
The Dead God's Path

The Dead God rises again.

SykoNex · Video Games
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55 Chs

Shadow of The Sun

The voice of Meryl is now quite a bit deeper, unbefitting someone his small stature. "I can see you quite well, your soul has a rather interesting shape…"

His green flaming eyes glare as they begin to fade back to white. The undead begins to cough as he falls to one knee. He looks up at me with an apologetic expression.

"The demon took my moment of surprise to take over for a moment. Forgive me for the… unsightly display." He slowly stands up on shaky legs. "Let us continue, the camp is just over the ridge."

I nod "So how long have you been living with this demon?"

He stretches his neck as he thinks "A few weeks about. He is powerful, but nothing I can't contain."

"Would you like me to seal him inside you?" I ask, more curious about the outcome than actually helping him.

He stops again, his face not turning to face me. "Can you, truly seal him inside me."

"I can, you would gain quite a bit of his power, depending on how you wish me to seal him you could gain immense power." I neglect to mention I can also destroy the consciousness of the soul leaving it harmless.

He seems to shake off his thoughts "We should speak more once we reach camp."

I shrug as we continue on in silence. Once we begin to crest the hill a few tents with a small fire in the middle come into view. A thin membrane of a magical barrier hangs around the camp in a light purple shimmer.

Meryl stops as he reaches the barrier holding out his hand, whispering words under his breath. The membrane slowly creeps back forming a large arched door. Figures appear on the other side of the membrane, it was an illusion barrier.

As I step inside my eyes glance over the people around the campfire. They stand defensively as they notice me behind Meryl. There is a Draenei, an antlered Nightelf, a scantily dressed human sorceress, and an even more scantily clad Blood elf beauty with two daggers already drawn.

The Draenei seems to not be as attuned to magic as the other two as he glares at me aggressively. The Nightelf looks terrified at me while the woman is holding her staff wearily.

Meryl holds his hands up defensively "Let me introduce you all. This is Lorian, The God of Pestilence. He wishes to know more, and may be willing to help us." I notice his eyes quickly glance at me.

I raise a brow at his words as he turns to me and continues. "Lorian, these are the members of the Council of Tirisfal. Vindicator Maraad is a champion of the light and a great warrior." The Draenei gives a reluctant nod. 'Weak' I think to myself.

"The one on the right is Broll Bearmantle, a talented druid who is well versed in fel energy." The druid's smile falls as he glares at Meryl.

He quickly recovers himself "Varian spoke well of you on my mission to Stormwind."

I give him a small nod as Meryl continues "The young sorceress is Lady Jaina Proudmore, ruler of Theramore." She gives me a small nod like the paladin. I'm impressed as I stare at her eyes, she feels similar to Thrall.

"Next to her is our enforcer, Valeera Sanguinar, a deadly assassin." He says as he looks around. "There is one more… where is-" He is cut off by a human woman stepping out of one of the tall tents.

"Speaking of me behind my back?" She says with a small smile. Her smile however falls off when she meets my eyes, I stare back with a grin on my face. This woman… is the single strongest being I have met on the planet of Azeroth.

My grin fades a bit noticing that her mana is broken and unstable, it's like it was intentionally destroyed. 'Perhaps self-harm I think to myself. She has white hair with a full purple robe and glowing white eyes.

Her eyes linger on mine as she steps closer to me "I haven't felt power like this in almost eight hundred years… Who are you?"

I don't answer, instead, I examine her power structure more "This is Lorian, an undead God." Meryl answers seeing I'm not going to.

"A God…" She mumbles under her breath.

"Lorian, this is Aegwynn, a guardian of old, the most knowledgable person here. She is now helping us, thanks to Lady Proudmore." Meryl says stepping back.

I nod as I meet eyes with the guardian "I will be honest, I wish for you to stay by my side."

Her eyes narrow at me as the Blood elf gasps and the human speaks up "What are you going on about?"

I ignore the insignificant person as I continue looking at the guardian. "I think you will need to elaborate."

"You are the perfect advisor for me. You are familiar with this world, experienced, a mage, and most important of all… powerful." I speak to her ignoring the rest of the mortals.

She scoffs "I am nothing but a crippled mage."

"I can fix that." I quickly reply.

She shakes her head "I am a product of my own choices, I deserve this. It is the price of my arrogance."

I roll my eyes "Mortals and their desperate convictions to self-assigned morals."

Her eyes narrow "Morals keep us human."

I chuckle a bit "Yes, morals are important. Everyone has their own, be it evil or righteous every being has a form of it. Do your morals cover the results of your actions. I stand before you saying I can cure your crippled mana, and you say it's deserved?"

My brows raise as I lean closer "And what of those who die due to your weakness? Are they receiving your punishment as well? But they are innocent of your sins."

Her eyes finally flick away from mine as I hear the voice of the young sorceress, Jaina. "You just wish to use her, you-"

I raise a hand at her, instantly a dark miasma covers her mouth and she falls to the ground unconscious "Quiet, adults are speaking."

The other quickly raise their weapons but do not move, Aegwynn's eyes look into mine with new anger. I hold up a hand "Don't worry, she is just sleeping."

"Why would I give my freedom for power and a tentative idea that you have a similar goal in mind?"

I tilt my head as I look at her with confusion "Who said I will take your freedom? The only slaves I have are mindless, I have the ability to move a soul's consciousness into the embrace of Death. I have no need to force an unwilling."

She looks away from my eyes now in thought as my eyes glance over the others. They all stare at me with slight hostility except Meryl who seems confused. I slowly back away from her as I stand straight.

I give the others a smile "Alright, that's enough of my thoughts on the subject, what was next on the list?" I wave my hand and the miasma quickly leaves the young girl's body causing her to slowly wake up.

My eyes turn to Meryl "Ah, the demon."