
The Dead God's Path

The Dead God rises again.

SykoNex · Video Games
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55 Chs

Meeting In Silvermoon

I put the cultist's head back on its body "Dreadnoughts? Good idea. These will now be known as dreadnoughts."

I put a hand on Darion's shoulder "Give them weapons and have them fight to the death again and again until they are skilled enough to be my men. I intend to make them a personal unit under me."

"Yes, my Lord. The forsaken have already taken the city, it is still being cleansed from the hiding undead. Amon has already forgone his chance to challenge Siouxsie saying 'I couldn't give a damn' He is watching Gunther's progress at the moment." Darion says looking at Siouxsie for a moment.

I look at Siouxsie who is studying a Dreadnought as we speak, "I will not bother them then, anything else before I leave?" I ask as I prepare to teleport away.

He shakes his head "We can deal with everything else." I nod as I teleport away giving them each a nod before I leave.


Back in my study I make my first functional portal on my third attempt. I nod as I feel my use of arcane magic has gotten to a passable level. I can feel the amount of living people has increased significantly around us so I assume we are nearing Silvermoon.

Walking out of my chambers I see the first room of the new wing has been completed. Tsar'Rin, Prime, and Amal'Thezad are in the room splitting off the blue hall doing whatever lich do as the undead continue building around them.

I ignore them as they do not see me and I head to the other side with the balcony. I can see Silvermoon city not that far off in the distance, less than three miles, so I decide to teleport there. Better to let them know just in case. I teleport to the entrance of the Lord Regent's palace and walk in.

The guards lining the palace entranceway look surprised but don't stop me. Once inside I see Lor'Themar, Sylvanas, Lady Liadrin, Halduron, and Landra Dawnstrider standing around the war table.

They all turn to me curiously and Sylvanas is the first to lower her head. The rest seem incredibly surprised by my arrival, Sylvanas must not have told them.

"You have gotten taller…" Landra says as she looks up at me rubbing her chin thinking about something.

I smile at her "It is nice to see you as well Lady Landra." My voice seems to snap them out of their thoughts.

Lor'Themar bows his head to me "Hello Lorian, Are you joining the invasion on the northern frontier?"

"I am, I specialize in war after all. I thought I should stop by here first" I say walking up to the table standing between Sylvanas and Lady Landra.

"Come to apologize for taking my apprentice's virginity then running?" Landra asks with a raised brow.

I am a bit caught off guard as the room collectively stares at me "Why would I apologize? Where is Mirveda by the way?"

"She is in my room studying." She says without much care.

"I'll say hi after this, what are we talking about?" I ask looking at Lor'Themar.

"Potential Landing sites." Lady Liadrin answers for him.

Lor'Themar nods "We are expecting to land at the Howling Fjord or with the orcs at Borean Tundra, but that may be too far to justify."

"Why not Dragonblight?" I ask curiously looking at the map.

"The creatures there are notorious for their strength. Not to mention the harsh cold would make the push to Icecrown difficult. While we may have to fight through the Vrykul and native trolls heading from the Howling Fjord we would have to anyway."

"Also the fights would be on more even ground in these areas since they have a more reasonable climate. It will also be harder for them to launch surprise attacks on us." He says pointing out points of interest on the map.

"Then I will take my forces and station in Dragonblight since the cold doesn't affect us. I will also send my Hand with you and not the orcs since you will be in a more difficult to push location. With the more open fight, Koltira will strive." I say tapping the table.

"You have forces?" Halduron asks surprised.

"I slaughtered one of the flying Necropolis and took it for my own. It should be arriving soon." I answer with a small smile.

"Are we going to set up a forward base or just a foothold to advance on?" Sylvanas asks looking at Lor'Themar seriously.

"The Horde is still in desperate need of resources, the Fjord has plenty of unmined materials and sea resources. I believe it would be best to create a base where we can do operations even into the future." He says after a moment of thought.

Sylvanas nods "I agree." Her sharp face turns to me as she looks at me with an unsatisfied look.

I am curious as to why she is looking at me like that but I continue talking to Lor'Themar anyway. "Should I call Koltira here now?"

"Is this Koltira a Blood elf?" He asks with a knowing tone.

I nod "He requested to be stationed here. Why, do you know him?"

Both Lor'Themar and Sylvanas nod "He was one of the young men in my regiment when Sylvanas was still the Ranger-General."

Sylvanas nods in agreement not meeting my eyes. "Then I will call him immediately, I intend to leave him with the Horde as my diplomat anyway. Do you know a Lady Alistra as well?" I ask looking around the table.

Lady Liadrin speaks up this time "When I was younger... when I was still a priestess I knew someone by that name in the old knight's order. Before we turned to the Blood Knights."

"Oh good, I'll call her as well." I say giving them both a smile 'Come, you have company.' I say to both Lady Alistra and Koltira through telepathy.

A death gate opens not far behind me to the surprise of most in the room. Koltira and Alistra walk through with various faces. Koltira looks a bit ashamed while Alistra looks to be holding in her emotions well.

The gate closes behind them and to everyone's surprise, Lor'Themar steps forward first causing Koltira to stare at him with mixed feelings. Even more surprisingly he lowers his head to Koltira.

"I am sorry I was unable to protect you." He says with a stoney voice as he meets Koltira's eyes.

Koltira shakes his head "I should be apologizing, I killed so many of my kin when I was brought back."

"You weren't in control," I say.

"But it was my hand." He says looking down at his hands.

Alistra pushes his shoulder "Stop being so weak." She turns to Halduron and Liadrin "It is good to see you both again."

Lady Liadrin nods but I ask curiously "You know Halduron?"

She nods with a smirk "When we were young it was my blade that dissuaded him from joining the Knights, instead becoming a ranger. It is nice to see you again Liadrin, I see you dropped the robes and staff." An annoyed look crosses Halduron's face as he looks away.

Lady Liadrin smirks at his attitude "I worked hard to become a knight. I don't want to ever feel as helpless as I did that day…"

Alistra smiles softly "I don't think any of us do."

"How touching… Can we get back to the meeting, please? And Koltira, I am glad to see you are not gone yet." Sylvanas says with a flat tone.

Koltira smirks as he salutes like a blood elf "Thank you Ranger-General."

"Don't do that," Sylvanas says in an annoyed tone causing the room of people to smile.