
The Day She Met a Heartless Guy

The story follows the protagonist Raver Xyle Sarmiento who is a weird, introvert, alone, and a heartless guy who lives his life with nothing but himself. He lost everything he had back when he was just a child. Unexpectedly, a bad accident happened to him that changed his gloomy life. He bumped into a jolly-outgoing famous girl from his college university— Coulyne Faye Natividad. Little did he know, she's the same girl from his high school who's one of the reason that his heart turned into a stone. As he continue his new life, a lot of things are changing. "Is she thankful? Or does she regrets everything? After that day she met a heartless guy. The day she met me." — Raver Xyle Sarmiento Disclaimer: The image used as the cover of the novel is purely not made by the author, credits to the rightful owner/s.

voidofdazh · Realistic
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21 Chs

The First Day in the Resort

"Huh?! Why would I be partnering with her? I might as well stay at the hotel like Claire," I interrupted to her suggestion. I gave her a 'Are you kidding me right niw?!' look.

"Oh, did you forgot already? My family own this whole resort and you got here for free. I can take you in prison if I tell the police that you tresspassed this place," professor Smith replied with a smirk on her face.

I rolled my eyes because of anger. I took the menu again to cover my face. I don't want to see that old woman's irritating face.

Is that my fault?! They kidnapped me! I wouldn't be here in the first place if they let me live a peaceful semestral break!

"Now, I'm much more excited than before. Take good care of me!" Coulyne said to me with her melting smiles again.

But for the typical boys only in case you forgot. That trick will never work on me. Never.

If you're wondering how everything ended up to this, let me tell you a tragic story on how my already-disaster semestral break changed into a catastrophe.

"Oh by the way, we will explore the resort by partner. Claire and Coulyne you will be the partner-"

"Oh sorry, professor Smith. But I have to do something while you're enjoying the rest of the day. I can't accompany president," Claire then interrupted her.

Professor Smith looked at her with a confused expression. We also looked at Claire with the same reaction.

The waiter took our orders first before we continued our conversation. I'm already excited about what would be the taste of those foods.

"Oh, what was that? Some kind of emergency?" professor Jimmy then asked. Claire nodded at her before taking a sip on her glass of water.

"Yeah, sort of. My Mom sometimes wants me to help her with the paperworks when she couldn't handle it herself. But don't worry, I will surely finish it until tonight," she then answered and gave us an assuring smile.

I heard professor Smith sighed after Claire talked. I then took the menu again to look for other delicious foods.

"Oh, you already know something about business, huh? Why didn't you take business-related course then instead of architecture?" professor asked her curiously.

"I don't like that stuff. I just kind of need to do it. But ever since I was a little kid, I have always wanted to be an architect," Claire replied to her with a smile.

That makes me think. Why did I choose engineering again? I guess because of the high salary.

Oh, that's right. It was my dream before when I was just a little kid like her.

Is that still my dream? I don't know.

I guess I'm just contented to the fact that I can still breathe and living a normal life.

"You, Coulyne. Why did you choose architecture?" professor Smith asked Coulyne after Claire.

Claire looked at her in surprise. She put the menu back to the table before answering professor Smith's question.

"It's really my dream. I want to design houses for people who can't afford to build one. I also have an interest when it comes to structures and different buildings," she answered with a wide smile.

That's really it. Although I have only known her for a short period of time, I can feel her kindness towards other people.

She's not wearing any mask on her face. That's also the reason she's famous to other students.

Despite having a rich life, she's doing all of this and she's having such a kind-hearted dream.

While the other rich people are using the lower people to keep themselves at the top. Turning a blind eye to everything they have done wrong.

All people are really different from each other.

"You, Rave—What is your course again? I forgot what it was," professor said to me, scratching the top of her head.

"I took engineering," I answered before sighimg heavily.

"Yes, engineering. Why did you choose that course?" she then asked me, leaning her elbow above the table, real curious about what will be my answer.

"Beats me. I don't even know myself," I answered to her in a cold tone. Her face changed instantly; the curious look she had earlier turned into a disappointed one.

I'm also disappointed to myself so that look of hers will not affect my human life. That will not stop me from falling asleep at night.

"Well, as long as you are doing good. I guess there is nothing to worry about except your treatment to other people; the way you interact with humans," she replied, letting out a sigh.

"What's the problem with my interaction with humans? They are just foolish ones, it's not my fault that they can't comprehend simple and logical understanding-"

"Oh, that's enough with your out-of-this-world realization or anything. Let's go back to the topic," professor Smith interrupted me. I took a deep sigh because of it.

Ugh. Humans are so pathetic. But these women beside me are the worst.

Why? I'm sure you already know why. It's really evident.

"Since Claire couldn't go with us, you Raver, and Coulyne will be the partner-"

And then I interrupted her. That's the reason behind of my complaint to that old woman.

"I might as well go with professor Jimmy instea-"

"Definitely not. He's coming with me, not to you," professor Smith interrupted, giving me a threatening smile. I immediately looked away.

Okay, he's all yours. Wait, are they already dating or are they still in the courting stage?

"Oh, I suddenly rememberd something. Did you two started dating already?" Coulyne asked them first that made professor Smith nervous while professor Jimmy just laughed it off.

"I'm thinking the same thing too professors," Claire then added with a curious look.

"T-That's not part of your busine—Oh! The foods are here! I'm really hungry!" she avoided the question. She then laughed awkwardly.

"These foods are really delicious! My pallete is going crazy!" Claire said while eating her food.

She was right. These foods are really good but I think the prices are not really worth it. I'm sure that there are foods that taste like this and are more cheaper.

"Aren't you satisfied with the food, Raver? This is a 5-star restaurant. Perhaps you tried these dishes before," professor Smith asked me with one of her eyebrow rose up.

"Yeah. These are good and no, I haven't tried these dishes before," I answered to her in my serious tone. I heard her giggled after I talked.

"Hahahahaha. But your expression tells otherwise," she then added. I just ignored her and continued eating my foods.

After eating lunch, we came back at the hotel. Professor Smith told us to change our clothes into swimming attires.

"This is okay. I don't have any clothes other than this," I said to them while we're inside the elevator.

"Don't worry, we already solved that. I already bought you new clothes before we get here. The plan was complete and precise," she answered, proud of herself.

"Okay. Whatever."

When I got back to my room, the clothes are already on the bed. She also bought goggles.

But I almost freaked out after remembering something important while I was staring at the blue goggles.

"I don't know how to swim!" I told to myself while my body was shaking.

How could I forget that?! What am I going to do now?! I'm sure they laugh hard at me when they find out about this!

I must get myself away to the depths of the water and if everything comes to worse, I'll just pretend that I am an Olympic swimmer.

"Hello, Raver! Are you ready to explore the resort with me?" Coulyne approached me after I got back at the ground floor.

I glanced at her, then I immediately looked away. She's wearing black swimsuit and I hate to admit it but it is really good on her.

Hopefully, no one is going to make a move to her once we go out here, because this is a noble resort, they know how to discipline themselves.

"Do you like my swimsuit?" Coulyne asked me with a wide smile on her face. She then clung onto my arms.

Ugh! Help me! It's pressing! I can really feel it! Is this heaven? No! This is definitely hell!

"Whatever. Let's just go," I said, pushing her away. When I was about to leave with Coulyne behind me, professor Smith called us.

"Hey Raver! You need to come back here before it gets dark. Enjoy!" she said. I just nodded and continued walking.

After walking for like 5 minutes, we have reached the first swimming pool. It's really big and so wide. Only few people are swimming here.

It's a rectangle swimming pool with a huge fountain in the middle. And when you look at it, you can tell that it is deep.

I think I need to back out.

"Coulyne, I think I forgot somethi-"

"Hey, Miss! You look fabulous! Do you want to come with me? And you know, have some fun or something." A guy suddenly went to us.

He's more muscular compared to me but I'm more attractive. Also, based on his looks, he's rich.

"I'm sorry! But I already have someone with m-"

"Oh, him?! Really?! Hahahahahaha! He looks cheap! If you come with me, I will give you anything that you want! I'm the son of the vice-chairman of a car company," he then mocked me.

Coulyne looked at me after that, checking my reaction. But I just ignored it because I feel sorry for his idiot brain.

"Oh, that's great! But unfortunately, I can't really come with you," Coulyne replied to him but he held her hand when we were about to leave.

"Wait a minute! I have spectacular place to show you!" the guy insisted. Coulyne took his hand away.

"I'm really sorry! We need to go now," she answered before turning her back on him.

The guy was about to hold her hand again but I grabbed it and I hold it firmly. I looed at him with my dead eyes.

"She said she will not. Don't you dare touch her again. Have some respect, will you?" I told him in a monotonous tone.

"Huh?! Who are you to tell me that?!" he replied to me with an angry tone. I looked at him straight in the eyes.

"Who am I you said? Well, I'm a Mafia boss and if you will not leave her immediately, my sniper will shoot that useless brain of yours out of your stupid skull, you understand?" I whispered on his ears.

His face immediately changed. He's now sweating really bad and his body is trembling out of fear.

This guy is really an idiot.

"A-Are you kidding me?! Stop this nonsense!" he replied to me unrespectfully. I smirked at him because of that.

If I was a Mafia boss, money wouldn't be a problem and I'm not like this. Get a clue already.

"Well, I guess I have no choice."

I then put my hand up in the air, doing a signal thing. I was about to close my palm but he quickly ran away.

"Tsk. Idiot." After that, we left already because maybe other guy will show up again.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked Coulyne with my one eyebrow rose up. She's still smiling.

We're sitting on the stairs of the swimming pool. I'm okay here because I can still manage and I don't have to swim if I stay.

"It's nothing. I just thought that you were so cool earlier. That man ran away because of fear, I can't believe it. If only he knew who you really ar-"

"Stop insulting me. I didn't save you. He's just annoying," I replied to her and it made her laugh.

She then did a dive to the bottom part of the pool. I panicked because she's not coming back up after 10 seconds.

"That was good! Hey, Raver! Let's swim!" she said with a happy smile. She's unexpectedly good at swimming.

But not me.

"No. I'm okay. I don't feel like swimming," I answered. She's now looking at me with weird expression.

"Don't tell me, you don't know how to swim?" she said before laughing. I immediately looked away.

"Just so you know, I won a swimming tournament once." She then looked at me in shock.

Is that a right choice that I said that? Ugh. Why did I say that?

"Maybe you won because the other participants saw you and they back out because of that!" she mocked me and started laughing again.

I was about to stand up but I slipped and I accidentally fell to the bottom of the pool.

Damn it! I think my life will end here without even touching bo-

"Raver! Hang on!" I heard Coulyne's voice before my sight turned into black and my consciousness vanished.

I opened my eyes and all I can see is the sunlight. My body feels heavy and I feel like all my energy has been absorbed by something.

"What happened to me? Where am I?" I looked around and I'm now sitting at a chair. Coulyne is beside me, sipping an orange juice.

"Oh, glad you are still alive," she replied with a smile on her face.

Did something happen? Oh, that's right. I fell to the bottom of the pool.

"Did you save me?" I asked her, raising one of my eyebrows.

"Yeah, and I loved it. I wish I could do it some other time," she said to me wiith a weird smile.

"Then that means... Did you do a CPR?" I asked her nervously, it made me stood up on the chair.

"Hmm? Who knows? Maybe I did or maybe I didn't. I will leave that to your imagination," she replied then she winked at me before taking another sip on her orange juice.

This girl! If she really did, that was my first kiss! I hate this! Let's get our hopes high!

That's right! I'm sure my unconscious body did something to stop that from happening!

This is the worst! Maybe I should have learned how to swim!