
The dead girls alive

I am my own person. I make my own story. This is my life. You will not deny me. Cordelia von Argeos Oribiana has one goal in sight. To find out why girls with red hair were killed. Was it because of their red hair? Maybe because of the emotion magic they harnessed? Why were they always killed, what did they do that was so bad it resulted in their death? Who was behind the killings? How many? Was it the king? Was it other nobles? She didn't know but she is willing to put her life on the line to find out.

xazaxi · Fantasy
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30 Chs

chapter five

"Yes, it's been a while... Mama."

"A while? You come every once in a blue moon child! Who are the people behind you?"


"Come in, come in! I'll fix you some delicious food!" The family hesitantly sat down as the dishes were brought out for them, digging in. Cordelia sat on the stool in front of Leonarda.

"Two rooms and the usual room for me."

"Okay dear, I'll show them up. Why don't you go rest?" Cordelia nodded heading up to her usual room sitting on the floor staring at the moon letting out a small sigh.

"It would be better if I could rest but it will never allow me to."

"__! I can't go through with this! I can't kill you!""__, you must. You are the saintess while I ___."

"__!!! Why didn't you tell me?!"

"__... I'm so sorry."

"No __!!! Let go! Let go of my sword please!"

"__!! __!! __!!"

Cordelia's eyes shot open, wiping her forehead drenched in sweat. Hearing the birds chirping her eyes darted to the window, it was morning or at best almost morning, standing up grabbing her cloak she slowly went downstairs to see mama Leonarda making breakfast.

"Lia! It's so rare to see you up so early! Did you have another nightmare? Look at you, you're drenched in cold sweat! I'll go draw you a bath wait right here!" Without waiting for Cordelia to answer any of her questions she rushed into the room next to her, it was where Leonarda slept. She let Cordelia use it because of her special circumstance, waiting for Leonarda to come out and let her know the bath was ready Cordelia sat down, staring at the door stray strands of hair stuck to her face, time and time again when she lowered her guard and slipped into a dreamlike state, the nightmare would plague her thoughts. Never hearing the names of the people in her nightmare all she could make out was the bright crimson red hair of the girl being dyed in her own blood, by her own hand. Her lover screaming her name, the saintess' incessant weeping, the man holding her body. The same scene over and over again.

"Lia! The bath is ready." Leonarda walked over to her gently grabbing her cold hand leading her to the bathroom. "If you need anything I'll be right outside continuing breakfast okay?" Cordelia slightly nodded as she heard the door shut, she slipped off her floor-length simple black dress, dipping her toe into the water to test it out first, she sprinkled the sea-blue bathing salt into the water plunging in. She sat in the water, thinking, listening. She rested her arms over the rim of the tub, closing her eyes.

"Good morning Leonarda!" Verity chirped cheerily walking up to the elder lady. "Do you need any help cooking?"

"I'm fine deary, you're an honored guest!"

"Are you sure, having my hands free I just... Don't know what to do?"

"Are the little ones awake yet?"

"They haven't woken up yet, it's their first time sleeping for so long so I decided to let them continue to sleep."

"Marybelle!" Jacques called out in a panic rushing out the room, he spotted Marybelle talking to Leonarda and ran down the stairs encasing her in a tight embrace.


"I was so worried... I thought he came..." Feeling his arms tremble as he held her Verity smiled rubbing the back of his head.

"Even if he did how would he ever get past Lia? Everyone in the North knows not to."

"Oh my! Speaking of Lia, I should go check on her."

"Where is she?" Verity asked looking at Leonarda, Jacques let go of her waist as he quietly went behind the counter to finish the food before the kids woke up.

"She's taking a bath right now." Leonarda responded walking to her room slowly opening the door, going into the washroom. Her eyes darted open freezing the intruder in place.

Knocking on the door, Verity asked "Leonarda where is the basil?" Hearing Leonarda's name called out relaxed Cordelia who closed her eyes again, as if nothing happened Leonard went into her room shutting the door.

"The basil is next to the dried snowberries in the blue jar!"

"Thank you!"

"I've prepared a new dress for you. I know it's not the color you typically chose but at least you'll have new clothes to wear. When you get out there will be a cloak for you as well." Leonarda stated laying a soft sapphire blue dress on the bed, hearing a ruckus out in the living area Leonarda went to investigate.

"Where is she!?"

"Who?" Verity asked terrified she grabbed ahold of Jacques's hand who squeezed her's back.

"Don't play dumb! I know you know where she is!" The fuchsia-haired man protested his shimmering yellow eyes glaring at the pair.

"Cesar! What have I said about hounding Lia's honored guests?! You do this every time she comes here!" Leonarda barked throwing her wooden spoon at his head making him recoil in pain holding his wounded head like a child who'd gotten scolded.

"I've looked everywhere for her but she's nowhere to be seen! She never informs us when she's coming!" He protested furrowing his eyebrows.

"Sir Cesar." A soft monotonous voice called out, hearing this voice his shoulders tensed. "How can I, a lowly noble, inform His Majesty, the King Silas every time I enter the Southern territory? Would it not be giving not only my position away but that of my clients?" Cordelia folded her arms tilting her head slightly looking at the man as he stood frozen in fear.

"You... You have a point, Lia..." He muttered out his shoulders sulking down, Cordelia turned her attention to the frightened Verity who was trembling so profusely she had to be steadied by Jacques. Walking up to the pair she placed her hand on Verity's back a soft blue light glimmering under her hand, Jacques looked at her in confusion as Verity calmed down. Cordelia didn't explain her actions as she turned to face Cesar again who was happily chatting with Leonarda, the kids came out of the room running down the stairs to see the knight.

"It's a real knight!" Timmy and Tommy exclaimed running up to Cesar awestruck. "What are you doing here Mr.Knight?!" Cesar unused to the attention started stammering over his words.

"I'm h-here to escort Lady Lia to the royal city." The two boys turned their attention to Lia who was double-checking her herbs.

"Lady Lia you know a knight!?" She looked at them her soft pale cerulean's landed on the boys who were so interested in her relationship with Cesar, she decided to entertain the boys.

"Yes. Prince Cesar Ashfield Darlington-Whit, youngest son of His Majesty the King Silas Albert Darlington-Whit. He has been a longtime friend since I first started making herbs and leading people to a better life."

"Lia!" Cesar yelled out flustered covering his beet-red face, the boys stood in amazement. Not only did Cordelia know a knight but he was also the youngest prince! Hearing he was royalty Verity spun around and quickly curtsied.

"P-please forgive our rudeness, your highness! Had I known-"

"There's no need for formalities," Cordelia interjected before Verity could finish "In the line of duty and in the field he is simply known as Sir Cesar."

"Then why did you say my whole name, Lia!?" Cesar asked his eyes glaring at her, she smirked and tilted her head back making strands of her hair fall on her face.

"Why, I simply enjoy the ever so flustered state you seem to go in when your full name is called."


"Yes, your highness?" Cordelia mused looking at Cesar who became more flustered, hearing no words out of his mouth Cordelia sat down as Leonarda began to set the table for breakfast. She ushered Cesar to sit as well, which he obliged sitting next to Cordelia. "Your highness, how is it the king knew of my arrival?"

"Well, you know... Word gets around?"

"Your response sounds like a question." Cordelia retorted taking a sip of her herbal tea, Cesar could not refute this but it wasn't as though he could rightly tell Cordelia that his father stationed knights-in-training in the small town of Salilona to be on the lookout for when she might arrive. In front of her cold gaze, he had to come up with an irrefutable reason as to why the king knew of her arrival. "I can see the wheels turning in your head, your highness." Cordelia remarked closing her eyes, in the end, the tongue-tied Cesar was embarrassed again by the mystical Cordelia while the family watched in enjoyment. It was the families very first peaceful breakfast.

For this chapter, I wasn't sure if I should continue to call her Verity or her new name Marybelle, but I decided to call her Marybelle and Verity because this is their new beginning. I still call her Verity just in case some get confused although I think calling her both is confusing too!

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