
The Dead God's Path

The Dead God rises again.

SykoNex · Video Games
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55 Chs

The Ebon Hold

(A/N: I didn't even know I was doing it until I was already a few chapters in but I am writing a small tournament arc lol. Also Darion seems like clay right now on purpose, this is his lowest point in life and he is kind of a doormat at the moment. Lorian will steel him again. The Evil wife poll is up in discord, vote or I'll have you beheaded. $rank readers to get access. The Sylvanas simps are winning right now FYI.



Enjoy, love y'all <3 )


The old paladin looks back at where the Lich King once stood "ARTHAASSSS!!"

'What is this man yelling about? It's his fault!' I think to myself but don't say aloud as to not be rude.

He looks at me before turning to the young-looking death knight who threw him the sword. He looks to be heavily injured and with the hallowed ground below our feet, he isn't naturally healing.

He walks past me with only a small glance, he stops in front of the dying death knight. Light consumes his hand as the paladin heals the young death knight.

"Rise Darion, and listen." He turns to face the crowd of death knights and paladins alike.

"We have all been witnesses to a terrible tragedy. The blood of good men has been shed upon this soil! Honorable knights, slain defending their-- our lives. And while such things can never be forgotten, we must remain vigilant in our cause!"

"The Lich King must answer for what he has done, and must not be allowed to cause further destruction to our world! I make a promise to you brothers and sisters: the Lich King will be defeated! On this day, I call for a union."

"The Argent Dawn and the Order of The Silver Hand will come together as one! We will succeed where so many before us have failed! We will take the fight to Arthas, and we will tear down the walls of Icecrown!"

"THE ARGENT CRUSADE WILL BRING THE FIGHT TO YOU ARTHAS!" The paladin yells as the light of day shines on the run-down chapel.

The now nearly healed death knight stands "So too do the Knights of the Ebon Blade. Although our kind has no place in your world, we will fight to bring an end to the Lich King. This I vow."

My grin widens "That makes my job many times easier. You do have a place in this world, besides me."

The paladin looks at me with curiosity and wariness "And who are you?"

'Bring the Necropolis to me.' I say to prime in my head.

I bow my head slightly to the two leaders of their factions "I am Lorian, The Undead God of Pestilence. I was on my way to the Acherus to destroy it and raise these very men to serve me to kill the Lich King."

I gaze upon the death Knights who are kneeling in defeat in front of the Chapel "But if you are betraying him, then I request that you join my army. I am heading to Northrend soon, I plan to be at the forefront of all battles towards Icecrown."

"Even our whole force is nothing compared to the Lich King's army, especially now with our forces cut down." He gestures at the battlefield littered with death knight corpses.

I face the paladin "Do you mind if I raise your men?"

His wary look turns to anger "I do in fact."

I shrug "To each their own." I raise my hand towards the battlefield and miasma leaks off of me rushing forward consuming the death knight corpses.

The corpses begin to rise as the paladin looks at me with wide eyes "HOW CAN YOU RAISE UNDEAD ON HALLOWED GROUND!?"

He yells in my ear. I look at him as if I were looking at an idiot "I am a GOD, This is my land."

He looks to not believe me so I raise another arm towards his injured men laying near and in tents next to the chapel. Light radiates from my hand as the entire area is bathed in healing light. Strings of light seem to raise from the ground healing everyone around.

Both of them open their eyes wide in shock and awe. The freshly raised death knights seemingly have no idea what is going on but they can feel I am the one who raised them.

I look around at all the soldiers waiting and staring "Perhaps you should settle the men down before we continue the conversation." I say to the paladin who nods in agreement.

He walks past me as I approach the death knight leader "We should go, I feel there is fighting in the Acherus."

He nods and holds out a hand and a death gate opens before us "I am Highlord Darion Mograine. This will lead us there, I do not trust you, but I don't believe in much right now."

I shrug as I walk through the death gate. I appear inside the Necropolis where I see a hundred death knights fighting a small army of abominations, ghouls, and Val'kyr inside of a massive stadium-sized room. Only a second later the death knight appears next to me.

I look at him casually "Tell your men to pull back."

He looks confused but listens to me "KNIGHTS OF THE EBON BLADE, FALL BACK TO THE OVERLOOK!" His corrupt voice echoes through the room.

The death knights don't even turn to look as they begin backing away from their fights. Once they all get near us I open my hands lowered at my sides and quickly raise them.

Massive red and black swords raise from the ground piercing through the undead cutting them in half. Even the Val'kyr who scream as they burst into blue creating small explosions when they die.

The floor is littered with corpses of the weak undead with only one standing. It is a massive abomination standing thirty feet tall with a fat body and guts hanging out.

"Patchwork," Darion says under his breath.

I merely look at it unimpressed as I raise my arm forward with an open palm. I quickly clench my fist channeling my miracle with more mana than usual. A giant sword fifty feet tall and fifteen feet wide pierces the massive abomination from the ground. The two halves fall to the ground like a bag full of confetti cut open.

Seeing no more undead around I turn to the death knight "So Darion, let us speak."

He nods "Clean up this mess." He says turning to the legion of awestruck death knights.

He gestures me towards a teleportation platform similar to the one that originally led up to the Necropolis. I walk into it and I appear in an upper platform with four separate large rooms connected by large open corridors and an open center where a war table sits.

Darion appears next to me again near the upper-level outlook. "This is where the faction leaders stay, and where I, the Highlord stay."

I nod as I follow him to the large table in the middle of the center-most room. "I'll be short and to the point. I want you and your men to serve me and join me and the most powerful to serve as my apostles."

He looks at me warily "What is an apostle?"

"I want you to worship me as your God, in return, I will give you the power to take down the army of the Lich King. Not only that, I want you to be one of my four leading death knights. One of each rune and you as the leader. I will give each of you a position in my army." I say sitting down in one of the wooden chairs.

"How do I know you are really against the Lich King and not one of his agents?" He asks obviously suspicious.

I laugh a bit "Not only is he not strong enough, but I serve NO ONE." I point back down the corridor we came from to the outlook balcony. "And that of course."

He looks to where I'm pointing confused until he sees Nito's Sepulcrum floating adjacent to this Necropolis. "You took control of one of his Necropolis?"

I nod "I did."

He falls into a seat taking off his helmet revealing his youthful face with a thinking expression. "I would like to meet your men first."

I shrug "That's fine."