
How it all started

Sunday afternoon 2021,

Hi my name is billy and I will explain to you how the world came to a end. Well first my family and I were in my bright yellow house when darkness struck. I heard a bunch of people screaming and I saw zombies I was like oh my god the movies are true!

Then I tried to warn my family but they went outside to check it out but the were viciously attacked by the zombies. But one of my little brothers stayed behind so I took him and went up stairs with a bunch of food. I knew that we were going to have to go outside because lets just say I am kinda a stressful eater.

So of course my brother needed to have some food so we practically had to take our own bunch. I was really bored and I really mean it so I was trying to look for something I could do. I hit the mother load of board games there was a bunch of then so I let my brother choose. So after a week of drinking water and eating food disaster hit there was a zombie trying to get into my room.

So I had to do what ever a big brother had to do take is his brother and hide in the closet like a cowered. But I knew that I couldn't be the scared one so I grabbed a bat that I had in my room opened the door and hit the zombie. Lets just say it got real messy real quick so then I had to drag the zombie down stairs so my brother wouldn't see it.