
The Dead God's Path

The Dead God rises again.

SykoNex · Video Games
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55 Chs

Meeting with Varian and Rhonin

(A/N: I get so many notifications from webnovel and they get me excited, then I open it and see like 60 of my comments have been like lmao. The important Morningstar poll is still up in discord, be sure to vote.


Love y'all<3)


We ride through the city passing all the citizens out and about without a care in the world. I guess they don't know how close they were to dying. The city is beautiful and the citizens all seem happy.

We pass through the Cathedral Square and there we see a massive chapel that towers at about half the size of the palace I can see at the other end of the city. This got me curious as I feel no mana from the King meaning he doesn't follow the light.

"So you worship the light like the Blood Elves?" I ask Varian as I ride on the left, Rhonin in the middle, Varian on the right, with Siro following behind.

He nods "Although you are free to practice most traditional religions the worship of the light is the most common by far."

I rub my chin "But you don't worship it?"

He scoffs "I believe only in myself and my son. The man who served as Lord Regent while I was gone and my longtime friend Bolvar is a faithful servant of the light. I don't quite get it."

"What about magic?" I ask curiously.

He shakes his head "I have never practiced magic nor tried to. I was raised as a warrior and I will die as a warrior. I wish the same for my son but that is his choice to make. He is almost 12, he will be making his choice soon."

I nod my head "Are you going to gather troops to fight the scourge? If so I have an idea to sway the people's opinions on the undead."

"Their opinion of the undead has no bearing to me." Varian's words earn him a glare from Rhonin "But I will hear your words out of course."

I smile and nod thankfully to Rhonin who returns my nod. We ride the next 15 minutes casually talking. We ride the main canal streets to avoid the dwarven district. Apparently getting horses through there can be difficult with all the work going on.

Eventually, we reach the palace gates where Varian's friend is waiting for us with a kid at his side. Varian quickly hops off his horse and walks towards the kid with a soft smile unbefitting his hard face.

"DAD!" The kid runs to Varian who gets on a knee and hugs him. The kid is a few inches shy of five feet tall with blonde hair and emerald green eyes.

"I thought I told you to stay in the inner sanctum Anduin?" He says, pulling away from the hug. He stands up putting his hand on his head.

The boy looks at the other man "Uncle Bolvar said I could come to greet you."

Varian nods his head at Bolvar. Bolvar looks at me with narrow eyes then turns to Varian questioningly.

Varian turns to us with a gesture "Bolvar this is Lorian, an undead God. Behind him is his knight Siro, get to know him well, he will stay with you while we talk. Lorian, Siro, this is my friend I mentioned Bolvar Fordragon."

I nod my head "It is nice to meet you." Siro bows his head in greetings as well.

He bows his head in return "Likewise. It is rare to meet a God." He turns to Rhonin, "It is nice to see you again. Congrats on your promotion to leader of the six."

Rhonin grins "So you heard?"

Bolvar scoffs "Of course I did. I was still in charge when I got the news."

Varian walks up with his son in tow holding his horse's reins. "Come, after we drop off the horses we can talk in the council room."

I hop off Zil who hides back in my shadow, he seems to like his new shadow magic. Either that or he likes being lazy now. Siro hops off his mount as well allowing it to return to limbo to await its next summon.

After we drop off their horses at the stables Siro heads off with Bolvar. Apparently he wanted to show Siro the church since Siro mentioned he was curious in the light. The kid ended up going with them since he wanted to talk to the uncomfortable Siro.

Meanwhile, we head to the room for our small meeting. The palace is fairly grand on the inside, similar to Gwyn's great hall. The major difference is that this palace has too many stairs. There is a set of stairs at the entrance. Before the throne room. Then again before the living rooms.

Sure there are a few offshoot rooms but still, too many stairs… Who builds a palace on the slope of a hill?

The throne room itself appears to be modeled exactly like the throne room of Lorderon without the upper level. The side offshoots leads to side rooms, one of them being the council room we are heading to.

Once we all sit down Varian looks at me with a conflicted face. "So, what is your idea?"

"First of all, do you plan to march against the Lich King now that he has awakened?" I ask looking between the two.

Varian looks conflicted so Rhonin answers first. "You may not know this but Dalaran was destroyed a few years ago. Currently, we are reconstructing the city behind powerful enchantments. Once we are finished we are bringing it to Northrend."

My eyebrows raise "You have that much power?"

He gives me a wry smile "Kind of. If the council of six come together and use the power of ley lines we should be able to move it."

"Ah, I've read about those ley lines in a Lich's book." I chime in as I turn to Varian.

Varian rubs his head "In life, Arthas was my best friend… our kingdoms had an inseparable alliance. I wish to give him his final rest, but I don't know how I can justify going to war for a friendship."

I look at him oddly "With the Lich King's power it wouldn't be a stretch to say it is only a matter of time before he conquers the world. He has a similar power to me without any morals. Without anything holding him back."

"I agree. However, I do not know if the other alliance leaders will see it the same way. Perhaps Tyrande and Malfurion but not the high tinkerer or Magni." He sighs at his words.

"They will not have a choice when the scourge comes bearing down upon them. The necropolis in the Duskwoods should already have started their invasion." I say leaning back a bit.

"How did you know there was a necropolis in Duskwoods?" Varian asks with distrust in his voice.

I give a small laugh "Because I conquered my way through a necropolis myself in the Barrens. The undead I raised know where the other three necropoleis are." I say with a small smile.

Varian backs into his chair with crossed arms "You can assume we will be traveling to Northrend."

I nod "Since we are already setting up a meeting of the undead refugees with their families. When you take your war campaign and head north. I want you to say you are freeing your fallen citizens from the Lich King's grasp. Not that you are going to purge the undead. Simple."

He looks at me a bit confused "That is it?"

I smile "Words are sometimes more powerful than action."

He looks at Rhonin who shrugs at him.

"Fine. I accept. Is there anything else?" He asks, nodding his head in approval.

"I am going to need you to not hate me for what I am about to request," I say softly, trying to be as non-confrontational as I can.

His eyes narrow, even Rhonin looks at me with bated breath. "Continue"

I look at Rhonin "Make sure he doesn't attack me."

Rhonin gives me a baffled look while Varian appears to be getting angry.

I sigh "I want you to let me resurrect your wife."

"NO!" He quickly stands slamming the table causing Rhonin to stand up holding him from trying to attack me.

Rhonin looks at me "I agree, that seems rather… Drastic."

I nod in agreement "What if I raised her with Holy Light?" I ask the King who seems to be leaking steam from his anger.