
The dead girls alive

I am my own person. I make my own story. This is my life. You will not deny me. Cordelia von Argeos Oribiana has one goal in sight. To find out why girls with red hair were killed. Was it because of their red hair? Maybe because of the emotion magic they harnessed? Why were they always killed, what did they do that was so bad it resulted in their death? Who was behind the killings? How many? Was it the king? Was it other nobles? She didn't know but she is willing to put her life on the line to find out.

xazaxi · Fantasy
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30 Chs

chapter nineteen

"What are you two doing here?" Bhoots asked looking at both Claudia and Zeke who were on the porch of the home, hearing his voice Claudia got up and ran to hug Cordelia.

"Oh I'm so happy you're back! I made some cookies and wanted to share them with you and on the way, I saw Duke Ezekial on the outskirts of the forest so I invited him with me!" Cordelia could not say she was surprised this happened but she was, to say the least, a little annoyed at how many people would be in her home.

"I... See." Were the only words she spoke getting out of Claudia's grasp walking up to the door to take the magical seal off the door walking in with Bhoots and Rio right behind her followed by Claudia and Zeke. The room was quiet save for the bubbling of the water in the cauldron Cordelia had begun to make sandwiches and a salad while Bhoots and Claudia watched, Zeke was doing paperwork and Rio was upstairs resting.

"Who are you making the food for?" Claudia asked as she watched Cordelia meticulously cut all the sides from the bread and left out the tomatoes but put them on the side of the salad showed it was going to someone she cared for. Cordelia didn't answer outright calling upon Estrella once again.

"I was just about to come here! She just got through with the food you sent a few weeks ago!" Not bothering to look at the guest she set the basket down while Cordelia placed the sandwiches and salad in the basket. "Tomatoes again? You know she isn't going to eat them, she hates the seeds."

"They're good for her. Sooner or later she's going to have to eat them."

"Tell that to the barrel of wasted tomatoes she's lucky in the faerie realm food doesn't go bad otherwise we'd have thrown them out long ago! I'll tell Roggy that there's more tomatoes for him!" Estrella said grabbing the basket and going back to through the portal even though they were not looking at Cordelia she could feel they wanted to ask.

"The food is for... A friend. She's been living in the faerie realm." She did not expand upon the subject and no one asked her about it either because they all saw the look of pain on her face. Not even a few minutes later Cordelia felt the presence of five people near her barrier going out the door leaving she saw the five boys she had met yesterday who waved as soon as they saw her. She opened the barrier to let them through.

"I told you it was really nice in here! There's no loud sounds here!"

"Did you remember to bring it?"

"Yeah, here you go, Cordelia! We wanted to give you a present." The youngest boy held out a box which was rimmed with gold lace, she took the box and lead the boys to home offering a quiet thanks. Once they got to her home the boys stopped and stood in a line going from oldest to youngest.

"We have to introduce ourselves, we realized we had not since we met you. I am Bastian Van Der Capellen" Bastian proudly spoke, his brilliant bright royal purple eyes shimmered with pride as he spoke his name, Cordelia could tell that he was the one who put his words into action and was not deterred from his path, the next to introduce himself was Hugo, he did not so much as bat an eye when he stated his name his cool demeanor gave Cordelia the impression he did not crack under pressure. Next in line was Cody the one they stated wouldn't really be quiet and then Declan who had such a fiery gaze that Cordelia knew he'd someday lead people united for a just cause and lastly was the timid Nico who hid behind Declan once the introductions finished.

"You are more than welcome to come inside it may be a bit cramped as I have other... Uninvited guests here or you can play around the house, do try no to stray too far or you'll run into the barrier set up around the perimeter of the house." Cordelia spoke getting ready to go into the house Hugo grabbed on her dress causing her to look back.

"When you open the present don't think we're being mean, we all know you have stigma around your name and your powers and thought why not embrace it?" Hugo explained letting of her dress walking back to the other boys who were getting ready to play, Cordelia smiled and went back into the house.

"Bhoots, we have some guests who are outside, make sure they don't get hurt." Bhoots nodded going outside, Claudia looked at the box and tilted her head. "Remember the boys who we saw leaving the Duke's home, this is their present for me to embrace the stigma I was given." Opening the box Cordelia smiled genuinely, the boys had outdone themselves with the outfit they had given her, she didn't know how they acquired it and she wouldn't ask them how either. The outfit was a white straitjacket that had various zippers and straps with a high collar able to cover her nose and mouth, with long sleeves which flared outward closer to the cuffs of the outfit. Going upstairs she changed into the outfit strapping the strap just under her bust leaving the one's above her knees unstrapped.

"What in the world?"

"A new outfit. Does it not scream 'evil witch'?"

"It screams please lock me up." Rio dryly responded turning over on the bed, Cordelia smirked and went back downstairs startling both Claudia and Zeke.

"Cordelia what in-"

"YOU'RE WEARING IT!!!" Cody yelled happily running up to Cordelia who nodded. "We thought you'd hate it but you're wearing it! You're really wearing it!" He was jumping up and down from excitement Zeke motioned for her to come over to him she patted Cody on the head and he ran back out tell the other boys.

"Cordelia. What is this?"

"An outfit Duke Ezekial."

"How was this procured, you can't just-"

"The boy you saw a moment ago, Cody and his brothers got this for me. I think it's quite fitting for me as the whole populace treats me as if they'd rather see me locked up and tried for my 'crimes'. Shouldn't you be leaving? I'm sure your servants and knights are worried you have not returned." Without saying a word he organized his papers and headed out the door without another word. "Claudia follow him, you have to leave too. Mariella will scold you if you don't." Hearing this Claudia sprung up quickly hugging Cordelia saying goodbye and raced out the door Cordelia chuckled going to the door Bhoots stared at Cordelia in surprise. "Boys! It's time to go home, I'm sure your family will be worried if you're not home!"

"Nah, our mom and dad hate us. We're treated like we don't exist in their eyes, they won't mind if we're not home. The only one who matters is our sister. They say she's gonna be the saintess." Bastian spoke his shoulders slumped Cordelia walked down the steps and went to Bastian crouching down to his height.

"Well I care about you and I know you don't want to but-"

"Why don't we just stay here?"


"Our family treats us like we don't exist, we are neglected by our maids and we never get our meals served to us. We resort to making food on our own. I'd rather we be here than with that family any longer."

Ahhh by the graces of the goddess Nadphine why can things just not be easy for me.

You might be thinking WHAT? I am also thinking mcsuse me? Really when thinking of a new outfit I imagined C2 and thought yes, this is the outfit she needs!

xazaxicreators' thoughts