
The Dead God's Path

The Dead God rises again.

SykoNex · Video Games
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55 Chs

Thassarian and Koltira

(A/N: Thassarian and Koltira were probs my favorite characters back in the wrath days. Even more so after their comic came out, FUCKING ACES. That being said both of them are strong and relatively good-aligned compared to most death Knights. That's why I have given them the opportunity to fight for leadership. lol


Enjoy the chapter *KissKiss*<3 )


As Darion gets done speaking a Death Gate opens between Darion and Siro. A tall human with white hair, a thick white beard, and pale blue plate armor walks through. Close behind him is an equally tall blood elf with dark green eyes, platinum blond hair, and a massive glowing green and black sword on his back.

The white-haired man speaks up first with a smile "Have we missed the games yet?" His voice sounds much less corrupt than most Death Knights.

"Thassarian, Koltira. You are late." Darion says with a bit of annoyance but obviously isn't angry.

The blood elf nods "We were cleaning up the wastes of the Lich King's army that were wandering around." His eyes shift to me "So you are the God Darion spoke of."

I give a courteous nod but don't stand up "Indeed, do you plan to join the fight for the position of lord?" I ask as my eyes shift between the two.

Thassarian is the first to speak up "Do you plan on allying us with the Horde or Alliance?"

I smirk at his question, "I am a neutral party, but Sylvanas Windrunner is my apostle so I may have a bias. That being said I have met and befriended both faction leaders. I plan to stay as an autonomous protector of Azeroth. I really just wish to be free but that requires being strong enough to deal with any threat that arises."

"Do you have any treaties with anyone?" Koltira the blood elf asks.

I shake my head "I don't plan to either, if either side commits a heinous atrocity I do not plan to sit quietly. I don't mind war as it benefits us, but I'm not a fan of evil people."

Thassarian and Koltira look at each other for a second, the human turns to me after a second "Can we work with the Alliance and Horde as we see fit even if we get the mantle of Lord?"

I shrug "It's no skin off my back. As long as you answer my call and you don't participate in any direct conflicts between the two factions it is fine even if you live there."

"So I may live in Silvermoon?" Koltira asks with scrunched brows.

I nod "I am friends with Lor'Themar, I'm sure he wouldn't mind giving you your land back from when you were alive."

He shakes his head "My land is already gone and my family is dead, there is no need. I just wish to see the city."

I nod "We are heading there after we are done with our work here."

Koltira nods as Thassarian speaks up "I wish to go to Stormwind, I want to meet my sister again."

"Too bad you weren't with me a month ago, we went to Stormwind to reunite the undead who didn't wish to fight with their loved one. Although I don't think we can get you to live there. He already denied residency to the ones I brought to the family gathering."

He nods "It is only to be expected, we are monsters after all."

My face falls to a glare "There is no such thing. Say that again and I'll make sure you meet a peaceful afterlife."

He quickly holds up his hands "No need to throw around threats. I am only saying we are unnatural beings."

I roll my eyes "That is factually incorrect. There are beings of life and death that live on this in-between. Do you think that the living should be relegated to only live in the plane of life? Undead are common in the afterlife. Why should they only be relegated to there?"

He seems to fall into thought as I look at Koltira "Are you planning to fight for the position of the Unholylord?"

He looks a bit surprised "I mean, if I have my autonomy afterward I don't see why not. Do I have to pray to you like the others?"

I shrug "You will lose if you don't. But it is not a requirement."

He looks at Thassarian then to Darion for confirmation, after a nod he drops to a knee "I, Koltira Deathweaver, vow to be a loyal knight of Lorian. To defend this world from outside threats as well as those that arise from within." He is coated in a thick black light that almost congeals into a fog.

I can feel a moderately strong connection to him, he has reaped a lot of benefits from the exchange it appears. "Will you fight with Siro for the position of Frostlord? Or Darion for the position of Deathlord?"

His brows raise as he turns to Darion with a grin. "I can fight for the head?"

I nod "Siro wishes to fight for it as well, if you want it you will fight Siro first. The winner will face Darion."

Darion faces him with grinning eyes through his helmet. "I will fight. I will pray. But I request for leave to see my sister."

"Of course, even if you lose that is fine," I say giving him a jesting smirk.

He drops to a knee "I, Thassarian, vow to be a loyal knight of Lorian. To defend this world from outside threats as well as those that arise from within." He says copying Koltira word for word. Dark light rains on him and I feel a weak connection is born.

I lock eyes with Darion as I gesture at the two female death knights standing in the pit watching patiently. "Shall we continue?"

With a nod he turns back to them "The winner of this fight will face Koltira for the position of lord."

Alistra nods while Siouxsie looks skeptical "I have one question. Does the winner have to train these brain dead insects?" She asks gesturing around at the disciples above her.

"No, I will be giving the job of training the magic to the Liches and the sword training to the loser of you three. So basically of this duel, and as I said before… feel free to kill each other." I say with a small amused smile.

A wide grin grows on her face as she pulls out her massive red glowing rune blade "That's all the motivation I need. I will enjoy this Alistra."

Alistra pulls out her thinner and nimbler two-handed runed blade with a glare "I will not lose like last time."

"BEGIN!" Darion yells exactly like last time.

Alistra's eyes glow green as she rushes Siouxsie who only stands there. Behind her two black portals open as screeching echos in the pit. From the two portals, gargoyles the size of Zil fly out.

Alistra swipes at Siouxsie who jumps back with a grin. Alistra gnashes her teeth as she raises a hand. Tendrils of death magic fly off landing on the ground in ten separate places. Slow ghouls raise from the ground coming from the shadowlands clawing their way out of the stone.

The gargoyles begin to shoot blasts of corrupt arcane magic at them before they even get out of the ground. Siouxsie smiles as she pulls back her blade and rushes Alistra slashing horizontally. She quickly brings up her sword flat side forward to block it.


She successfully blocks it but is sent flying hitting the edge of the pit nearly dropping her weapon. "Let me show you how to make a pact," Siouxsie says with a grin. She reaches a hand out to a gargoyle who is dealing with a few ghouls.

A tether of invisible death magic latches between them and a massive wave of power is fueled to the gargoyle. Its skinny arms begin to grow as it grows to nearly ten feet tall with thick arms and legs with a nearly twenty-foot wingspan.


With a slam, it smashes two of the ghouls it was fighting instantly. "RAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH" It lets out a beastly howl as it rushes towards the barley standing Alistra.