
The Dead God's Path

The Dead God rises again.

SykoNex · Video Games
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55 Chs


(A/N: I'm so sad at the things Blizzard is doing with Shadowlands. So many obvious development mistakes and small things that are a simple fix but won't be fixed until the final patch as usual. I hope at least that it is as good as Legion was. Also fuck the new in game purchasable transmog, lol, it's so scummy.


Enjoy the chapter <3 )


The trip to Darrowshire would take 3 days which doesn't leave me a lot of time to read but I want to learn more about this world. I will need to become more powerful if I wish to compete with the cosmic threats of the universe.

For the next three days, I studied the veil. A flip realm that lingers between this realm and the shadowlands. It is where ghosts, wraiths, and banshees as well as some things I've never seen before are birthed. It is also the place where the death knights keep their mounts for easy access.

I feel the necropolis come to a stop as I stand from my chair and walk out of the room. In the blue hall as I like to call it, Prime and Tsar'Rin are working on a massive magic circle. They both turn to me with lowered heads as they see me walk in.

I gesture at the circle "What is this?"

"It is the first half of the portal that will network between the Necropolis once we capture more. Prime is working on the circuit that will capture the power of souls and I am piecing the spell together." Tsar'Rin says raising his head.

I nod "Interesting, Can you speak yet Prime?"

Prime nods "I can." A deep echoed voice comes from seemingly nowhere.

"Well, have fun with that," I say turning to the stairs walking past as the two who get back to the circle.

At the bottom of the stairs, I see Iza and Xavier standing at the lowest platform. Iza has started to develop a bit of a personality since we started the trips 10 days ago. He likes to pretend to be a bodyguard while he isn't on duty. Still can't speak though.

I join them walking down the two flights of stairs to the lowest platform. "We are at DarrowshireI assume?" at my words Xavier turns to me and nods.

"We are here, you can see the encampment that Nathanos set up there." He points to a small stone fortress that obstructs the architecture of the ruined village.

I nod as I step off the open-air platform and teleport on top of the eight-foot-tall walls. I stand on the walls above the small gate looking around. There are a few forsaken soldiers but it is mainly undead citizens that look freshly raised.

The forsaken guarding the gate looked at me with wide eyes stunned by surprise of my arrival. "Where is Nathanos?" They both point to the largest camp in the center of the makeshift fortress.

I nod in thanks as I hop off the wall and walk to the tent. I look at the citizens as I pass most of which seem happy to be alive and the others look to be fine neither angry nor happy about it. There aren't a lot of soldiers so I suppose he was more focused on taking in citizens first.

Once I reach the tent I open it and walk-in. "Nathanos here?" I ask while already inside staring at the man himself. The tent is a long rectangle shape with a wooden table in the middle with a map of the Plaguelands on it. Across from Nathanos is another forsaken with heavy chain armor and a four spiked axe on his back.

Nathanos lowers his head as he sees me walk in "Lord Lorian." He says raising his head again.

The other forsaken looks confused but I don't acknowledge his existence. I gesture for him to follow "Come."

He scowls a bit but nods and follows. We walk out of the tent and head straight for the main gate.

He looks at me oddly "If I may ask, where are we going?"

"The town center," I answer shortly.

"Why? There are some fairly strong undead there." He says pulling out his bow.

"I want you to see. To see why they once called me the 'Walking Legion'." He looks at me confused but still follows.

(A/N: He has 22 titles and one of them is Reaper of Oolacile.)

We walk through the buildings of the small town for a while towards the center without seeing any undead. He did a good job clearing them. Once we see the first one he holds up his bow about to kill it but I put my arm in front of him to stop him.

My miasma begins to leak from me as it grows rushing forward like a small wave consuming the ghoul. It falls to the ground. After a second or two it begins to twitch once again and slowly stands up.

Nathanos looks at me confused to which I smile "We are grabbing you an army." I keep walking as the ghoul follows us closely.

A few other undead try to attack us but they all meet the same fate as the first ghoul. Eventually, we make it to the town square, there are a few abominations and skeletal knights roaming the area with some banshees in the sky.

I smile at the number of the undead "Stay here and witness." Nathanos nods as I make my way to the fountain at the center of the town square miasma rolling at my feet. The undead turn to me as they get ready to attack me.

I ignore them as I cast levitate and go up six feet onto the top of the dried fountain. I spread my arms wide as miasma rushes like a wave washing over the undead on the ground. The banshees begin to wail as I clench my fists.

The heavy miasma rolling on the ground begins to bubble and spew like geysers into the air with a thick mist. The banshees wail again but this time in pain as their pale skin begins to become covered in black veins.

They fall from the sky landing with the rest of the writhing undead as I smile. I turn to see Nathanos looking at the scene with surprise.

"This is what it means to be a God of Pestilence." The geysers of mist begin spraying higher covering the sky in black as the miasma on the ground spreads quicker washing through the town making a lake of plague.

Nathanos's surprise turns to awe as the dead begin to rise and march towards the center of the now dark town. Each road leading to the town center is full of the undead. Ghouls, gargoyles, banshee's, wraiths, zombies, imperfect, and perfect undead alike.

They all march to the center of the town to heed my call. I put my arms down as the miasma rests but does not clear. Most look up at me with blank stares while the imperfect and perfect undead look up at me with either fear, worry, or confusion.

"You have all been conscripted to the legion of the undead. You are not required to serve, if you wish to feel free to kill yourself… If you do not wish to fight that is fine, live as civilians and we will care for you as long as you work like any other." I look over at Nathanos with an outstretched hand.

"This man is Nathanos Blightcaller. He will be in charge of taking care of you. I hope you enjoy your new unlife as a member of the Forsaken." I hold out my arms wide "Do not fear the other undead as they are your allies and your protectors." I say as I hop off the fountain in front of Nathanos who had yet to recover himself.

I grab his shoulder to get his attention "I will be leaving Gunther and Amon here to help you. I hope to hear good news the next time I see you."

He looks at me confused "Gunther is here? And who is Amon."

"He is Gunther's tutor. Gunther is extremely talented but is limited by your knowledge so he will be studying with Amon about undeath." As I finish my words a death gate opens next to me and Gunther and Amon walk out as if called.

They both look around at the land of black miasma with awe. "I heard the Plaguelands were bad but not like this," Gunther says looking up at the dark sky causing me to chuckle.

(A/N: He did this because he gains power from worship, primarily from apostles, and Nathanos didn't firmly believe.)