
The dead girls alive

I am my own person. I make my own story. This is my life. You will not deny me. Cordelia von Argeos Oribiana has one goal in sight. To find out why girls with red hair were killed. Was it because of their red hair? Maybe because of the emotion magic they harnessed? Why were they always killed, what did they do that was so bad it resulted in their death? Who was behind the killings? How many? Was it the king? Was it other nobles? She didn't know but she is willing to put her life on the line to find out.

xazaxi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

chapter twenty-five

"Is this the faerie realm?" Bastian asked looking around in awe, the colors of the faerie realm were vibrant the grass was a vibrant chartreuse green, the water was crystal clear blue and he could have sworn the water was sparkling Estrella chuckled at the boy who was looking around excitedly.

"Yes, our world is far more vibrant than that of the human world." Estrella explained floating towards the town's centre. "we also have different types of faerie's as you can see there." She pointed to the garden faerie's who were watering their gardens merrily.

"Faeries have jobs!?" Bastian asked his mouth wide open in shock, he had never seen faeries in all his life. They never came to their house before and Bastian did not blame them.

"Not jobs per see, more like our duty. It is our duty to maintain our realm. Each faerie has a specific duty they are born with. I am the keeper of the portals, I maintain the portal's integrity and make sure every faerie can get in and out of the portals. I can hear when a faerie wishes to pass-through a portal to get back home." Estrella explained waving to the other faeries who happily waved back the faeries noticed Cordelia and tried their best not to laugh at her childlike appearance she playfully glared at them and did a quick wave trying to keep up to the pace of Estrella. As they continued to walk Bastian asked more questions about the various faeries all the while, Cordelia thought of how best to approach meeting the king of Tealel. It was not as though he was as heartless and tyrannical as the king of Beveluma but she had never met him as not many women seeking to relocate went to the East. "Here we are! The door to Tealel." Estrella spoke opening the door to reveal a portal. "You'll be sent right to the palace gates until you move you will be invincible, however, I am not sure if you will be able to get an audience with the king today." Cordelia nodded grabbing Bastian's hand, he waved goodbye to Estrella as Cordelia walked through the portal.

"We've made it." Cordelia spoke looking around, the palace was a modest size for a king it wasn't anything like Clovis' palace. The colors were softer, as if the palace was enticing you to believe there was nothing to be afraid of. Cordelia walked up to the two guards who did a double-take on the girl and boy pair.

"You two don't look to be from around here. How can we help you?" One of the knights asked smiling at Cordelia, it was almost bliss to not have snarky remarks or disgusted stares pointed her way for once. These people didn't know her, nor the power she possessed.

"We would like an audience with the king." The knights looked at each other and then back at Cordelia. One motioned for the other to go talk to the king's attendant, following the signal the knight went into the palace and as they were waiting the other knight decided to make small conversation.

"What is your name? I'm Noam Kontozsis."

"Lia. This is Bastian."

"Okay uh, do you mom and dad know you're here?"

"We have no mother nor father."

"Are you orphans?"


"Okay, why are you asking to meet the king?" Annoyed at his questions Cordelia turned Bastian around and lifted his shirt just enough to where the knight to see the sigil on his back.

"Black magic." The knight said nothing his eyes did the talking, he was horrified at the sight without another word he cautiously held out his hand for Cordelia to grab realizing he too realized why she asked for the audience she grabbed his hand he picked her up placing her on his shoulders as Bastian quickly turned around cheeks flushed with embarrassment Naom picked Bastian up as well.

"You never told me why we needed to go to the East Lia..." Bastian brought up as Naom hastily began walking to the audience room.

"The pillapalla fruit is banned because it is tied to black magic, it originated here and so does the antidote. There is nowhere else in the world that has this antidote as it was banned as well."

"You're very knowledgable about the pillapalla fruit Lia." Naom expressed his surprise tilting his head to see Cordelia who nodded.

"It took me three days to find this information out. You should put me down, I can feel myself growing." Cordelia spoke Naom did as told and put Cordelia down though he thought she was joking in an instant Cordelia was back to her regular size shocking Naom. "My childlike appearance was because I had to use a specific spell to see the hidden words." She continued walking side by side with Naom, who was utterly fascinated she changed into a teenage girl. The knight from before came racing down the hall almost bumping into Naom.

"Naom! Did someone already tell you the king accepted the request?"

"No, but I was going to plead with his majesty if he did not allow the audience."

"What? Why?"

"The boy has eaten the pillapalla fruit. I didn't ask but what day is he on do you know Lia?"

"Yes, he is on the third incubation day." Naom clicked his tongue nodded to the other knight and continued down the long hall. The interiors were as mellow as the outside, the walls were a calming cashmere yellow with silver intricate designs lining the top and bottom of the walls. The windows were a stunning shade of red, pink, purple, and white stain glass causing the reflection to cast down on the floor. As they neared the king's audience room they could all hear what appeared to be the king hysterically crying and Cordelia worried for a second that they were going to walk in at an inopportune time looking at Naom for confirmation he just sighed continuing to walk towards the door as the wailing got louder, they arrived at the door before Naom could open the door, it swung open and the crying king engulfed Cordelia in a hug.

"You finally visited me! I thought I'd never get to see you again!" The king wailed sobbing on a shocked Cordelia's shoulder, she was frozen in confusion. Did she know the king and just didn't remember him? Or was he mistaking her for someone else? Naom put Bastian down and yanked the king off of Cordelia.

"Your majesty Theron Indigo Nevelah Nikalaou-Theodorou! How many times must I tell you that is not how you conduct yourself!" Naom scolded his eyebrows furrowing Theron meekly looked up at Naom wiping his tears. Hearing his name memories rushed back to Cordelia of her time in the palace.

"I understand now. You're the king back then you were the prince." Cordelia muttered hearing this Theron smiled widely sticking his arms out for Cordelia to go in to but Naom promptly went into the audience chamber and sat Theron down on his chair, Cordelia and Bastian followed.

"How can I help you, Cordelia?" Theron asked his smile never dropping from his face.

"I need the antidote for the pillapalla fruit."

You need the what now?"