
The Dead God's Path

The Dead God rises again.

SykoNex · Video Games
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55 Chs

Battle Of Stormwind Harbor

(A/N: I was having writers block for Reaper so I decided today would be two chapters of TDGP. Reaper will be tomorrow instead. This is one of my favorite chapters by the way, hope you enjoy.


Hope you enjoy <3)


[3rd Person POV]

A tall man with long brown hair tied back fights off undead after undead. He wears dark steel armor with lion spaulders. He wields a long double-sided sword that glows with magic at the hilt. He fights with pure strength cutting apart undead with wide sweeps using no magic at all.

"Hold the line!" Varian Wrynn, the king of Stormwind yells. He looks around at his men who are struggling against the superior numbers of the undead.

He grits his teeth as a slightly shorter man in golden armoire approaches cutting a path through undead as he does. The man uses a shield to bash in the heads of the undead, shoving them out of the way and his sword to remove the head.

"My King. We need to pull back! We should take up a higher position." Highlord Bolvar Fordragon said as he pushed through the undead next to his king.

Varian nods his head as he steps back to the main staircase leading up to the rear of the city. "Fall back to the gates!" He yells, raising his sword to the sky.

He turns to Bolvar "We will be holding the line."

Bolvar just smirks as he slams his shield into the face of an undead forcing a few back. "Of course."

Varian grips his greatsword with both hands and yanks. The greatsword splits into two smaller swords one glows red on the hilt, the other blue. Varian smiles widely as blood splatters on his face cutting down ghoul after skeleton after wight after geist.

Once all of the soldiers have retreated up the stairs the two warriors begin to slowly fight backward up the stairs. The undead begins climbing up each other like piles of dirt and eventually gets up the stone wall keeping the docks from the ground level of the city.

The two warriors are quickly surrounded but aren't struggling much but appear to be becoming tired. The soldiers holding the gate are faring better than they were on the lower docks but still struggle against the insane numbers.

"Just you and I may be able to stifle their numbers at this point," Varian smirks as the world seems to respond to his words in kind.

From the water raised undead giants and homunculus rose from the sea. At the same time portals opened at the end of the docks letting through skeletal mages and San 'Lyan (Elf Vampires).

Bolvar gives Varian a dull grunt "By the light, this may be our last day…"

"Don't lose hope yet friend." Says Varian as he cleaves his way to the gates. "Get the ballista! Aim for the Portals!" Varian yells causing the men in the backline to climb the ladders on the walls and man the few ballistae.

Varian and Bolvar form the line with the soldiers slowly being pushed back until the air rumbles with mana. The intelligent undead seem to freeze as they look up along with Bolvar and Varian.


With a rush of wind, a Necropolis appears in the air 200 feet above the docks about half a mile out. Varian's face turns grim as he backs up letting another soldier take his place on the line. Inside the gate stands a man in black leather armor and a dark steel half-plate firing a gun taking down undead after undead.

"How long until the garrison reinforcements get here Mathias?" Varian yells while aiding any man struggling.

"The rouge was sent thirty minutes ago. I would say no more than ten minutes" Mathias says as he loads another shot.

"And the mages?" Varian asks.

"You called?" A tall man with grey hair and beard says from behind Varian.

"This is no time for your games Andromath. We are being pressed, where are the rest of your men?" Varian is obviously annoyed.

"Yes, they were gathering the stragglers. Some of them can't use teleport so they are working together to get here quickly. I came ahead to give you aid, don't worry Stormwind will not fall today." As he finishes his words he raises an arm in the air and bolts of frost begin raining from the sky onto the undead.

The strong ones easily shrug it off but the small and feral ones begin to freeze and slow. The moral of the soldiers is quickly rising, despite the loss of men they are still holding their own with reinforcements on the way.

That hope is quickly stifled as the necropolis in the distance begins lurching towards them. Varian's face falls into a frown as he looks at the encroaching fortress.


The undead mages flung spell after spell at the gate area trying to destroy the ballista.

"Perhaps we should give up the park area?" Mathias says seeing the impending invasion.

Varian shakes his head "WE WILL NOT RETREAT! WE WILL NOT FALL BACK FROM THIS POSITION! THE CITIZENS OF STORMWIND STAND BEHIND US! LET NONE PASS!" Varian's words bring new life into the soldiers as they begin pushing out reclaiming the front portion of the gate.

The Necropolis slowly stops as it reaches the end of the docks above the portals. From the balcony, a demon can be seen with a muscular body and a goat-like skull with four eyes and massive forward-pointing horns.

It wears nothing but a black cloth wrapped around its waist and wields two massive bone machetes. Behind him stood an over seven-foot-tall man with long black greasy hair, pale skin, dark armor with rolls of parchment attached, and large pauldrons that held floating black books.

The humans watched with bated breath as the man with glowing red eyes raised an arm and pointed forward. The large demon stepped on the balcony railing and jumped off without hesitation.


The dock shook as the demon landed on the portal and the mage that was holding it open crushing him. "RAAHHHH" a terrifying wail came from the demon as it cut down multiple undead with each swing of its machetes.

The humans watched in awe as the man with the glowing red eyes stood on the balcony railing. Casually he took a step off and with crossed arms slowly began to fall to the ground. Softly his feet touch the ground and a black haze begins leaking from his body extending to the other docks.

The black mist devours the other mages holding the portals open for the other invading undead. They fall to the ground shaking as life leaves their dead bodies. He doesn't raise a finger as he watches the demon kill more undead than the human army could do in an hour.

[Lorian's POV]

I groan as I watch Iza cut down the undead like defenseless children. Despite there being so many there isn't any strong enough for me to estimate how strong Iza actually is.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see a few of the undead begin stealing the blood from the corpses Iza has already cut down and is readying it to make a spell.

I smile "Iza, kill them." I point at the undead I've never seen before who are gathering power.

"RAHHH" With a battlecry Iza jumps at them with his massive machetes coming down on them. They combine their magic and make a shield of blood blocking the blades holding him back.

My interest in the battle is instantly broken as a bolt from a ballista flies by my head. I stare up at the walls with a bored expression.

I raise an arm to the sky with an open palm. Lightning crackles in my hand as I slowly close my hand the clouds in the sky begin to gather and darken. Once my hand finally closes, six massive streaks of lightning rain down destroying the ballistae and setting them on fire.

I turn my attention back to the fight to see Iza is pushing the bloodmancers back but is struggling to catch them as they can float quickly and nimbly. I wonder how these were raised, they feel similar to a power I felt in the shadowlands so it may be related.

"PUSH THEM BACK" I hear a yell come from above and I see a human wielding two large swords slaughtering the undead while leading the charge.