
The Dead God's Path

The Dead God rises again.

SykoNex · Video Games
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55 Chs

Creating a Pyromancer

After the briefing, I head to Landra's room with her to say hello to Mirveda. Apparently she was been appointed to succeed Rommath as Grand Magister since Rommath has been offered a position in the Kirin Tor.

Opening the door to her room I am met with the sight of books, walls lined with books. The room is an oval with over half of it being book shelves. The bed is placed against the only barren piece of wall in the room.

At a small circle table across from the bed, Mirveda is sitting reading a book. Her long ears perk up when she turns to face us when we enter.

"Welcome back Maste-" surprise fills her face as she jumps up like a frightened rabbit. "L-lord Lorian."

"Lord?" I ask questioningly.

She scratches her chin "Sorry, Lorian."

As I nod I feel a slap on my shoulder as Lady Landra walks past me "Don't tease the poor girl."

I look at the small wooden chairs with a wry smile "Do you have any other chairs?" I ask Landra.

She gestures at the bed as she sits next to her student "There are no chairs that will fit you, just sit on the bed."

I shrug as I sit on the bed "So will you both be going to the front or no?"

Landra rolls her eyes "That's what you ask?" She sighs "I will be sending Mirveda to the front but I have things to do here so I won't go for the first few months."

Mirveda nods "I am still practicing my large area magic still. I started focusing on offensive magic for the last month or so, around when you left. Turns out I'm pretty talented with fire." she says as she sits back down shyly.

Landra pats her head with a rare smile. "She is right about that. Aethas has a competitor finally when it comes to fire magic."

Mirveda's face blushes a deep red "I'm not that good."

"Yet." Landra reinforces.

I smile seeing the student-teacher interaction "I can teach you pyromancy if you wish. We have a few days until we leave, pyromancy would give you an advantage when you use fire magic."

"What is Pyromancy?" Landra asks curiously.

"Is that what you thought I was when we met in the scar?" Mirveda asks leaning on her book.

I create a small fire in my hand using only my soul with no mana "Pyromancy is using the power of your soul to create flames. Then pyromancy spells are created by using mana to manipulate the flame." The flame in my hand turns black as it forms into a snake slithering from my hand into the air flying around for a bit before coming back to me.

Landra shakes her head as she rubs her temple. "You seem to broaden my horizons every time."

"That was so cool! How could you control it so well?" Mirveda asks with starry eyes.

I just give a soft smile "That's just my mana control, but the fact the flame is connected to my soul makes it much easier. That's why pyromancy is good at attacking multiple targets. Feeling them out and attacking individually at the same time is much easier than trying to hit multiple targets with only one attack.

I rub my chin as I lean back a bit "Does the training grounds have dummies that they don't mind being destroyed?"

"Yes, the training grounds should be empty at this time of day. Why? Do you want to do a demonstration?" Landra says leaning against the table.

"Kind of. I want to show Mirveda how to do it real quick." I say giving Mirveda a smile causing her to blush.

"You can just 'show her' like that?" She asks sitting up.

I chuckle a bit "I spent 11,000 years teaching people to do their first fireball. I think I can teach one already attuned to fire how to do it. Should take no more than an hour."

Landra stands up "Then let's go." she pulls Mirveda up by her hands "Come, dear." She opens the door and walks out with Mirveda in tow.

I roll my eyes at her hastiness as I stand up and follow not far behind. Once we reach the training ground Landra sets up a few wick training dummies across the solid sand field.

Once everything is set up I stand behind Mirveda "Do you know how to feel your soul?"

She shakes her head "Alright, I will help you then. Face the dummies." She nods as she puts her back to me.

I put a hand on her back as I slowly guide my mana into my hand as it presses against her "Don't resist."

She nods as she takes a deep breath out relaxing. My mana slowly begins to enter her as she tenses and lets out a small squeal. I wait for her to calm back down before I continue to move my mana towards her soul.

"Ahh," she lets out a moan as my mana wraps and her soul.

"Do you feel where my mana is touching?" I ask with my eyes closed concentrating.

"Yes." She answers a bit short of breath.

"Hold your hand out and pull power from it to your hand just as you would do mana," I say as I use my mana to show her the path I am talking about.

I open my eyes as I've done all I can do. I watch as for the next minute she concentrates to move her soul power successfully. Lady Landra stands next to me with crossed arms as she patiently watches her student.

My eyes widen as I see a small spark ignite on Mirveda's hand. It quickly goes out but I am still impressed. Even my most talented students took at least thirty minutes to create their first spark. Yet she did it in only five minutes. 'Is it because she is already a sorcerer?'

Mirveda's eyebrows scrunch as she tries harder to successfully pull the flame. After only five more minutes a small flame is softly floating above her hand.

Her eyes slowly open and stare at the small flame in her hand, a large grin quickly grows "I DID IT!"

Landra and I give her a smile "Congratulations, but keep focus, try pouring mana into it in the shape of a ball."

She nods as her face becomes serious again slowly the small flame turns into a ball shape but falls apart back into a wisp. Over and over again she creates a ball only for it to fall apart.

"Don't think of it like sorcery. It isn't something you activate, it is something you mold. You are creating a ball to throw, it must be solid on the outside with flames within." I say as I watch her manipulate the flames.

She slowly forms the ball once again but this time it doesn't fall apart. I smile as I speak up "Keep concentration and throw it at the dummy in the middle."

She nods as she turns to the side and hucks it like a rubber ball at the dummy. The ball of flames gets a bit smaller in the air but successfully hits the shoulder of the dummy. The ball lets off a small explosion as the arm of the dummy falls off and it begins to burn.

Mirveda's jaw drops as she raises her arms in triumph "I ACTUALLY DID IT! It's kinda weak though… BUT I DID IT!"

Landra shakes her head while putting it down but I can see a small smile on her lips. "You did great. That was your first-ever use of the most rudimentary pyromancy spell there is."

"You were right, it was easier than normal to manipulate my mana. I think training like this will help me advance at my mage studies faster, even if I am splitting my attention." She says as she makes a pyromancy flame in her right hand and magic flame in her left.

I pat the top of her head "Your teacher is right, your talent with fire will take you far."

She gives me a cheeky grin "Do I get a reward?"

"NO." Lady Landra cuts in.