by Nito, made by Nito. He had a sword in place of his arm. If a knight got to a high enough value in his eye. He would cut off his arm and give it to them as a weapon."

He looks taken aback a bit "That is quite brutal." As we came upon the main hall again he gestured to the small door at the back of the room.

As we enter the room I get the feeling of a mage tower instantly. The floor is made of pinkish glowing crystal and there is a spiral staircase leading up.

Up the stairs is a purple orb glowing pink about 2 feet in diameter. It is being held suspended in the air by a beautiful golden pedestal with a small metal arm holding the orb like a globe.

"This is called a translocation orb. It can connect two places in the world for instant transport. It can even connect off the world if the magic is strong enough. With the power in this tower, it can be used ten times a day." Lor'themar says with a bit of pride.

I nod "Teleportation was rare even in my world. It was actually easier to create sub-spaces than to actually teleport."

He puts his hand on the orb "All you have to do is draw a bit of the arcane energy in and it will do the rest. You may go first."

I step forward putting a hand on the orb doing as he said. Immediately I feel the energy try to pull my physical self somewhere and I allow it to do so.


{3rd Person}

The lands were seemingly rotting to their core, the grass was a sickly green and the trees slumped as if a weight bearing upon them. Above these lands loomed a castle of massive size, a castle that would stand twice as grand if it were not in ruins.

The ruins looked as if they had rotted there for hundreds of years but in fact, it had only been a few decades. Giant feral bats showered the land just outside the ruins seemingly avoiding the broken and barren road that led to it.

There were no gates at the entrance, only two corpses standing on either side still as corpses should be. Inside the gate opened to a large sprawling courtyard of dead flowers. At the opposite end was a drawbridge leading to the castle entrance.

The water of the mote looked as if it had been corrupted. The 'water' gave off the light green glow and bubbled as if it were slowly boiling.

The entrance of the castle hall was lined with broken and beaten statues. At the end of the hall was a grand throne with a giant sigil of the kingdom that one stood on the floor. Here echoes of the past could be heard whispering through the halls.

For the throne room, there were eight branching paths leading to the tombs of the eight old kings. Past those tombs were what lead to the grand portion, elevators leading to the city of the Forsaken. The Undercity.

Outside in a small room off the main courtyard, the air shook as a purple orb glowed and air shook around it. In a twist of reality an eight-foot-tall man wearing dark armor with scriptures written on the shoulders appeared. He looked around with his blue eyes as a hint of red light flared off of them.


{Lorian's POV}

As I appear in the new place my eyes dart around judging where I am… I don't like it. Perhaps Gwyn's style of architecture influenced me too much…

I walk around the smallish room I appeared in staring at the giant hole in the roof. Through the hole, you could see the gloomy sun staring its descent into the late day.

As I was staring I feel the magic in the room shift as Lor'Themar twists into existence. His face looks off for a second before he finally regains his bearings turning back to me with his usual hard look.

He gestures at the door "Shall we go?"

I smirk as I follow him again "Have trouble with magic travel?"

He grunts "There is a reason I don't habitually practice magic in a society run by magic."

I shrug "That's a fair point."

As we go out into the courtyard my eyes gaze over the dead flowers eventually turning to the entrance. The walls are tall, maybe 50 feet, there are two undead standing against the walls without moving.

I turn to where Lor'Themar is heading and wonder which civilization built this castle. This has a better feel to it than the Blood Elves kingdom to me. If it weren't in ruins I would say I perhaps even like it.

As we get to the main entrance over the bridge I see all the broken statues. All the stone faces that lay on the floor seem to be human.

Walking into the throne room my attention is immediately pulled to the center. I see the echo of familiar-looking armor and a distinctly familiar sword. The runic blade that the Lich King had.

Seeing me stop Lor'Themar stopped and looked at me "What are you doing?" He looked at where I was looking but he just became even more confused.

My voice reverberates through the throne room "He was from here wasn't he?"

He looks confused "Who?"

I turn to him with a dull face "The Lich King."