
The Dead God's Path

The Dead God rises again.

SykoNex · Video Games
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55 Chs

Slaughtering The Necropolis


Enjoy and sorry again <3 )

Entering the portal the world around me changes instantly. I stand on an open-air platform with four sets of staircases, one on each side. I feel the presence of thousands of undead on each side so I pick a random direction and walk.

As I reach the top of the stairs I am greeted by a circular room with four doors corresponding to the staircases. They each have different symbols above the doors, I assume they have different meanings but since it's not a language I don't know it.

I just followed the doorway I had originally walked towards, its symbol was a blue symbol. It looked similar to an upside-down pitchfork.

The walls are old stones that appear to be thousands of years old and never been repaired. The first room I walk into has tables scattered around with chairs at them like a tavern. The floors and walls are littered with corpses and skulls respectively.

There are knights exactly like the ones below drinking what I assume to be wine at the tables. I would have to admit, they have an AWFUL taste in decor.

The first one who sees me jumps up grabbing a weapon that was resting against the table. It was too late, however, my miasma has already covered the moderate-sized room. The miasma creeps up their bodies as a few of them scream while others just fall over and die.

The corpses begin to raise as lesser undead since their bodies are mostly rotten or fully rotten. The commotion causes a few knights to come running from the adjacent rooms. This room has about thirteen small offshoot rooms attached to one major hall continuing forward.

As they run forward ready to attack me the corpses below them reach up to catch them. Many fall over and are devoured by the miasma to be raised yet again. The others manage to kill the lesser undead only to be slain by those they once called allies.

One of the more voracious ones managed to make it to my feet slowly dying to miasma. He looks up at me with hate in his eyes "You will pay, the scourge cannot be stopped."

I roll my eyes as I step closer raising my foot high. His eyes go wide as my foot comes down fast crushing his head like a soft fruit. I smile as I gesture for his corpse to come.

"Rise." The headless corpse stands up at my command.

I start walking to one of the side rooms as I gesture for the corpse to follow. As I step into the room I am surprised to see bunk beds with a handful of sleeping knights.

"Kill them," I command the headless knight who walks forward with dull movements.

"GUH" One knight gurgles out blood as the top portion of his head is sliced off by a poor chop from the headless knight.

I walk into the main room again and the lesser undead turn to face me as I do. I gesture to the side rooms with spread arms.

"Slaughter them all." like rabid dogs the 50 or so undead run into each room as chilling screams echo from the rooms.

I nod seeing blood leaking from the doorways of a few rooms. Continuing down the main hallway it goes a short distance before opening into a massive room that is much taller than the last.

I walk in looking around, there are hundreds of grave niches where bodies are stuffed along the walls. I am standing on an upper level with a balcony and staircase looking down. Below are about a hundred or more of the knights training with swords and frost death magic.

Behind them stands a much larger man in full plate armor with dark blue steel armor. He has skulls stamped into his armor on the shoulders, gauntlets, and greaves. A bit too gaudy if you ask me.

I turn to face the biggest wall on the upper level and flick my hand causing miasma to rush out climbing the wall devouring corpses. I would bet they intended to raise these corpses later as reinforcements to the invading undead.

It would be quite ironic if they were murdered by the corpses they intended to raise right? I gesture at the next wall then the next till all three walls are bathed in black gaseous fog.

One by one the corpses come to life crawling out of their small holes. The corpses are of low quality, all of them were weak before death, probably citizens. Not to mention only a handful were even fully intact.

I roll my eyes looking at my new army of around 300 new low-quality servants. With a sigh, I gesture at the stairs. "Go kill as many as you can I guess."

With a lazy walk, I step up to the balcony and lean against it watching my mini army rushing the confused knights. The closest 20 or so knights are immediately bathed in a wave of frost magic. It is not nearly as strong as the knight outside but still enough to slow the weak undead.

Despite their massive strength advantage, the knights are quickly overwhelmed and mercilessly butchered. The rest who watched on fell back a bit until the large commander yelled out in a corrupted voice.

"FORM RANK ON ME." The commander pulls out two large longswords as he is bathed in frost magic. His men begin to form ranks next to him with more prepared gazes they stand ready for the barrage of corpses.

Like a machine, the commander steps forward with his swords glowing dim blue. He cut down the undead like slaughtering a defenceless chicken. The corpses froze and shattered as they hit the ground leaving them useless to me.

Despite the commander's rampage, the knights behind him struggled against the superior numbers of my lesser undead. After a few minutes, my undead had completely overwhelmed them slaughtering all but the commander himself.

Seeing that it was only the commander left against forty or so against my undead I got a better spot. I move over to the stairs making my way halfway down sitting on them to watch.

The commander meets my eyes as he cuts down another weak corpse. "You!"

I smile seeing the understanding coming to his face. "If you survive this I will allow you to serve me… or a peaceful death, whatever you wish," I say with a shrug and a smirk.

He glares at me but doesn't have time to reply as he blocks the attack of an undead. He raises a hand and with a flash of blue light, frost falls from the sky in a torrent freezing a handful of the undead.

He stops in the middle of the frozen corpses and uses them as shields to make alleyways to funnel the undead. With each swing of his swords the more wild and powerful they became. He seemed to be enjoying the fight against the undead.

He may be weak by God standards but he makes most undead I knew look weak. He looks as strong as a silver knight captain. Impressive for a not perfectly raised undead.

As only a few undead remained he seemed to become feral, leaking frost as he swung side to side. "RAHHHH" with a burst of power the undead around him froze leaving him alone in a field of frozen undead.

His gaze turns to me in a huff "FOR THE LICH KING" his corrupt voice echos as he rushes at me.

I roll my eyes as I stand up to meet him. I raise my right hand with an open palm as my sword raises from the ground. I grip my sword as he raises his arms to strike. Before he can even bring his swords down my sword strikes out piercing his throat.

His eyes widen as he slowly falls to the ground lifeless. I look at his dead body with cold eyes.

"You will be easier to talk to when not under his control." My miasma consumes him as I sit back down on the stairs.