
The Dead God's Path

The Dead God rises again.

SykoNex · Video Games
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55 Chs

To Serve A Dead God

(A/N: I have a wedding rehearsal on Friday and a wedding on Saturday so I'll try to have all the chapters for the week out by Thursday. Normally I wouldn't go to a rehearsal but I'm a best man so I kinda have to.


Enjoy <3 )

I watch as she slowly wakes up in my arms and I look at her face curiously. I can tell what she saw must have been awful but she needed the resolve. The resolve to live.

"So... What did you see?" my voice is calm as she looks into my eyes. I notice her eyes are dark purple similar to my once friend.

She sits up not answering me and just holds her head in silence. After nearly a minute passes She turns to me looking at me with anger hidden behind her dull look.

"What did you do to me." Her words come out in a growl.

I let go of her letting her support herself "I showed you what your afterlife would be like. I had no control over where you were taken, I temporarily gave you over to Death."

Her fingers grip her hair as her head rests between her knees. "Even in death I am trapped…" her eyes peek past her hood as she looks at me.

"Can I change it?" She asks in a tired tone.

I ponder for a second "Probably… but why do that when you have something so much better?"

She gives a small self-deprecating chuckle "And what would that be?"

"An eternal life to make of it whatever you please," I say kneeling lower to her level.

"Why would that ever be a good thing?" She says with a plain voice.

I smile "Being a Queen has many perks. It's up to you to make the best of it. Do you not have a family? Do you not have a lover?"

She sits straight as she looks at me with cold eyes "My heart died the day I became a monster."

"Who said you were a monster?" I say with a hint of anger in my voice.

A disparaging smile spreads on her face "I see, you haven't met the humans of this world yet."

"Hmph. Then all you have to do is make undeath part of the natural cycle…" My voice is a bit cold as I begin to ponder.

She shakes her head as she stands up not looking at me now "Raising a proper undead with intelligence is too... difficult. Only one necromancer is among my ranks and his best creation is mighty in body but weak in mind."

I nod "Indeed, mortals would find it hard to restore the soul properly but it is a trivial matter to me."

She faces me with a raised brow "Are you planning on staying here raising the dead all day? My people are dying with no chance to repopulate. We need more somehow if we are to survive."

"You won't like what I say," I say giving her a hard look.

Her eyes narrow "Just speak."

I sigh "Become my ward."

"No." She says curtly. "I will not go serving another with no control over myself."

I wave a hand "It's not like that. I want you to be my apostle, I will explain how it worked in my world. There were many living Gods that had various domains. A mortal would choose a God to serve and by showing fealty gain strength and magic associated with the God."

"By worshiping me as your God I will be able to give you the power to raise proper undead. I will be able to give power to all that serve me. Although I limit the number I bless to five-thousand, if it's more I begin to feel a weight on my soul."

As I speak I spread the radiance of my soul so she could feel my full power weighing down on her. The room glows in a dark light as the entirety of the city feels my power bear down on them. To the undead it feels a bit good like a heavy blanket, to the living however it feels like a sandbag on their back.


Before she can speak Lor'Themar bursts into the room with a concerned look on his face. Sylvanas and I stare at him with a questioning gaze. I withdraw my power as I see him visibly loosen up.

"*huff* Don't scare me like that, I'm old." We both look at him confused. He gestures at Sylvanas "I thought you killed her."

Sylvanas's head falls in thought as I turn back to her. Her face shifts expressions as she thinks of everything that has happened.

"You can't just give me the powers?" She asks, finally looking back at me.

"No, worship creates a connection between us that allows you to use a portion of my power as if you had divinity," I say softly shaking my head.

"What would you ask of me?" Her gaze turns hard as she scowls looking into my eyes.

"I ask that you lead your people well and worship me. That is it." My eyes don't leave hers for a second.

"I'll just be leaving then," Lor'themar says not wanting to interfere.

Before he can turn around Sylvanas speaks up "Wait."

He stops and stares at her for a second "What is it?"

Her eyes rest on me "You will bear witness Lor'Themar."

He looks confused and a bit concerned "If you insist."

Sylvanas drops to one knee as she raises a hand as if offering something. "I, Sylvanas Windrunner, Queen of the Forsaken. Offer my Vow of Devotion to you, Lorian, The Dead God."

As she finishes her words I feel our souls connect and the black mists of Pestilence wash over her. The mist fades revealing her again, her eyes look into mine with her dull expression. In her eyes I can see the classic trait of my followers, they appear to be endless pits of dark purple.

As she stands back up I smile at her " 'The Dead God'? I like the ring to it. That was a good vow considering it was off the cuff."

She nods as she stares at her hands, purplish-black fog falling off of them "So much power…" She mutters.

Lor'Themar steps up the stairs standing next to me. "What did I witness?"

"She is now one of my Apostles. She will get power in exchange she will lead the Forsaken to the best of her ability." I say patting his shoulder.

He nods his stoic face studying Sylvanas "So there is a new strongest leader among the Horde… that's frustrating…"

"How strong is that 'Thrall' you told me about before?" I ask, leaning against a pillar.

He shakes his head "He is quite a bit stronger than the other leaders as he is the best shaman in the world. But with the power, I feel from Sylvanas right now? I don't think that still holds true."

Sylvanas looks away from her hand as she addresses Lor'Themar "Our loyalties will remain with the Horde until the day they are no longer loyal to us. Or more likely until the day they are no longer the best option for my people." She gives a small nod to me as she ends her words.

She turns back to Lor'Themar "Since you are already here, why did you come?"

His gaze turns serious as he speaks "The Lich King is awake."