
The Dead God's Path

The Dead God rises again.

SykoNex · Video Games
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55 Chs

Lightborne Undead

(A/N: The makers of the WoW wiki need to put more detailed info in the wiki lol. I hate needing to log into game to fact check myself lol.



Enjoy <3 )


Another a few hours pass Tiffin speaks up from behind me "Do you need to prepare for the resurrection?"

I shrug "It will be a bit more difficult than usual but I am full-on mana at the moment. So even if it is a bit rough It should be fine."

"Siro, you became pretty close to Bolvar right? Did you learn how to use the light?" I ask the silent Siro.

He sighs "No, for some reason the light would not answer my call. Although once I tried to reach the light I found my connection to the Chill of Death grew stronger. I suppose it was a win anyway."

"That being said I heard Xavier can use some light magic. But it burns to use as an undead which is why he doesn't use it." Siro says, staring at Xavier who is sitting with his family.

I nod "Perhaps you need more faith." I say with a joking smirk.

Varian turns to me as his Son has been nagging him for a while "Do you want to do the ceremony now? We can invite the undead here to attend as well. We will put them in a separate area though since the general population would not like it."

I nod "That's fine, let's go."

Prime heads back to the Necropolis as we get up and leave first with Tiffin's ghost. Varian and his Son stay behind as he announces that the ceremony will be starting soon.

I reach the park where Tiffin shows me to her body which is preserved in a coffin full of flowers. Her corpse is perfectly intact as it has a powerful charm on it keeping it from decaying. I put my hand on the edge of the coffin as I feel my connection to the light.

Feeling I still have a solid connection I nod my head turning to face the three. "Since we are making this a ceremony why don't we give it some flare."

They look at me with a bit of confusion as I raise my arm high. The ground begins radiating threads of light as a pillar of light spreads from her body and pierces the sky. The entire park of verdant trees and shrubbery seems to glisten in the light.

"What did you do?" Tiffin asks looking around.

I smirk "Absolutely nothing. Just made it a bit fancy, as well as cast a serenity spell so people will be calmer as they enter the garden. But by and large, it is just for dramatic effect."

We stand in the garden waiting for the civilians to arrive. After only half-an-hour the garden is full and we see Varian approaching with the undead in tow. He fits them to the side with the few hundred family members.

Varian approached us stepping up to the coffin next to me with a nod. The citizens all silently lowered their heads as he passed. He turned to face the crowd causing the few thousand citizens to hold their breath in anticipation.

"I will keep this short, soon we will be going north to fight the enemies that threaten our way of life. I do not wish to leave my son and my citizens without a leader again. With the power of the light, Lorian will be bringing my wife back." Gossip began to spread among the citizens.

Varian gestures to me to start whenever. I nod as I stand in front of the corpse while Varian stands behind it looking at her ghost then at her body.

I raise my arms to the air as I draw upon the light and use the powers of death to give her life. The light shines from my hands as hints of black appear in the light refusing to merge. I pour more mana into it trying to merge the magic.

My teeth grit in annoyance as I pour even more mana into it. A giant pillar of light much larger than the one I put above her body pierces the sky above parting the clouds revealing the sun above. My open hands curl a bit as I pull more from the light.


The ground beneath me shatters as a wave of light pulses from the sky landing on my hand. Like a blanket, the light stretches through the city and my death magic successfully gets infused by the light.

I can feel my mana drastically fall as for the first time in thousands of years sweat falls from my brow. I quickly close my fist as the death and light merge and I open my hand again as I reach out towards her corpse.

Her corpse glows in a pure golden light as it slowly rises into the air stopping a few feet off the coffin. Her body slowly turns to face the crowd like it's standing in the air. Her eyes snap open revealing that they are completely golden with no pupils or iris.

I sigh as I take a deep breath stepping back, her body slowly floats down as it touches the ground in front of me. She stands still for a second as she looks at me with a smile. Her golden hair seems to glisten in the light. Her skin is a bit pale but looks healthy.

She nods at me with a smile "Thank you." her voice sounds light and beautiful as if it were not meant for this world. I nod my head to her as if I don't notice it. It seems there were side-effects of using the light to raise an undead…

She quickly turns around to Varian and throws her arms around him. The crowd claps at the sight of their reunion as I back up near Siro giving them space. I had exhausted a vast majority of my mana using that spell, many times more than I expected.

(In WoW lore this was only done by two incredibly powerful priests with the aid of an even more powerful Naru.)

I sigh as I breathe in absorbing some mana to fuel my depleted tanks. Using my miasma and most divinity uses little to no mana so I really don't need it but my body feels heavy without it. I chuckle a bit as I think the great 'God Slayer' was knocked down a peg raising an undead.

Once they stop the hug they stand there staring at each other. Anduin interrupts the moment running up to Tiffin "Mom!" he yells jumping on her.

She happily picks him up hugging him tightly. I smile as I approach them "So Tiffin, did it work properly, can you use the light?"

She holds her Son with one arm as she holds out a hand between all of us. From her palm, a glow radiates confirming she can indeed use light magic.

I sigh "Thankfully my effort wasn't wasted."

That night there were parties all throughout Stormwind. I heard the noble houses were extremely mad since they were not informed beforehand. Varian was able to put them in their place but I mentioned that perhaps he should take some power away from them.

Over the next few days, a messenger came from Ironforge with a letter of congratulations from the king of the dwarves as well as the High Tinkerer of the Gnomes. I heard the leaders of the Night Elves mentioned they would visit before the next alliance summit. Which had already been pushed ahead because of the Lich King's awakening.