
The dead girls alive

I am my own person. I make my own story. This is my life. You will not deny me. Cordelia von Argeos Oribiana has one goal in sight. To find out why girls with red hair were killed. Was it because of their red hair? Maybe because of the emotion magic they harnessed? Why were they always killed, what did they do that was so bad it resulted in their death? Who was behind the killings? How many? Was it the king? Was it other nobles? She didn't know but she is willing to put her life on the line to find out.

xazaxi · Fantasy
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30 Chs

chapter twenty-nine

Walking into the dungeon where prisoners were kept the three walked up to the cell the surviving member was in. The knight guarding the door nodded knocking on the bars of the cell motioning the questioning knight out.

"He's said nothing regarding the carriage and man we saw. I doubt you'll have much luck getting anything out of him but you're welcome to try." Cordelia chuckled, it seemed they had no faith in her skills at all, of course, a foreign woman trying to talk to a prisoner would be laughed at. Cordelia nodded pressing her index finger and middle finger to her lips saying a silent hymn removing the two fingers from her mouth. The man looked at her with disdain as she calmly sat down on the wooden stool closing her eyes.

"They sent a woman in here to do their job? The men here really are soft." The man sneered his bloodshot eyes not leaving Cordelia who still sat calmly, the minutes seemed to pass like hours both Theron and Naim were confused as to what Cordelia was doing. She said she wanted to question the man but yet she was saying nothing. "Oi! Are ya gonna keep sitting there or are you gonna ask-" Cordelia held up her hand slowly forming a ball the man began to gasp for breath grasping at his neck as if someone was strangling him, his eyes filled with terror looking at Cordelia, her cerulean blue eyes stared blankly at the man, her face showed no signs of emotion. "Please-" He managed to croak out tears forming at the corner of his eyes uncurling her hand the man began to gasp for air violently.

"I will only ask once and the truth better come out of your mouth. Was Marquess Latimer involved in this in any way, shape, form, or fashion?" The man nodded his head yes. "I'm assuming he didn't tell you why he wanted the antidote. Lackey's are never privy to the inner workings of a grander scheme. It's a pity your life is forfeit." He looked up in horror opening his mouth Cordelia let out a chuckle. "Did you think you could get away unharmed? You almost put someone the witch of the North cares for in harm's way. How dare you have the stupid ideation you would get away unscathed."

"Please don't kill me! I have a wife and child who need me!"

"Why should I care about their lives when you almost sacrificed his?"

"I didn't know it would affect anyone! The pay was good, it would have allowed me to provide for my family for a while that's why-" The man began gagging Cordelia closed her eyes once again as the man writhed in pain beginning to foam at the mouth.

"Remember the gesture I did when I walked in? Your fate was already sealed." She spoke standing up walking out of the cell. The knights, Naim and Theron were all surprised by her calm demeanor as the man behind her gasp for air finally going succumbing.

"Did you really kill him with that gesture?"

"No, his eyes indicated he was already beginning to feel the effects of the romatinus poison in his body. There was nothing I could do for him. It was better to have him believe I was the one who sealed his fate rather than that man."

"By that man you mean Marquess Latimer?"

"Yes, that man." Cordelia responded curtly turning to take one good look at the man holding out her hand accessing his memories. "His wife and child... Live fairly close to your palace, for the death of their father and husband I will personally go and give them money to get for the time being." She spoke walking out the dungeon Theron and Naim followed behind her asking about the marquess and his connection to the antidote. "There's no way to hold him accountable for his crimes as all of his hired fools are dead but I will bring this up to Clovis."

"You seem to be close to King Clovis." Theron commented opening the door to his office for Cordelia.

"He is my childhood friend."

"Does he think of you as just a friend?"

"What is the meaning behind that question."

"I just wanted to know. You seem to be on a first-name basis even though he is still king."

"I do not follow such silly human customs to those I do not respect King Theron." Cordelia spoke staring at Theron, he hummed in response going to his desk to continue his work. "I will retire to the room with Bastian. Once morning rises I will go meet the family."

"With what money?"

"The money I keep in my pouch." Cordelia responded heading towards the door turning back to look at Theron. "Ah, I forgot to mention this but I did not end up using your bath. A forfeit life is not suitable for the queen position." Theron looked at her in surprise hearing the word forfeit leave her mouth. The face he saw had already resigned herself to the fate that awaits her. He called for his maids to lead Cordelia to the room Bastian was sleeping in, arriving in the room she saw Bastian sleeping peacefully, a soft smile graced her face. "I hope they find your father soon so he can tried for his heinous crimes." The night in Tealel was quiet with the sound of the wildlife was the only sound you could hear, Cordelia sat on the windowsill looking up at the moon closing her eyes.

"So where are we going again, Cordelia?" Bastian asked excitedly looking around at the bustling city. The city was nothing like Yuyinela's where everything was calm and organized the city was energetic and disorganized in a good way. Stalls lined everywhere, local delicacies were being shouted tempting one to come taste them.

"We are going to one of the families of the man who died last night." Bastian nodded continuing to look at the stalls and people compared to the people in Yuyinela who had fair skin the people of Tealel had tan skin. Bastian was in awe of how pretty and handsome everyone looked.

"Stop!" A voice screamed out Cordelia looked and saw two young girls being cornered by two bulky men and she could guess they had sinister intentions. Walking up to the men let go of Bastian's hand squeezing between the two to shield the two girls.

"And just who're you?!" One of the men yelled she could smell alcohol on him scrunching up her nose in disgust.

"Isn't it a bit early to be drowning yourself in sorrow?" Cordelia mockingly asked the man let out a confused noise going to grab Cordelia's neck.

"Cordelia!!" She didn't flinch as the man grabbed her neck smirking at her.

"Look at this poor defenseless woman. She can't even do anything." The man continued to boast Cordelia had grown tired of hearing him and dung her nails into his hand holding her neck making him howl in pain releasing her, she dropped to the ground and stood up her eyes boring holes into both men.

"Have you ever been fodder for a vampire before?"


"I doubt your blood would taste good but since you seem so brazen enough to go after children and choke anyone who gets in your way you'll do." Cordelia spoke a sinister smile on her face the two men scared out of their wits stayed on the ground shaking in fear Cordelia let out a low chuckle tilting her head. "Your fear smells delicious." Cordelia mused turning around to look at the children who stared wide-eyed at her. "Are you harmed in any way?" The two shook their heads Cordelia held out her right hand for Bastian to take prompting him to run between the two and grab her hand, she ushered the other kids with her leaving the two men who still sat on the ground.

"Why didn't you bite them?"

"Their blood would have tasted horrible."

"Do you drink blood, Cordelia? I've never seen you drink blood."

"I can go months without drinking blood but I do need to drink blood to not end up like the vampires who become blood deprived."

"Would my blood work?"

"I don't drink the blood of children. I should have Bhoots go to the blood bank for me."

"Um... Thank you for saving us!" The eldest spoke looking at Cordelia. "I'm Imogene and this is my little sister Natalia!"

"You're welcome, Imogene and Natalia. I apologize for just bring you along but I didn't want to leave you with those men." Cordelia explained slightly bowing her head causing Imogene to get flustered.

"I understand! Those guys were trying to get money from us because our uncle borrowed some from them." Imogene hastily said waving her hands frantically.

"Cordelia we should go, we still have to deliver the money."

"You're right. Imogene and Natalia, please get home safely okay?"

"We will!"

woo boy this one was a lot!! and not just because of Cordelia,,,

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